Family Code: HM the King Calls for Ijtihad in Tune with Zeitgeist, Sharia (Academic)

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, has called on the Higher Council of Ulema to adopt an open and constructive Ijtihad in line with the zeitgeist and the spirit of the Sharia, when drafting the Fatwa relating to the proposals submitted in relation to the Family Code, said the professor at the Rabat-Agdal Faculty of Economic, Legal and Social Sciences, Mohamed Chemaou.

The Council is called upon to favor a clear-sighted Ijtihad approach that is both in phase with society developments and governed primarily by religious texts, through deductive reasoning of this subject’s precepts, he told MAP.

Chemaou noted that it is possible to draw on the methods of Ijtihad, exegesis and deduction on the basis of an approach in harmony with the needs of the current era, so as to resolve problems and amend provisions rendered obsolete by societal evolution and legislative development.

In this respect, he noted that HM King Mohammed VI had kindly submitted to the Higher Council of Ulema proposals of a
religious nature, brought to the High Appreciation of the Sovereign by the body in charge of revising the Family Code, so that this body could examine their conformity with the Sharia, the Holy Quran and the sources of Muslim law.

HM King Mohammed VI, President of the Higher Council of Ulema, had given His High Directives to the said Council to examine certain issues contained in the proposals of the body in charge of revising the Family Code, with reference to the principles and precepts of the holy religion of Islam and its tolerants purposes, and to submit a Fatwa on the subject to the High Appreciation of the Sovereign.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

General Union of Arab Journalists Renews “Full Support” for Morocco’s Territorial Integrity Against Separatist Scheming

The General Union of Arab Journalists has renewed its “full support for Morocco’s territorial integrity in the face of foreign-backed separatist scheming”.

In a press release issued following the meeting of its General Secretariat on June 29-30 in Baghdad, the Union reaffirmed “its constant stances on the subject of Arab countries’ national sovereignty and its rejection of all forms of division and separatism”.

The General Union of Arab Journalists has also set out to send urgent letters to international human rights organisations, urging them to assume full responsibility for their failure to defend the rights of Palestinian people and to call for an end to the aggression against Gaza.

The Union also expressed its deep concern at recent developments in certain Arab countries, notably Yemen, and reaffirmed its steadfast stance in favor of legitimacy in Sudan.

It also highlighted its support for the unity of Libya and the independence of this country’s national decisions.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Pres

16,300 People Benefit from Direct Housing Assistance Program By July 2

Some 16,300 people have benefited from the direct housing assistance program by July 2, Minister of National Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and Urban Policy, Fatima Ezzahra El Mansouri, said on Wednesday.

Speaking at the House of Representatives, the Minister underlined that the value of the homes acquired as part of this program that targets Moroccans who are not property owners and have never received housing assistance, has amounted to 6.3 billion dirhams.

44% of the program’s beneficiaries are women, while 39% are young people under the age of 35 and 22% are Moroccan Expatriates, who have acquired homes worth 1.6 billion dirhams, El Mansouri pointed out.

Noting that housing sector indicators have risen since the launch of the program, she said that the number of authorized projects increased by 16%, cement sales by 20%, housing loans by 1.5%, while loans to property developers rose by 3.8%, between May 2023 and May 2024.

With regard to the distribution of beneficiaries by region, she noted that the
cities of Fez, Berrechid, Kénitra and Casablanca occupied the top five places, adding that 41% of the beneficiaries acquired houses priced at or below 300,000 dirhams.

In addition, the government official said that some 81,683 applications for housing assistance have been registered up to July 02, of which 89% were eligible, pointing out that 39% of applications were submitted by women, while 20% were made by Moroccan expatriates and 37% were submitted by young people.

El Mansouri also recalled the various partnerships that have been developed to successfully implement the program, citing the signing of an agreement with the Deposit and Management Fund (CDG) to create a digital platform to ensure the management of the subsidy mechanism.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Health Minister inaugurates cloud computing center at Ministry IT Center

Health Minister, Ali Mrabet, inaugurated, Wednesday, at the ministry’s IT Center, the new cloud computing center for the health sector which will help store and archive health data in full safety.

The center will help enhance the processing of digital health data and information systems for vaccinations as well as the health information system, reads a statement of the Health Ministry.

The inauguration of the new data center was attended by Minister of Communication Technologies Nizar Ben Naji, Japanese Ambassador to Tunisia Takeshi Osuga, Representative of UNICEF in Tunisia Michel Le Pechoux and the Charge d’affaires of the German embassy in Tunisia Paul Leonard.

During the inauguration ceremony, Mrabet underscored that the cloud computing data center will help consolidate the digital infrastructure and speed up the completion of the health sector’s digitization.

He welcomed the cooperation established between the various structures of the ministries of health and communication technologies in the field
of digitization, the development of services provided to citizens and the consolidation of governance in the health sector.

The project is part of cooperation between the Ministry of Health, the German Development Bank (KfW) and the UNICEF.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Revision of labour code requires common evaluation of all provisions of code (UGTT)

The executive committee of the Tunisian General Labor Union (UGTT) stressed, Wednesday, that the revision of the labour code requires a common evaluation of all the provisions of the code and should not be limited to the question of contracts and precarious employment.

In a press release published Wednesday, the UGTT denounced the “unilateral” revision of the labor code by the government “denying the social contract signed between the government and the UGTT and UTICA on January 14, 2013.”

This declaration comes one day after a Cabinet meeting held at the Kasbah chaired by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani and in the presence of Social Affairs Minister Kamel Madouri and several ministers to examine a bill amending and supplementing some provisions of the labour code.

The executive committee of the UGTT declared that the unilateral revision of the labor code without involvement of the other parties concerned is «an exclusion and an incomprehensible and unjustified step backwards from the acquired traditions of s
ocial dialogue.»

It called for holding a social dialogue so as to end the marginalisation of thousands of subcontracted workers and substitute teachers as well as contract workers in the health, culture, higher education and employment sectors.

It also called for resuming the dialogue according to a participatory framework and reviewing as soon the basic statutes of the public service and public institutions, as well as the basic sectoral statutes in order to protect the rights of agents, employees and workers.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

‘Horizon Europe’ programme grants Tunisia pound 12 million funds to implement research and innovation projects

The “Horizon Europe” programme, funded by the European Union, granted Tunisia funds worth pound 12 million (around 40 million dinars) to launch research and innovation projects from 2021 to 2024, said, Wednesday, Programme Manager at the Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry Helmi Merdassi.

Taking the floor during an international conference dedicated to the funded programmes, Merdassi underlined that researchers benefited from this funding to carry out projects in priority sectors such as agriculture, renewable energy, health and capacity building.

«A conference will be held soon to inform young promoters about the advantages of funding the energy sector,» he pointed out.

The official added that Tunisia ranks 8th in the list of countries which have obtained funds under the «Horizon Europe» programme.

«Tunisia is the only African and Arab country which benefits from partner status associated with the Horizon Europe programme. It faces competition from several countries in Europe, like the Balk
ans and other countries outside Europe such as Japan and Canada,» he pointed out.

He underscored that the “Horizon Europe” programme gives priority to financing the sectors of agriculture, space sciences, energy and civil society activities as well as management of municipalities.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Manouba University celebrates NCEE accreditation as 1st entrepreneurial university in Africa and MENA region

“Manouba University has just been accredited by the UK’s National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education (NCEE), thereby becoming the first entrepreneurial university in Africa and the MENA region, classifying it as an innovative and creative university,” Manouba University President Jouhaina Gherib said on Wednesday.

Speaking at a ceremony organised at the Tunis City of Science to celebrate this distinction, she explained that this accreditation will help the university become a member of the Global Alliance of Entrepreneurial Universities and the International Network of Universities, which will encourage experience-sharing in the higher education field.

“This distinction will also enhance Manouba University’s credibility and reputation, thereby boosting its attractiveness to students, researchers and partners, and opening up opportunities for cooperation and participation in collaborative research projects and joint initiatives with member universities of the Global Alliance of Entrepreneurial Universi
ties and the International Network of Universities,” added Jouhaina Gherib.

