Blue March: Awareness-raising walk on importance of early detection of colon cancer

As part of the Blue March event, the Health Ministry on Saturday staged a walk along the El Menzah health pathway to raise awareness of the importance of early detection of colon cancer, in collaboration with the Tunis Regional Health Directorate and with the participation of the regional directorates of Greater Tunis, health professionals and representatives of civil society.

The event, held under the slogan “Let’s join forces against colon cancer,” aims to raise public awareness of the importance of early diagnosis, project manager at the Health Ministry Lamia Mnasri Chenik told TAP, pointing out that participants in the event will run a distance of 3 km in a symbolic gesture to underline the importance of physical exercise in preventing colon cancer.

She called in this regard, for the need to carry out free cancer screening tests in basic health care centres, pointing out that 9 out of 10 patients can be cured of this type of cancer if screening is carried out early.

For her part, acting regional health
director for Tunis Rim Trabelsi said that Tunisia had recorded 3,788 new cases of colon cancer in 2023.

“It is the fourth most common cancer among men and the second most prevalent among women,” she specified.

All people aged 50 and over are eligible for screening, she explained, indicating that weight loss, abdominal pain and bleeding with stools are among the symptoms of this disease.

Trabelsi recommended adopting a healthy diet, avoiding fizzy drinks and processed meats, and reducing consumption of red meat to 500g per week as a preventive measure.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse