Accident of February 27 in Mali: The injured will be repatriated by a flight from the Burkinabè army

Ouagadougou: The injured Burkinabè from the accident that occurred in Mali on February 27 and still in care at Sikasso hospital, will be repatriated by a flight from the Burkinabè army, AIB has learned this Saturday.

‘A Burkinabè military plane will come to pick up the wounded Burkinabè who are at the Sikasso hospital,’ a Malian source told AIB on Saturday, citing the delegation of 4 ministers sent by Burkina Faso to Mali.

A delegation of 4 ministers went to Sikasso to the bedside of the injured being treated at the Sikasso hospital, following the accident which occurred on February 27 and which has already claimed the lives of 42 people, including Burkinabè.

The delegation includes the Minister in charge of Solidarity and Family, Nandy Somé/Diallo, the Minister of Transport and Road Safety, Roland A. Somda, the Minister Delegate in charge of Regional Cooperation, Stella Kabré/Kaboré and the Minister of Health, Dr Robert Kargougou.

The delegation attended the burial of some bodies at the Lafiabougou cemet
ery in Sikasso.

On the occasion, the delegation expressed the condolences of the Burkinabè authorities to the victims, expressed its support for the sick and its gratitude to Mali which mobilized relief and health services after the accident.

Source: Burkina Information Agency