This also means having easier access to external-funded programmes and activities as an accredited entrepreneurial university, as well as increasing their chances of securing free or reduced-cost places on various entrepreneurial leadership programmes and masterclasses.

A team of experts from the NCEE had visited Manouba University a few months ago to find out how its various departments operate and what teaching methods are used, member of the entrepreneurship team at Manouba University’s student entrepreneurship centre in charge of student training and support Soumaya Kouidhi told TAP.

For its part, Manouba University had sent a full and detailed report including 70 pieces of evidence showing that the university is worthy of this accreditation and that it meets all the necessary standards and conditions, she specified.

Founded in 2000, Manouba University is a university cluster comprising 14 academic institutions offering bachel
or’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in a variety of fields.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

ARP: “Ministry of Family to launch on usefulness of single work shift for women” (Moussa)

The Ministry of Family, Women, Children and Elderly Affairs will launch a debate on the usefulness of adopting the system of single work shift for women with the participation of all ministries, said Minister Amel Belhaj Moussa, stating that the reflection on this issue has reached an advanced stage.

She was speaking at a plenary session of the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP) on Wednesday, during which questions were put to several members of the government.

In response to a question by MP Tarak Erabii on the Ministry’s strategy to combat the rise of violence in society, the Minister said that this debate would be continued through conferences and workshops and would provide all the answers on the usefulness of adopting the single work shift for women and its impact on economic and social plans and the fight against violence.

She pointed out that the general debate on the single work shift for women and its adaptation to family responsibilities would be complemented by a report containing all th
e quantitative data, which would be submitted to all the parties involved in the various sectors.

With regard to the resurgence of violence, Moussa said that this phenomenon was linked to consumer culture and its impact on moral and social values.

She stressed that her Department was working to promote the preventive dimension in dealing with these phenomena.

She pointed out that her department had received a budget this year to launch a communication campaign to raise awareness of the importance of social values, and noted that the ministry was currently working to launch consultations on this issue.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Live Exercise to simulate concurrent terrorist attacks conducted (MOI)

Security units on Wednesday conducted a “Live Exercise” to simulate concurrent terrorist attacks in the Rades oil zone, the City of Culture and the Avenue Bourguiba in Tunis, spokesman for the Interior Ministry (MOI) Faker Bouzghaya said.

The exercise, which was attended by Interior Minister Khaled Nouri and Secretary of State for National Security Sofiene Bessadok, aims to assess the responsiveness of security units across the board, the same source told TAP.

The simulation aims to assess the level of strategic, tactical and operational coordination between all the stakeholders involved in managing a terrorist crisis.

The exercise was organised in collaboration with the national army and the Ministries of Cultural Affairs, of Health and of Industry.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Presidential elections: filing candidacies to begin late July or early August (spokesperson)

Filing for candidacy in October 6, 2024 presidential elections will begin late July or early August, said Spokesperson for the Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) Mohamed Tlili Mnasri.

President Kais Saied issued Tuesday a writ for the presidential elections scheduled for Sunday, October 6, 2024, the Presidency said.

Mnasri told TAP on Wednesday the election commission will release the calendar which will be approved as its board meets on Thursday.

The election campain is set to start on September 13 and close on October 5, date on which elctoral silence comes into place, the official further said. Voting in constituencies abroad will take place on October 4-6

Mnasri also said candidates can start seeking endorsements as soon as the appropriate form is published.

Each candidate needs to be backed by ten Assembly of People’s Represesentatives (ARP) or National Council of Regions and Districts members or by 40 presidents of the elected councils (local councils, councils of regions and councils
of districts).

The election authority said Tuesday its board will meet Thursday to approve the 2024 presidential election schedule and review the decision n°18 of August 4, 2014, on procedures for filing candidacies for the presidential race.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

National Council of Regions and Districts approves Rules of Procedure with 74 votes in favour

Members of the National Council of Regions and Districts approved the entire draft of the council’s Rules of Procedure with 74 votes in favour during Wednesday’s plenary session.

Article 158 of the Rules of Procedure of the National Council of Regions and Districts stipulates that the bylaws shall come into effect upon approval, and shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Tunisia (JORT).

