ARRU: TND 55 million to rehabilitate several neighbourhoods in Kasserine

The Urban Rehabilitation and Renovation Agency (French: ARRU) intends to rehabilitate several neighbourhoods in Kasserine, Ennour, Foussana, Sbeitla and Sbiba in the period spanning 2024 and 2028, CEO Ahmed Ezzeddine told TAP on Sunday. A total amount of TND 55 million is earmaked to this end.

Targets include the rehabilitation of Essalem neighbourhood in Foussana. Works have been underway since January 19, 2024, at a total cost of TND 4.1 million.

The project provides for the development of roads and the creation of networks of sanitation, rainwater drainage and drinking water, in addition to public lighting and rehabilitation of 100 houses.

An industrial space will also be created along with a sports hall and parks.

The ARRU will also seek to rehabilitate five neighbourhoods under the second generation of the Programme for the Rehabilitation and Integration of Residential Areas (PRIQH2).These projects provide for refurbishing infrastructure and houses.

Calls for tenders will be launched in April 2024 t
o rehabilitate Essourour district in Sbeitla and embellish Ezzouhour neighbourhood in Sbiba.

ARRU actions target 160 districts across the country in the period from 2024 to 2028 at a total cost of TND 671 million, Ahmed Ezzeddine further said.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse