Arrest warrants issued against Lotfi Ali and former CEO of Gafsa Phosphate Company

Tunis: Two committal warrants issued against businessman and former MP, Lotfi Ali, and former CEO of the Gafsa Phosphate Company (CPG), Romdhane Souid, have been implemented, Saturday, said Deputy Attorney General at the Economic and Financial Judicial Division, Sonia Moussaoui,

Speaking to TAP, Moussaoui added that the Indictment Chamber at the Tunis Court of Appeal Specializing in Financial Corruption Cases, issued arrest warrants against Lotfi Ali, his brother Mouldi Ali, Abdelwaheb Hfaïedh, Romdhane Souid and Slim Feriani (Minister of Industry under the Chahed government).

The case concerns a phosphate extraction and transport contract signed between the CPG and the three defendants, she pointed out.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse