Bazèga: More than 200 thousand documents soon to be digitized at Kombissiri town hall

Ouagadougou: The launch of the operation to digitize civil status registers in the commune of Kombissiri, province of Bazèga, took place on July 9, 2024 at the town hall of Kombissiri. More than 200,000 documents need to be digitized to be secure and saved.

Preserving and saving the information contained in the civil status registers of the commune of Kombissiri is the objective of the operation to digitize civil status registers.

The launch of the operation, chaired by the Secretary General of the Bazèga province, Wossolème Clarisse Denni, took place on Tuesday July 9, 2024 at the town hall of Kombissiri.

Given the importance of recording civil status events and producing life statistics, this digitization operation provides a solution to the civil status system in Burkina Faso, marked by multiple dysfunctions, particularly in the conservation and preservation of its records.

Source: Burkina Information Agency