Mouhoun/Maouloud 2024: Muslim faithful pray for peace and security in Burkina Faso

The Muslim community of Dédougou celebrated on the night of September 14 to 15, 2024, the commemoration of the birth of the Prophet Mohamed. Reading of the Koran, prayers, invocations and sermons punctuated this night of prayer for peace and security in Burkina Faso in the presence of the administrative and customary authorities of the city.

Gathered at the great mosque of Dédougou and in several other sites in the city, the Muslim faithful of the city of Dédougou, like the Muslims of other cities in Burkina, commemorated the Maouloud which is the birth of the Prophet Mohamed.

To do this, Quran readings, sermons, prayers and invocations were made on the night of September 14 to 15, 2024, to ask for peace, security and a return of internally displaced persons to their places of origin.

The commemoration was attended by the Massa of Dédougou and the high commissioner of the Mouhoun province, Souleymane Nacanabo, representing the governor of the Boucle du Mouhoun region.

The Muslim community has invoked God
for the health of the Grand Imam of Dédougou who is absent for health reasons.

The president of the Muslim community of Dédougou, El Hadj Kassoum Tiema, welcomed the strong mobilization of the faithful and the administrative and customary authorities who came to invoke God for peace, security and cohesion in our dear country Burkina Faso.

He invited them to intensify prayers in favor of the authorities of the Transition so that they can be enlightened by the hand of God for peace and security.

El Hadj Issa Tangara, reiterated his gratitude to the administrative and customary authorities for their proximity to each event.

He hoped that the celebration of the birth of the Prophet would be a source of peace, communion and security for Burkina Faso, which has been prey to the forces of evil for several years.

El Hadj Issa Tangara, wished a speedy recovery to the great Imam under treatment.

For the High Commissioner of the Mouhoun province, Souleymane Nacanabo, the message brought on this holy night of the c
ommemoration of the birth of the Prophet is to ask the Muslim faithful and the entire population to mobilize around the authorities so that together we can defend and recover the integrity of our territory.

“We know very well that currently it is our children, our brothers and sisters and even our fathers who are at the front to confront the enemy and defend our flag. We too, as believers, must pray that our prayers and blessings accompany them in the theaters of operations,” he said.

Souleymane Nacanabo, further invited the Muslim faithful to pray to God so that peace returns to Burkina Faso so that we can begin its development in a spirit of freedom and fraternity as was done in the past.

He invited the community to pray for the Grand Imam to recover his health and return to celebrate other activities.

The activities continued throughout the night with sermons led by Adama Domboué whose central theme was: ‘The Prophet Mohamed, man of mercy and cohesion’.

The various sermons were alternated with reading
s from the Koran until the early morning of Sunday, September 15, 2024.

The same atmosphere of reading the Quran, preaching and blessings was experienced in several other Maouloud commemoration sites in the city of Dédougou with intercessory prayers for peace and security in Burkina Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency