Politics has divided many families in Burkina, laments Professor Michel Akotionga

Renowned gynecologist Professor Michel Akotionga believes that the way of doing politics in Burkina Faso has divided many families; which pushed him to move away from it to devote himself to the care of women and the fight against female genital mutilation (FGM).

The National Radio Television of Burkina Faso rolled out on Friday March 29, 2024, in sector No. 5 of Pô in the province of Nahouri, its carpet of honor for Professor Michel Akotionga, doctor specialist in gynecology/teacher-researcher, great actor in the fight against female genital mutilation (FGM).

An AIB journalist attended the recording of the program and was able to collect some statements from the illustrious gynecologist

‘I became a gynecologist to pay homage to my mother and to all women, because my mother gave me everything and unfortunately she did not take advantage of me since she died on my first. Every time I have a woman in front of me during my activity, I think of my mother. This is the reason that led me to defend their cause, e
specially genital mutilation (FGM). I am optimistic that one day we will no longer talk about FGM in Burkina Faso,’ Professor Akotionga told our colleagues at RTB Radio.

‘I welcome the government’s decision to reduce the costs of certain examinations, this will allow the poor to benefit from them,’ said the professor regarding the drastic reduction in examination costs for MRIs, scanners and care for dialysis patients. .

On the management of the Transition, Professor Akotionga believes that strong actions are being taken and that it is the populations who must support these actions.

The professor thinks that the decision to establish the 15th as a day of traditions is a good thing. Because this will allow everyone to return to their sources. But it will have to be carefully supervised.

Why didn’t the professor embrace the political field?

He feels that he is very social and the two do not mix well. ‘The politician in Africa and particularly in Burkina Faso considers his political opponent as an enemy to
be defeated. This is what has divided many families today,’ says Professor Michel Akotionga.

Regarding social cohesion, the professor thinks that if it is shaken, this is attributable to the behavior of politicians who have divided entire families.

On the issue of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), it is a question that shocks a deplorable situation for the professor. In his opinion, there needs to be real awareness of them, because according to him, most IDPs will not want to return home after the crisis.

On the issue of land, Professor Michel Akotionga believes that we are facing a big problem. If it is not resolved, there is a strong risk of dividing villages and even entire families because it has become the easiest way to get money, explains the teacher.

As for the fight against terrorism, the professor welcomes the commitment of the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré and expresses his gratitude to the Combatant Forces for the efforts and sacrifices made on the ground.

As for expectations, Prof
essor Michel Akotionga wants a water reservoir to be created in the commune of Pô. Given that the province is full of numerous cultural, architectural and tourist potential, the professor would like to see the province equipped with a cultural center to allow young people to train.

To conclude, the professor invites the young generation not to expect everything from others, not to be discouraged, to preserve and take risks in order to build their lives.

During the program, testimonies from relatives, friends, acquaintances and comrades were broadcast.

They all recognize a deeply human, available, humble man who has African values and easy contact. Also, his family, friends and neighbors from Pô came to support him during the show.

Source: Burkina Information Agency