AES citizens expelled from Ivory Coast ‘without reasons’

Ouagadougou: 89 citizens from Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger were arrested in Bouaké (Côte d’Ivoire) and returned yesterday Thursday to the Yendéré border post “without reasons”, the AIB learned on Friday.

64 Burkinabè, 24 Nigeriens and 1 Malian were apprehended by the Ivorian police on the night of February 13 to 14, 2024 in Bouaké, the AIB learned from reliable sources.

The same sources affirm that these citizens were taken in the middle of the day on February 15, 2024 to the border post of Yendéré (Burkina Faso), without any reason being notified to them.

On the side of the Burkinabè authorities, there has yet been no reaction.

Source: Burkina Information Agency