Addressing the assembly upon the approval of the Rule of Procedures, Speaker Imed Derbali said the next step is to «prepare for what matters most: focusing on meeting citizens’ demands and fulfiling their expectations.»

He emphasised the commitment to work with local, regional, and district councils to crystallise the people’s demands across all territories, districts, and municipalities, and boost development.

Derbali indicated that the upcoming period will focus on achieving comprehensive and equitable development, stating that “our role is to empower the people through legislation that supports ag
ricultural development as a cornerstone of the economy and sovereignty. There is no sovereignty without food sovereignty […] Tunisia cannot continue importing food while it possesses 10 million hectares suitable for agriculture.”

He also highlighted the importance of energy, financial sovereignty, technology, and infrastructure development, all of which are central to the role of the National Council of Regions and Districts.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Decree calling voters for October 6, 2024 presidential election issued in Official Gazette

Decree No. 403 of 2024 calling voters for the 2024 presidential election was published in the Official Gazette of the Tunisian Republic.

Article 1 of the decree states that voters will be called to the presidential ballot on October 6, 2024 to elect a President of the Republic. Voters in constituencies abroad will be called to vote on October 4, 5 and 6.

On Tuesday, the President of the Republic, Kaïs Saïed, issued the writ for the presidential elections to be held on October 6, 2024, according to a press release from the Presidency.

Contacted by TAP news agency on Wednesday, Mohamed tlili Mansri, spokesman for the Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE), said that the ISIE would soon publish the electoral calendar, which would be approved at its Board meeting scheduled for Thursday.

The calendar for the presidential elections, he pointed out, will determine the period for the election campaign, which will begin on September 13 and continue until October 5, the date of the electoral silence.

ri also pointed out that candidates will be able to collect endorsements as soon as the form has been published.

In this context, he said that each candidate must be endorsed by 10 members of the Assembly of People’s Representatives or the National Council of Regions and Districts, or by 40 presidents of elected councils (local councils, regional councils and district councils).

The ISIE announced on Tuesday that its Board will hold a meeting on Thursday to adopt the calendar for the 2024 presidential elections and to revise Decision No. 18 of 2014, dated August 4, 2014, on the rules and procedures for presidential candidacies.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Justice Minister holds meeting with Bar Association President

A joint working team comprising representatives of the Ministry of Justice and the Bar Association will be set up to address legal aspects and improve working conditions in certain courts and prison units.

This initiative came out of a meeting between Justice Minister Leila Jaffel and Bar Association President Hatem Meziou on Wednesday, according to a statement from the Ministry of Justice.

Discussions focused on professional issues affecting lawyers, including the revision of the laws governing the profession and the decree on the operation of the lawyers’ pension fund.

Both parties stressed the importance of developing the Higher Institute of the Legal Profession, highlighting the integration of new technologies in training programmes and the ongoing efforts to digitise the justice system.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Fouchana: Fire in car parts warehouses

Ben Arous: A fire broke out on Wednesday evening in several car parts warehouses in El Yahoudia, Fouchana delegation (Ben Arous governorate).

“No human casualties have been reported. However, there was material damage as a large number of spare parts were destroyed by the flames,” the regional director of civil protection in Ben Arous, Najemedine Belhaj Mohamed, told TAP news agency.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President Kais Saied meets ILO Director General

President Kais Saied met on Wednesday afternoon at the Carthage Palace with Gilbert Houngbo, Director General of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), said the presidency.

The meeting was an opportunity for the Head of State to talk about workers’ struggles and the birth of the idea of an International Labour Organisation at the end of the 19th century, before it was created at the Versailles Conference after the First World War and became one of the specialised agencies of the United Nations after its creation.

In reviewing these historical stages, the President of the Republic highlighted the struggles for the right to work and for social justice.

“In Tunisia and throughout the world, we await the right to work and the guarantee of workers’ rights based on justice, because peace, security and stability within countries can only be achieved through justice that is fair to all,” the Head of State was quoted as saying.

The President of the Republic praised the ILO Director-General’s initiative to cr
eate a global coalition for social justice.

The world today needs such initiatives and new ways of thinking in order to meet the challenges facing the whole of humanity, the President stressed.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse