Action plan for stabilization and development: activities executed at 73.4% in 2023

Ouagadougou: The Minister Delegate in charge of the budget, Fatoumata Bako/Traoré, affirmed Friday that the rate of physical execution of the activities of the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development (PASD), stands at 73.4 % in 2023.

The physical execution rate of the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development (PASD) for the year 2023 amounts to 73.4%, indicated Friday, the Minister Delegate in charge of the budget, Fatoumata Bako/Traoré, during the first ordinary session 2024 of the national steering committee for the national development policy.

According to the delegate minister, many achievements were made in the four pillars of PASD during the year, despite the context of the difficult security situation.

According to the first official in charge of the budget, these achievements made it possible to record, on the economic level, growth in gross domestic product, which increased from 1.8% in 2022 to 3.6% in 2023.

In the area of the fight against terrorism and the restoration of territorial i
ntegrity, Ms. Bako indicated that the reorganization of the army, the equipment of the fighting forces and the various operations carried out have enabled the gradual resettlement of populations in their villages and the reopening of public administration in many localities.

‘In the reorganization of the army, there was, among other things, the creation of 20 rapid intervention battalions, 6 groups of mobile units and 46 mobile units,’ she added.

According to him, faced with the humanitarian crises triggered by terrorism and climate shocks, emergency support has been provided to more than 2 million affected Burkinabè.

‘3,504 developed plots of land, around a hundred boreholes and 3,000 latrines were built for the benefit of internally displaced people,’ said the minister.

Ms. Bako/Traoré declared that in terms of rebuilding the State and improving governance, vigorous reforms have been carried out in most sectors.

These are, among others, the digitalization of acts and services, and the launch of endogen
ous development initiatives such as the agro-sylvo-pastoral offensive for food self-sufficiency and the creation of the agency for the promotion of entrepreneurship community, informed the Minister Delegate.

Concerning the pursuit of national reconciliation and social cohesion, the Minister Delegate, Ms. Bako/Traoré Fatoumata, also informed that the acceleration of the processing of 336 cases pending in court, including those of misappropriation of public funds, will improve the relations between justice and the population and reduce community conflicts.

In terms of prospects, Ms. Bako/Traoré suggested that during the period 2024-2026, actions will focus on continuing and strengthening the fight against terrorism and restoring territorial integrity.

She also indicated that emphasis will also be placed on the resettlement and voluntary return of internally displaced persons, as well as the strengthening of social cohesion, with a view to genuine national reconciliation.

The National Development Policy cove
rs the period 2021-2025. It is the operational instrument for programming the action priorities of the Transition underway in our country.

Source: Burkina Information Agency