‘Child of the Sun’, new album by slam journalist Hamtusin

Ouagadougou: Burkinabè slam journalist Mahamad Sangaré alias Hamtusin has released a new album of 12 tracks entitled ‘Enfant du soleil’ on the record market.

The album evokes ‘the personal and collective pain, the resilience of the Burkinabè people and encourages perseverance’, explained the author Hamtusin who called on other artists such as Don Sharp DeBatoro, Fush Alpha, Hugues Fabrice Zango and Uaz Naturel featuring.

The particularity of the album is that in the title ‘Zango’ dedicated to the triple jump world champion Hugues Fabrice Zango Mahamad Sangaré sings choruses in addition to the slam where the triple jumper also slams.

‘This album is to sing my own pain, that of a resilient Burkina. I look out at a world in complete confusion. It is also to allow slam to enter into urban music to be listened to and danced everywhere. For this we will therefore choose the Amapiano of electro and pop music as the basis of the work,’ indicated Hamtusin.

The 12 tracks that make up the album are ‘1- Badass (intro
), 2-Bienvenue, 3- Ragnangié feat Fush, 4-Essentiel, 5- Taxi feat Don Sharp et Damo, 6- Message des sages, 7- Harmattan, 8- It goes hand in hand, 9-Zango feat Hugues Fabrice Zango and Yaz Naturel, 10- Sougri feat Fush, 11- Cœur en ashes, 12- Badass (outro)’.

Hamtusin will be in concert on July 19.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sovereignty of Burkina Faso: the Pan-African Movement supports the President of Faso

Ouagadougou: The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE received in audience this Tuesday late morning the Pan-African Movement Africa and the Diaspora. The movement is united with the struggle led by Burkina Faso and wants to provide support for achieving the objectives of the Transition.

‘We spoke with the President of Faso on issues related to the revolution in Burkina Faso. As a Pan-Africanist movement, we are witnesses to what is happening in Burkina and we cannot remain on the sidelines of this,’ declared the spokesperson of the delegation, Dr Khanysile Litchfield TSHABALALA, at the end of the audience.

The discussions focused on four points. The first relates to the movement’s desire to organize trade missions to Burkina Faso. The second point concerns strengthening the capacities of women and children. ‘This requires a political revolution, because women and children are very exposed to manipulation,’ said Dr. TSHABALALA.

The third point concerns strengthening the capacities of the public servic
e and civil servants, and finally the fourth point relates to peace and security. ‘We are tired of seeing United Nations peacekeeping missions coming to Africa while people continue to be killed,’ she said.

According to the president of the Pan-African Movement Africa and Diaspora Winnie Auma OGWENO alias Winnie Mandela, the main mission of this organization is the economic, political and social liberation of Africa. ‘We want to make sure that the empires and kingdoms remain intact, that we keep our cultural identities,’ she stressed.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kaya’s refrigerated slaughterhouse finally operational

With a construction cost of around 2 billion FCFA, with a daily processing capacity of 100 small ruminants, 20 oxen and 50 pigs, the Kaya refrigerated slaughterhouse (AFK), is finally functional since yesterday Monday.

The city of leather and skewers in Couracoura will now be supplied with meat by the Kaya refrigerated slaughterhouse (AFK) located in sector 6 of the city. The first stroke of the blade was given on July 1, 2024, at 10 p.m., in the presence of members of the special municipal delegation.

Accepted in 2016, the Kaya refrigerated slaughterhouse, which was experiencing start-up difficulties, was put into operation on July 1, 2024.

Costing around 2 billion, this modern slaughterhouse has a daily processing capacity of 100 small ruminants, 20 cattle and 50 pigs.

In addition to the slaughter units, the AFK includes a biological wastewater treatment plant, an incinerator block, an administrative building, a store, security housing, an animal parking lot, a parking lot and a water supply. Drinking w
ater made simple.

It is managed by a concessionaire. The sector 3 slaughterhouse, which has become dilapidated and cramped for the actors, is thus closed.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Nearly 17 billion FCFA mobilized by popular shareholding in one year

Ouagadougou: The Agency for the Promotion of Community Entrepreneurship (APEC) was able to mobilize from the populations, nearly 17 billion FCFA, in one year, to invest them in endogenous projects, indicated its general director, Karim Traoré.

Launched on June 12, 2023 by the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, community entrepreneurship through popular shareholding was able to mobilize, as of July 1, 2024, nearly 17 billion FCFA, assured the Director General (DG ) from APEC, Karim Traoré.

For Mr. Traoré, APEC has already invested in community projects. He cites in particular the tomato processing factory launched in Bobo-Dioulasso.

He spoke Monday evening on Burkina national television.

According to him, this tomato processing factory is at 93% of its completion rate, the buildings are finished, the equipment has arrived, and assembly is underway for about a month.

He also assured that the recruitment of personnel, around fifty, for the start of work on the factory, will be launched soon.

The CEO of
APEC also added that APEC participates in nearly 40% of the capital of another tomato processing factory, ‘Faso tomate’, in Yako, which opens its doors to production in month of July.

