Accident of February 27 in Mali: A delegation from the Burkinabe government in Sikasso

Ouagadougou: Four Burkinabè ministers went to Sikasso in Mali, following the accident that occurred on February 27 and cost the lives of 42 people including Burkinabè, the AIB learned this Friday.

The Minister in charge of Solidarity and Family, Nandy Somé/Diallo, the Minister of Transport and Road Safety, Roland A. Somda, the Minister Delegate in charge of Regional Cooperation, Stella Kabré/Kaboré and the Minister of Health, Dr Robert Kargougou, attended on Friday in Sikasso, Mali, the burial of the victims of the accident which occurred on February 27, provided their support to the injured and expressed their gratitude to the Malian authorities.

Welcomed by the Malian Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Demblélé Nadine Sissoko, the Burkinabe government delegation visited the Sikasso hospital where some injured people are still being treated, in the presence of the Burkina Faso ambassador to Bamako, Julienne Dembélé/Sanon .

She then went to the cemetery in the Lafiabougou district of Sikasso to atte
nd the burial of some victims of this accident which, in total, cost the lives of 42 people and injured 28 others.

‘On behalf of the President of Faso, the head of government and the Burkinabè people, we extend our sincere thanks to all the Malian authorities, to the Burkinabè community living in Sikasso here and to all customary and religious legitimities, for the efforts they made to demonstrate their outpouring of solidarity, fraternity and compassion on the occasion of this painful event,’ said Minister Nadine Somé after the visit to the sick.

She also sent, on behalf of the Transition, her condolences to the victims and expressed wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured.

On the evening of Tuesday February 27, 2024, a truck carrying 80 people including Malians and Burkinabè, bound for Burkina Faso, overturned from the bridge spanning the Bagoé river, on the Sikasso-Bougouni axis, around Koumantou, in the south of Mali.

The Malian Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Demblélé Nadine Sissoko, in
dicated that ‘provisions are being made’ to strengthen road safety, particularly in the Sikasso crossroads where the Bamako-Abidjan, Bamako-Bobo-Accra or Bamako axes pass. -Ouaga-Lomé.

Source: Burkina Information Agency