Patriotic Support Fund: Komtoéga residents contribute 7.5 million FCFA

Patriotic Support Fund: Komtoéga residents contribute 7.5 million FCFA

Ouagadougou, 17 Sept. (AIB) – Residents of the commune of Komtoéga, in the Centre-East region, on Tuesday handed over to the Prime Minister, Apollinaire Joachim Kyélem of Tambèla, the sum of 7,500,000 FCFA to support the peace effort in Burkina Faso.

“This morning, we presented the Prime Minister with a check for 7.5 million CFA francs for the patriotic support fund. This is a response to the authorities’ call to support the defense and security forces in the fight against terrorism,” said the president of the Association for the Development of Komtoéga (ADEKOM), Wakirou Yoda, as he left the audience.

According to him, the call for mobilization for patriotic support, launched by the authorities, did not fall on deaf ears.

The populations of Komtoéga and Ouagadougou, as well as nationals living in Italy, Ivory Coast, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea, mobilized to collect funds.

In Wakirou Yoda’s opinion, to win this war, means are needed,
and that requires everyone’s participation.

“Not all Burkinabe can go to the front, but even sitting at home, everyone can contribute to the fight against terrorism,” he said.

Wakirou Yoda cites as proof a 90-year-old lady who contributed a thousand CFA francs during the fundraising in the commune.

The delegated president also specified that the citizens of the commune collected more than 12 million CFA francs for the war effort.

Part of this sum, worth around 5 million, was used to purchase a batch of equipment consisting of 4 motorcycles, benches and food for the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP), the delivery of which took place on September 10, 2024 in Komtoéga, concluded Wakirou Yoda.

Source: Burkina Information Agency