The Director General of APEC hopes that the laying of the first stone of the semi-mechanized gold production factory, on July 4 in Gaoua in the South-West region, will further galvanize the Burkinabè to subscribe to community entrepreneurship through popular shareholding.

According to him, this will make it possible to finance endogenous projects by the populations themselves and create wealth to be shared among the Burkinabè.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina/Semi-mechanized gold production factory: 7 billion FCFA in expected profits for 2.5 to 3 billion investments, Resp

Ouagadougou: The laying of the first stone of the semi-mechanized gold production factory, scheduled for July 4, is a project awaited by subscribers. It will generate an annual profit of around 7 billion FCFA for an overall investment budget of between 2.5 and 3 billion, indicated the director general of the Agency for the Promotion of Community Entrepreneurship (APEC), Karim. Traore.

‘This is an annual profit generated figure to be shared of around 7 billion for an overall investment budget between 2.5 and 3 billion FCFA,’ declared the Director General (DG) of APEC, Karim Traoré, Monday, during the 8 pm news on Burkina national television.

For Mr. Traoré, the semi-mechanized gold production plant ‘is a project awaited by subscribers’, hoping that the launch of this project will further galvanize subscribers to community entrepreneurship through popular shareholding. Because, ‘subscribers are left with the brakes in hand by putting in the minimum possible’.

On July 4, 2024, the Head of State, Captain Ibrah
im Traoré, will lay the first stone of the semi-mechanized gold production factory in Gaoua, in the South-West region.

According to the DG of APEC, this is a semi-mechanized gold production project established over an area of ????100 hectares, with a processing capacity of 100 tonnes per day, including ‘our own drilling mining but also the recovery of waste from neighboring sites which do not have our technology’.

In his opinion, this factory will create 150 direct jobs by already retraining the workers who are on the site with additional training, and nearly 300 indirect jobs for the region.

Since its launch on June 12, 2023, by the Head of State Captain Ibrahim Traoré, community entrepreneurship through popular shareholding has been able to mobilize, as of July 1, 2024, nearly 17 billion FCFA. Around 270 thousand people have already subscribed to this program.

The CEO invited ‘those who are still hesitant’ to hurry and embark on this promising project, which remains open until the end of the year. After
this period, the first phase of the program will be closed.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: 295 deaths following traffic accidents from January to March 2024, ONASER

Ouagadougou: During the first quarter of 2024, Burkina Faso recorded 295 deaths as a result of traffic accidents, according to statistics from the National Road Safety Office (ONASER). ) revealed Tuesday.

The information was given by the chief of staff in charge of transport, Joseph Sawadogo, on July 2, 2024 during a press conference.

According to the chief of staff, ONASER data for the same period indicates that the number of traffic accidents amounts to 5,542 cases, with more than 3,700 injured.

‘We recorded a total of 3,799 injuries in accidents,’ said Mr. Sawadogo, referring to ONASER statistics.

From 2019 to 2023, added Joseph Sawadogo, 5,000 people died in traffic accidents.

The main cause of these deaths is linked to excessive speed by users on national roads.

To remedy this, the chief of staff indicated that control actions on speed limits and other driver failures were carried out from June 27 to 29, 2024 on several national roads in Burkina Faso.

These control operations were carried out in c
onjunction with the General Directorate of Land and Maritime Transport, the National Road Safety Office and the Motor Vehicle Control Center (CCVA), he maintained.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina/Road control: 789 vehicles in violation out of 968 checked

Ouagadougou: 789 vehicles were in violation out of the 968 checked on six national roads from June 27 to 29, 2024, indicated Tuesday the Director of Cabinet (DIRCAB) of the Ministry in charge of Transport, Joseph Sawadogo.

‘For three days, out of 968 vehicles checked, 789 were in violation,’ declared DIRCAB, Joseph Sawadogo, to the press this Tuesday in Ouagadougou.

According to Mr. Sawadogo, the control operation carried out jointly by the General Directorate of Land and Maritime Transport (DGTTM), the Motor Vehicle Control Center (CCVA) and ONASER, was held from June 27 to 29, 2024. on national roads no. 1 to 6.

According to the results of the operation, the 851 cases of irregularities observed are partly attributable to excessive speed, the lack of a first aid kit and the lack of a speed limiter installation certificate for drivers.

In view of these statistics, considered alarming by the cabinet director of the ministry in charge of transport, he invited transporters, drivers and other road users to av
oid speed and risky behavior in traffic.

‘The incivility of stakeholders, the increase in the number of road accidents and the fraud of vehicle documents, among others, have a negative impact on the socio-economic life of the transport sector,’ suggested Mr. Sawadogo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Media: A journalist presents her end-of-training defense in the national Moore language

Ouagadougou: Journalist Téwendé Zoundi, at the end of her training at the Institute of Information and Communication Sciences and Techniques (ISTIC), chose to present her production in the national mooré language, in order to to raise awareness among more citizens about unsanitary conditions in the commune of Ouagadougou. The jury judged his work to be topical and of public interest and awarded him a very honorable mention with a score of 18.50/20.

