AES ministers’ conclave, assessment of Kyelem government members and rice fraud dominate the news

Ouagadougou: Ministers from the three countries of the Alliance of Sahel States met in Ouagadougou to discuss issues of integration, cooperation and confederation, in preparation for the meeting of heads of state. The subject is unanimously on the front pages of the Burkinabè daily newspapers this Friday.

‘The conclusions of this meeting will make it possible to revise the AES charter for the operational establishment of an institutional architecture,’ writes the state daily Sidwaya, quoting the Burkinabè Minister in charge of Defense, Kassoum Coulibaly.

For Observer Paalga, simply, this meeting is being held ‘by hearing the heads of state’. ‘It’s a big step towards the operationalization of the confederation,’ Le Quotidien is convinced. For its part, Le Pays devotes its entire page 2 to the event. ‘Alliance of Sahel States: a delegation of ministers to the President of the transition’, headlines this private daily.

The country has also focused its attention on rice, of dubious origin, previously sold to c
onsumers as local rice. ‘Fight against fraud: 1641 bags of rice seized in Houet’, mentions Le Pays. The Paalga Observer in its own way welcomes the operation which put an end to this practice by writing that the anti-fraud agents threw ‘sand in the fraudsters’ rice’. ‘It’s a real clean-up operation in the local rice distribution sector,’ immediately explains the oldest Burkinabe daily newspaper.

Sidwaya details that the value of this fraud is estimated at more than 47 million FCFA and that a transaction approach remains a possible alternative with the perpetrators of the scam. The fact remains that it is ‘a hard blow for the presidential initiative’, writes the Journal de tous les Burkinabè.

Burkinabè ministers began yesterday Thursday to present their assessment of the implementation of objective contracts before Prime Minister Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla. And the subject interests the press.

‘Implementation of government action: ‘Four ministers report’. Under this title, the state daily Sidwaya recalle
d that in turn, the ministers in charge respectively of the Civil Service, Bassolma Bazié, Commerce Serge G. Poda, Transport, Roland A. Somda and the Environment, Roger Baro ‘took stock of the activities carried out by their respective departments. The achievement levels are between 73% for the Minister of Transport and 90% for the Minister in charge of Commerce.

The verbal but ‘vibrant’ support for the Burkinabè fighting forces of the UBA Bank or the recognition of the State towards individuals who have developed roads at their own expense for the benefit of the public, are covered in the publications of the day.

Finally, in society, the newspapers were interested in the security grievances of the inhabitants of Nouna addressed to the High Commissioner of the province while the presence of the former star of Brazil and Real Madrid, Roberto Carlos in Ouagadougou, continues to provide sports news.

Source: Burkina Information Agency