Sissili / Sanitation day: the CMA de Léo compound cleaned up

As part of the national days of patriotic commitment and citizen participation, the different socio-professional layers carried out on Monday April 8, 2024 the cleaning of the Medical Center with Surgical Antenna (CMA) of Léo, under the leadership of the High Commissioner of the province of Sissili, Tewendé Isaac Sia.

Equipped with wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes and cutters, the various highly mobilized actors attacked the waste and other weeds within the confines of the Medical Center with Léo’s Surgical Antenna.

Just like the Chief Physician of the Health District of Léo, Dr Aboubacary Abdou, the High Commissioner of Sissili, Tewendé Isaac Sia, welcomed and thanked the strong mobilization of all the actors who joined in this activity aimed at cleaning up the framework of work of health workers.

This will allow them to work in complete safety and in good conditions to provide quality care to the population, he noted.

And the Chief Medical Officer of the Health District expressed his gratitude to the High C
ommissioner of Sissili for his choice of the great temple of health to carry out this cleaning activity.

In view of the great mobilization, this cleanliness activity demonstrates, if necessary, patriotic commitment and citizen participation in the ideals of the transition.

Source: Burkina Information Agency