Boromo: The epidemiological situation marked by measles and malaria

The High Commissioner of Balé Province, Ibrahim Boly, chaired the first ordinary session of the year 2024 of the provincial epidemic management committee of the Boromo health district on Thursday, May 18 2024.

Participants followed a presentation of the epidemiological situation and the results of the Measles-Rubella campaign held from February 26 to March 3, 2024.

Measles and malaria are the diseases that have marked the epidemiological situation in the Balé province since the beginning of the year, according to the health information and epidemiological surveillance service (SISSE) of the Boromo health district.

The statistics on these diseases and the results of the response actions carried out were presented to the stakeholders of the provincial epidemic management committee during its first ordinary session of the year, held on May 18, 2024 in Boromo. The work of the session focused on the presentation of the epidemiological situation in the district, the results of the Measles-Rubella vaccination cam
paign in the province and the intervention of the Red Cross.

According to the information provided daily by the fifty (50) health facilities in the district during the first quarter, measles and malaria were the most worrying epidemic diseases.

Cases of measles have been reported in the communes of Fara, Poura, Sibi, Ouri and Boromo. The first cases, according to the head of SISSE, Robert Sorgho, appeared in the village of Thon, in the commune of Fara.

To stem the epidemic, a local response campaign was carried out from February 8 to 12, 2024, in addition to the national campaign which took place from February 26 to March 3, 2024.

Coverage of the two measles campaigns is satisfactory at district level; certain health facilities have even exceeded the threshold of one hundred percent of the affected vaccination target, according to the head of the expanded vaccination program, Issouf Dao. This campaign also revealed that several hundred children up to four years old have never had contact with a vaccine si
nce their birth.

The malaria situation in the province is worrying, especially among children, according to health officials. Statistics revealed 21,183 cases, including 7,138 among children. In the first quarter of the year, there were 897 cases of malaria among children, with 342 serious cases, including 5 deaths.

Boromo district is above the threshold set by the Ministry of Health, according to chief medical officer Hippolyte Bouda.

Faced with the situation, Doctor Hippolyte Bouda affirmed that a caravan to destroy mosquito nests in households and streets will take place in order to raise awareness among the population about practical individual and collective actions against malaria and dengue fever in the coming days. future.

High Commissioner Ibrahim Boly congratulated the agents of the Boromo health district for their commitment to the well-being of the populations and the satisfactory results obtained during the various vaccination campaigns.

However, Mr. Boly invited the various leaders of the s
ocio-professional strata to support the efforts of the health authorities. In addition, he instructed the prefects and presidents of special delegations for this purpose. The provincial authority also expressed gratitude to the Red Cross for supporting the district’s activities.

The representative of the Red Cross, Ahmadou Tall, declared the availability of his structure to support the district. He also presented the Red Cross and its missions to the participants. The session ended with recommendations and resolutions to facilitate the work of teams for better management of epidemics in the Balé province.

Source: Burkina Information Agency