Fight against terrorism: Minister Sana invites populations to report suspicious individuals and objects

Ouagadougou: The Minister Delegate in charge of security Mahamadou Sana, Monday evening on national television, invited the population to participate in ‘co-production in security matters through the denunciations of suspicious individuals and the reporting suspicious objects.

The day after several coordinated terrorist attacks in several regions of the country, the Minister for Security Mahamadou Sana on Monday evening invited the populations to ‘be vigilant and to be one with the fighting forces’.

‘When I talk about vigilance, the population must know that from now on, we must necessarily participate in co-production in terms of security through the denunciations of suspicious individuals and the reporting of suspicious objects,’ he said.

He continued by saying that ‘often in neighborhoods we see individuals who rent houses, avoid neighbors and do not have contact with them. They behave in such a way that their behavior is called into question.’

‘These are cases to report,’ he recommended.

The Division
al Police Commissioner also called on travelers who carry ‘suspicious objects’ such as, according to him, ‘a large sum of money’ to be denounced.

Minister Sana asked the population to avoid being ‘passive or active’ accomplishments of terrorists.

This consists of ‘deliberately supporting these enemies for their power to achieve their objectives, particularly in the transport of logistics or the financing of certain actions,’ he specified.

He warned that ‘any accomplishment is punished in the same way as the perpetrator.’

The Divisional Police Commissioner nevertheless praised the ‘good collaboration (of the fighting forces) with the citizen watch groups which made it possible to arrest suspicious individuals and to be able to initiate legal proceedings’.

He said that the financing and supplies of terrorists come from the cities.

Also in his opinion, ‘if we strengthen vigilance at the city level and we denounce everything that is suspicious’, it is possible to ‘fight effectively against terrorism

e: Burkina Information Agency