Nahouri/March 8, 2024: Women of the commune of Guiaro in solidarity with the FDS and VDPTheme of 2024 prize for best female scientific research is circular economy and sustainable development

Nahouri: The Departmental Coordination of Women of the commune of Guiaro, a locality located about thirty km west of the town of Pô, organized on March 8, 2024 in Guiaro, a health day at the Center of health and social promotion (CSPS) of the said municipality and made donations in kind and in cash to the FDS and VDP, as part of the commemoration of March 8, 2024.

The Departmental Coordination of Women of the commune of Guiaro, a locality located about thirty km west of the town of Pô, organized on March 8, 2024, a sanitation day at the Health and Social Promotion Center (CSPS) of the said municipality.

At the end of this activity, the women gave donations in kind and in cash to the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) of Guiaro.

The donation consists of four 25kg bags of rice, a 20 liter can of oil and a sum of 41,800 CFA francs for the purchase of condiments.

‘By this gesture, the departmental coordination of women of Guiaro responded to the call o
f the highest authorities of the country to contribute to the war effort by supporting the fighting forces engaged in the reconquest of the national territory,’ indicated the coordinator , Mariama Idogo.

She added that the sanitation day aims to make the CSPS environment clean and hygienic in order to allow health workers and patients to be in a healthy environment.

Ms. Idogo took this opportunity to invite each daughter and son individually and collectively to show their solidarity and support for the fighting forces.

The president of the special Guiaro delegation, Monique Bazié, welcomed the coordination initiative.

She invited other associations to support this chain of solidarity towards the FDS and VDP who left their families to defend the homeland.

‘The customary and religious authorities came to support the women and also to bless the fighting forces engaged in the defense of the homeland,’ said the traditional chief of Guiaro.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

The theme of the 2024 prize for the best scientific research will be “the circular economy and sustainable development in Tunisia.”

This was announced by Minister of the Family, Women, Children and the Elderly, Amel Belhaj Moussa, at a meeting held at the ministry’s headquarters on Monday.

In a statement, the Ministry of the Family said that the theme was chosen because of the importance of the circular economy and sustainable development at the national level, which has been the subject of numerous studies and research projects.

The aim of the prize is to highlight the value of women’s scientific research and promote their scientific careers, it added.

‘The number of applications reached 58 last year,’ according to the same statement.

The meeting was attended by members of the committee responsible for evaluating the prize, representatives of the Ministries of Agriculture, Higher Education and Communication Technologies, university lecturers and several ministry officials.

The prize for the best female
scientific research, worth 15,000 dinars, is awarded on the occasion of National Women’s Day, which is celebrated every year on August 13.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse