Bilateral cooperation: seven (07) new ambassadors hand over figurative copies of their Letters of Credence to the Minister Delegate in charge of Regional Cooperation

Ouagadougou: Mrs. Stella Eldine KABRE/KABORE, Minister Delegate for Regional Cooperation, received this Thursday, June 27, the illustrated copies of the Letters of Credence of seven new ambassadors accredited to Burkina Faso.

They are:

– HE Madame Joann LOCKARD, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Burkina Faso with residence in Ouagadougou;

– HE Madam Selma MANSOURI, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Democratic and Popular Algerian Republic to Burkina Faso with residence in Ouagadougou;

– HE Christophe BAZIVAMO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Rwanda to Burkina Faso with residence in Abuja (Nigeria);

– HE Antonio Guillen HIDALGO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Spain to Burkina Faso with residence in Bamako (Mali);

– HE Armando Albino AFARA, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Republic of Guinea Bissau to Burkina Faso with residence in Dakar (Senegal);

-SEM Bartho
miej ZDANIUK, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Burkina Faso with residence in Dakar (Senegal);

-and finally HE General Major Anjum ENAYAT, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Burkina Faso with residence in Tripoli (Libya).

These newly accredited diplomats all thanked the highest authorities of Burkina Faso for the warm welcome given to them.

They expressed their joy and pride in serving in Burkina Faso, and they all made a commitment to work to strengthen and develop cooperation ties between their countries and the country of upright men.

Receiving the figurative copies of the letters of credence of the new diplomats, Mrs. Stella Eldine KABRE/KABORE welcomed them and every success in their respective mandates.

She took the opportunity to explain to them the vision of the Burkinabe authorities in terms of bilateral cooperation.

A vision which is in line with the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development, with the
4 axes of the fight against terrorism, the management of the humanitarian crisis, the rebuilding of the State and national reconciliation .

She explained to them that the priority remains the fight against terrorism, specifying that in addition to endogenous initiatives such as the call launched by the President of Faso for a mobilization of Burkinabè for the benefit of the Patriotic Support Fund, Burkina Faso is counting on sincere partners, truly friendly countries, to meet the security challenge.

To all the new ambassadors, Mrs. Stella Eldine KABRE/KABORE indicated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabè Abroad, is available and willing to support them in the success of their missions in Burkina Faso.

Please note that the delivery of the Figured Copies precedes the presentation of the Letters of Credence to the President of Faso Head of State Captain Ibrahim TRAORE who will take place on Friday June 28, 2024

Source: Burkina Information Agency