Africa Day: The African Diplomatic Group expresses ‘its solidarity with Burkina Faso’

Ouagadougou: On the occasion of Africa Day, the African Diplomatic Group expressed on Saturday May 25, 2024 in the evening in Ouagadougou, ‘its solidarity with Burkina Faso’ and reiterated ‘its availability to support the country in meeting the challenges that arise, by supporting the efforts underway during this period of Transition.

‘The celebration of Africa Day offers us the opportunity to send to the High Authorities and the Burkinabe Government our most sincere wishes for a happy Africa Day, and we also express our wishes for peace, prosperity and well-being for the brotherly Burkinabè people,’ said Saturday evening in Ouagadougou, the Dean of the African Diplomatic Group and Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Burkina Faso Youssef Slaoui.

Mr. Slaoui spoke on the occasion of the reception marking the celebration of the 61st anniversary of Africa Day in the presence of the Minister Delegate in charge of Regional Cooperation Stella Kabré and several diplomats accredited to Burkina Faso.

The African
Group, through the voice of its Dean, wished Burkina Faso every success in the implementation of ‘its various development and cooperation programs on the African and international levels to achieve the objectives set by the Government so that the country experience the growth necessary for its development for the advent of a prosperous and triumphant Burkina’.

The 61st anniversary of Africa Day is being held under the theme ‘Educating and qualifying Africa for the 21st century’. The Moroccan diplomat stressed that Africa has made significant progress in education over the past 60 years, with more girls in school and students in higher education than ever before.

‘In 2024, the African continent will have the largest population of young people on the planet. By 2030, around 230 million jobs in Africa will require digital skills. School practices must evolve to meet these future employability needs and promote creativity, critical thinking and problem solving,’ he said.

The Dean of the African Diplomatic Grou
p indicated that ‘Africa Day is an annual celebration of the achievements and potential of Africa and a moment of reflection on the future of our continent, its place on the international stage’ .

He maintained that ‘Africa is gradually asserting its role as an engine of growth in the world economy. The continent is expected to maintain average annual growth above 4.3%. Annual investment growth in Africa has reached 11% and manufacturing industries are expected to reach US$930 billion. Africa’s vast natural and agricultural resources further strengthen its economic prospects.

The delegate minister responsible for cooperation reaffirmed ‘Burkina Faso’s commitment to working with brother African countries to promote peace, security and development’ of the continent as well as ‘for stronger integration and governance based on the principles of solidarity, justice and truth.

Ms Kabré invited African countries to ‘build inclusive institutions anchored in solidarity, truth and justice’. In his opinion, ‘African
solidarity is our greatest strength and in the face of multiple crises, whether security, food, economic and health, our unity is essential and must remain the key word’.

‘We must intensify our efforts to combat terrorism, promote good governance and ensure inclusive development,’ she said.

Source: Burkina Information Agency