To obtain her assistant diploma in Information and Communication Sciences and Techniques, journalism option, Téwendé Zoundi, intern at ISTIC, supported her end-of-cycle production on Tuesday July 2 in Ouagadougou in front of the jury in national language mooré.

The candidate Téwendé Zoundi defended her 26-minute documentary entitled: ‘Waogdg r?gdã waa…’ or ‘Haro on unsanitary conditions in Ouagadougou’, a journalistic work which raises awareness among city dwellers of the need to preserve the city from filth.

‘My motivation is that the majority of the population
did not go to school. This is why I used the national Moore language, since many citizens only understand this language, to be able to convey the message that I have to convey,’ she maintained.

The future journalist, passionate about the Moore language since her primary school, promised to make a career in journalism in the national language.

For the production director and journalism teacher, Yacouba Traoré, producing in the national language remains an original dimension in the world of student productions at the ISTIC level.

‘If we take the case of China or England, the documentary has a name in Chinese and in English. I think we must follow the same path because, as I said earlier, any language that the people speak, which is not their language, is a language of domination,’ noted Mr. Traoré.

The supervisor of the candidate Zoundi also welcomed the fact that the Burkinabe government has established local languages ??as national and working languages, everything according to him, which constitutes a sy
mbol of independence.

The president of the jury and teacher at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Dr François Issoufou Tirogo, for his part praised the courage of the applicant for having launched into the national languages ??sector.

‘We found it to be a work of fine quality because it had the advantage of reaching a large audience through the use of the national language,’ he explained.

In the opinion of Dr Tirogo, this will have a positive impact on eco-citizenship in the commune of Ouagadougou.

The journalistic production of Téwendé Zoundi, judged to be topical and of public interest, was awarded a very honorable mention with a score of 18.50/20.

The 26-minute documentary film by the ICST assistant is the second production in the national Mooré language after the introduction of national languages ??(Mooré, Dioula, Fulfuldé, etc.) in the training curricula at ISTIC, in journalism and communication. .

Source: Burkina Information Agency

National Arbor Day in the South-West: Around 866 plants will be planted.

The South-West region commemorated on Saturday June 29, 2024 the 6th edition of National Tree Day (JNA) in Gaoua, in the courtyard of the regional directorate of the national police of the region of the South-West.

The South-West regional directorate of the national police hosted the delayed regional commemoration of National Arbor Day in the said region on Saturday June 29, 2024.

This day marks the start of the reforestation campaign in the region.

Around 866 plants of different species (Shea, Néré, Kaïcédrat) will be planted at the regional headquarters of the national police, according to Passolognaba Ismaël Rouamba, regional director in charge of the environment of the South-West.

In addition to the regional police headquarters, trees will be planted at the dozos site in Bapla. He invited all stakeholders to make this activity a total success.

For his part, the governor of the South-West region, Boureima Savadogo, called on the populations to be part of the dynamic of environmental protection, by gre
ening their living environment. This is why he urged people to plant at least two trees by the end of the campaign but above all to maintain these trees.

‘Today’s ceremony gives me feelings of hope regarding the restoration of plant cover and the recovery of degraded land, which remains one of the major challenges of the moment,’ he said. A key element of ecosystems, the tree in Burkina Faso provides socio-economic and cultural functions, the governor’s belief.

This edition of the JNA was held on the theme: ‘Tree, capital of resilience for endogenous development’. For Boureima Savadogo, this theme calls on populations to rethink and revisit the place of trees in priority programs. He also invited all the prefects of the region to take initiatives to create landscaping in each city.

The representative of the regional director of the South-West national police, Chief Commissioner Fayama Hassane, also provincial director of the Poni national police, expressed his gratitude and that of his hierarchy to the Min
istry of the Environment and the regional authorities for the choice made on their institution. He said he was confident and gave assurance regarding the maintenance of these plants.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Possible reconfiguration of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (minister)

Ouagadougou: The Minister in charge of Justice, Rodrigue Bayala, indicated yesterday on public television that the entry into force of the modified transition charter on May 25, 2024, could lead to a reconfiguration of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT).

According to the minister, article 14 of the amended charter removes the quota which was granted to the ex-majority, the ex-CFOP, the ex non-aligned opposition and other political parties. From now on, 12 places are granted to political movements and groups as a whole.

‘There are no longer ex-majority, ex-opposition, other parties and ONA components. It goes without saying that the entry into force, from July 2, of this modified article could lead to a recomposition at the level of the Transitional Legislative Assembly (ALT),’ explained Mr. Bayala.

As for the idea of ??a new inauguration of the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the minister assured that there is no place for inauguration because the national meetings of May 25, 2024 did n
ot repeal the 2022 charter.

The minister specified that regardless of the modified charter, the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, due to his discretionary power, can decide at any time the fate of the government.

Source: Burkina Information Agency