CSL Behring Announces First Two Patients Treated with HEMGENIX® (etranacogene dezaparvovec) Gene Therapy for Hemophilia B in Europe

MARBURG, Germany, July 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global biotechnology leader CSL Behring (ASX: CSL) today announced that two hemophilia B patients were treated with the gene therapy HEMGENIX® (etranacogene dezaparvovec) at Hemophilia Treatment Centers in France. This milestone achievement makes HEMGENIX® the first gene therapy administered as a treatment in a real-world setting for hemophilia B in Europe.

HEMGENIX® is the first one-time gene therapy approved in Europe for the treatment of adults with severe and moderately severe hemophilia B, an inherited bleeding disorder caused by the lack of Factor IX (a protein needed to produce blood clots to stop bleeding). It is used in adults without a history of Factor IX inhibitors.1

Following European Commission approval, HEMGENIX® was the first ever therapy to be granted Direct Access in France2, thus enabling the first patients to be treated in Europe outside of the clinical program.

Though effective, current therapies can be time intensive and require regular treatment that can have a substantial impact on a patient’s daily life.3 HEMGENIX® offers a one-time treatment, allowing people living with hemophilia B to produce their own Factor IX, which can lower the risk of bleeding.4

“Only a few decades ago, gene therapy for hemophilia was a distant concept, which has now become reality. Accordingly, the first two patients treated with HEMGENIX® since receiving European approval is a major accomplishment and a testament to the joint commitment of the hemophilia B community, as well as the access and reimbursement authorities, in bringing innovative therapies to patients,” said Dr Lutz Bonacker SVP and General Manager, CSL Behring Commercial Operations Europe. “This milestone has been made possible by the innovative Direct Access scheme adopted in France, allowing patients to benefit from early access to pioneering treatments. We are encouraged to see increasing access to gene therapies in European countries and are fully committed to ensuring that access to potentially life-changing treatment continues.”

HEMGENIX® was granted conditional marketing authorisation by the European Commission (EC) for the European Union and European Economic Area in February 2023, following approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in November 2022. It has also been approved by Health Canada, the United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Switzerland’s Swissmedic and Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

The multi-year clinical development of HEMGENIX® was led by uniQure and sponsorship of the clinical trials transitioned to CSL after it licensed global rights to commercialise the treatment.

About Hemophilia B

Hemophilia B is a life-threatening rare disease. People with the condition are particularly vulnerable to bleeds in their joints, muscles, and internal organs, leading to pain, swelling, and joint damage. Current treatments for moderate to severe hemophilia B include life-long prophylactic infusions of factor IX to temporarily replace or supplement low levels of the blood-clotting factor.


HEMGENIX® is a gene therapy that reduces the rate of abnormal bleeding in eligible people with hemophilia B by enabling the body to continuously produce factor IX, the deficient protein in hemophilia B. It uses AAV5, a non-infectious viral vector, called an adeno-associated virus (AAV). The AAV5 vector carries the Padua gene variant of Factor IX (FIX-Padua) to the target cells in the liver, generating factor IX proteins that are 5x-8x more active than normal. These genetic instructions remain in the target cells, but generally do not become a part of a person’s own DNA. Once delivered, the new genetic instructions allow the cellular machinery to produce stable levels of factor IX.

About the Pivotal HOPE-B Trial

The pivotal Phase III HOPE-B trial is an ongoing, multinational, open-label, single-arm study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of HEMGENIX®. Fifty-four adult hemophilia B patients classified as having moderately severe to severe hemophilia B and requiring prophylactic factor IX replacement therapy were enrolled in a prospective, six-month or longer observational period during which time they continued to use their current standard of care therapy to establish a baseline Annual Bleeding Rate (ABR). After the six-month lead-in period, patients received a single intravenous administration of HEMGENIX® at the 2×10^13 gc/kg dose. Patients were not excluded from the trial based on pre-existing neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) to AAV5.

A total of 54 patients received a single dose of HEMGENIX® in the pivotal trial, with 52 patients completing at least three years of follow-up. The primary endpoint in the pivotal HOPE-B study was ABR 52 weeks after achievement of stable factor IX expression (months 7 to 18) compared with the six-month lead-in period. For this endpoint, ABR was measured from month seven to month 18 after infusion, ensuring the observation period represented a steady-state factor IX transgene expression. Secondary endpoints included assessment of factor IX activity.

No serious treatment-related adverse reactions were reported. One death resulting from urosepsis and cardiogenic shock in a 77-year-old patient at 65 weeks following dosing was considered unrelated to treatment by investigators and the company sponsor. A serious adverse event of hepatocellular carcinoma was determined to be unrelated to treatment with HEMGENIX® by independent molecular tumour characterization and vector integration analysis. No inhibitors to factor IX were reported.

Long-term three-year data presented at the 17th Annual Congress of the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD) 2024 continue to reinforce the potential long-lasting efficacy and safety of HEMGENIX® and the ongoing benefit of this treatment for people living with hemophilia B.

About CSL
CSL (ASX:CSL; USOTC:CSLLY) is a global biotechnology company with a dynamic portfolio of lifesaving medicines, including those that treat hemophilia and immune deficiencies, vaccines to prevent influenza, and therapies in iron deficiency and nephrology. Since our start in 1916, we have been driven by our promise to save lives using the latest technologies. Today, CSL – including our three businesses: CSL Behring, CSL Seqirus and CSL Vifor – provides lifesaving products to patients in more than 100 countries and employs 32,000 people. Our unique combination of commercial strength, R&D focus and operational excellence enables us to identify, develop and deliver innovations so our patients can live life to the fullest. For inspiring stories about the promise of biotechnology, visit CSL.com/Vita. For more information about CSL, visit CSL.com.

Media Contacts
Stephanie Fuchs
Mobile: +49 151 584 388 60
Email: Stephanie.Fuchs@cslbehring.com


1 European Medicines Agency. First Gene therapy to treat haemophilia B. Available at: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/first-gene-therapy-treat-haemophilia-b. [Accessed May 2024].
2 Republique Française. Légifrance: Article 62 of Law No. 2021-1754. Available at: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000048551003 [Accessed May 2024].
3 Leebeek, F & Miesbach, W. (2021) Gene therapy for haemophilia: a review on clinical benefit, limitations, and remaining issues. Blood. Vol 138, Issue 11. pp923-931.
4 Coppens M et al. Etranacogene dezaparvovec gene therapy for haemophilia B (HOPE-B): 24-month post-hoc efficacy and safety data from a single-arm, multicentre, phase 3 trial. The Lancet Haematology 2024; 11(4):E265-E275.

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Adrian Ridge est nommé directeur général de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

TEMECULA, Californie, 02 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — À compter du 1er juillet 2024, Adrian Ridge est directeur général de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, qui fait partie de la branche industrielle de Nikkiso Co. Ltd. Ridge succède à Peter Wagner, qui reste engagé au sein du conseil d’administration en tant que président exécutif de Nikkiso CE&IG Group.

En tant que directeur général, Ridge pilotera les performances opérationnelles et financières du Groupe et le préparera à sa croissance future. Dans son rôle de président exécutif, Wagner se concentrera sur la mise en œuvre de la vision et de la stratégie à long terme du Groupe en qualité de conseiller.

« Au nom du conseil d’administration, je souhaite la bienvenue et félicite Adrian pour sa promotion au poste de directeur général », a déclaré Wagner. « C’est un leader confirmé qui s’engage au bon moment pour soutenir la croissance de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases vers de nouveaux sommets. »

« Je n’ai jamais été aussi enthousiasmé par le potentiel d’une entreprise que par celui de Nikkiso », a affirmé Ridge. « Nous disposons de tous les ingrédients nécessaires pour être leader sur tous les marchés que nous desservons dans toutes les régions du monde. Je suis honoré et reconnaissant pour cette opportunité unique. »

À propos d’Adrian Ridge

Ridge a rejoint Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases en 2022 en tant que vice-président directeur de la fabrication et des opérations après avoir travaillé près de 30 ans chez le géant manufacturier suédois Atlas Copco où il a occupé plusieurs postes de direction au niveau mondial. Il est titulaire d’un diplôme en génie mécanique et d’un MBA de l’Université de Durham au Royaume-Uni.

Contact média
Lisa Adams
Mobile : +1 405 492-1689

À propos de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group est un fournisseur leader d’équipements cryogéniques et de technologies et d’applications conçues pour les marchés inhérents à l’énergie propre et aux gaz industriels. Le Groupe emploie plus de 1 600 personnes dans 22 pays sous la direction de Cryogenic Industries, Inc. en Californie du Sud, aux États-Unis, qui est une filiale à 100 % de Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible sur https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b3496ba9-85d1-4c91-b199-181d30747a25

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9172603

Adrian Ridge nomeado CEO do Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

TEMECULA, Califórnia, July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A partir de 1 de julho de 2024, Adrian Ridge é o CEO do Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, parte da divisão industrial da Nikkiso Co. Ltd. Ridge sucede a Peter Wagner, que continua a desempenhar funções no Conselho de Administração como Executive Chairman do Nikkiso CE&IG Group.

Enquanto CEO, Ridge irá impulsionar os resultados operacionais e financeiros e preparar o Grupo para o crescimento futuro. Na sua função de Executive Chairman, Wagner concentrar-se-á na condução da visão e da estratégia a longo prazo do Grupo, na qualidade de consultor.

“Em nome do Conselho de Administração, dou as boas-vindas e felicito Adrian pela sua promoção a CEO”, afirmou Wagner. “É um líder com provas dadas que se envolve no momento certo para promover o crescimento da Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases para novos patamares.”

“Nunca me senti tão entusiasmado com o potencial de uma empresa como me sinto com a Nikkiso”, afirmou Ridge. “Temos todos os ingredientes certos para sermos líderes em todos os mercados que servimos em todas as regiões do mundo. Sinto-me honrado e grato por esta oportunidade única na vida.”

Sobre Adrian Ridge

Ridge juntou-se à Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases em 2022 como EVP de Fabrico e Operações depois de ter trabalhado cerca de 30 anos na gigante sueca de fabrico Atlas Copco ocupando vários cargos de liderança global. Tem uma licenciatura em Engenharia Mecânica e um MBA da Universidade de Durham, no Reino Unido.

Contacto para os meios de comunicação social
Lisa Adams
Telemóvel: +1 (405) 492-1689

Sobre o Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group é um fornecedor líder de equipamento criogénico, tecnologias e aplicações para os segmentos de mercado da energia limpa e dos gases industriais. O Grupo emprega mais de 1.600 pessoas em 22 países e é liderado pela Cryogenic Industries, Inc. no sul da Califórnia, EUA, a qual é uma subsidiária integral da Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

Uma fotografia que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b3496ba9-85d1-4c91-b199-181d30747a25

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9172603

Morocco, Pioneering Country in Fight against Child Labor (Minister)

Morocco is ranked among the pioneering countries in the fight against child labor, said Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills, Younes Sekkouri, on Tuesday at the House of Councilors.

Answering questions on the issue of child labor, Sekkouri explained that only 10,000 children out of a total of 7 million work, which represents less than 1.6%, noting that this indicator attests to Morocco’s efforts to combat this phenomenon.

Morocco “has managed to overcome the phenomenon of child labor under the age of 15, which is internationally prohibited according to all standards”, said the minister, noting that over 80% of the working children are between the ages of 15 and 18.

Moreover, Sekkouri stressed that the majority of working children come from rural areas, where they help their families with generally seasonal work. He added that most of these children are not school dropouts, and are not subjected to any exploitation.

The minister emphasized that for more than two decades, Mo
rocco, under the high benevolence of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, has paid particular attention to international conventions related to child labor, and has established mechanisms to monitor the implementation of these conventions.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Royal Referral to Provide Answers to Family Code Revision Issues (Activist)

The Royal Referral to the Higher Council of Ulema of certain religious proposals submitted to HM King Mohammed VI by the body in charge of revising the Family Code will provide answers to issues and challenges linked to this text’s revision, said lawyer and human rights activist Souad Battal.

She told MAP that the Royal approach reflects the Sovereign’s willingness to guarantee justice and equity within the family, based on the principles of stability and cohesion, adding that the Referral to the Higher Council of Ulema will help issue decisions in line with the new realities of society.

Battal noted that this referral falls within the religious prerogatives of HM the King, in His capacity as Commander of the Faithful and Chairman of the Higher Council of Ulema, underlining the Sovereign’s care to include various constitutional institutions with a view to revising the Family Code so as to guarantee equal rights for all family components.

She also praised the role played by the Higher Council of Ulema as an
institution renowned for its scientific expertise and position as a benchmark for issuing Fatwas on this topic, thus enabling drafting a law that meets Moroccan families’ expectations and needs.

HM King Mohammed VI, President of the Higher Council of Ulema, had given His High Directives to the said Council to examine certain issues contained in the proposals of the body in charge of revising the Family Code, with reference to the principles and precepts of the holy religion of Islam and its tolerant purposes, and to submit a Fatwa on the subject to the High Appreciation of the Sovereign.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco, EU Ink Support Program Deal for Higher Education

Morocco and the European Union (EU) signed, here Wednesday, a 490 million dirham program to support Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Mobility.

Inked by the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Abdellatif Miraoui, and the EU’s Ambassador to Morocco, Patricia Llombart Cussac, this program supports the National Plan for Accelerating the Transformation of the Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation Ecosystem (ESRI 2030 Pact), in order to help Moroccan universities strengthen and internationalize higher education, research and innovation.

The Program also aims to promote the mobility of doctoral students in European universities through a grant of 50.42 million dirhams, with the aim of continuing to forge human, academic and scientific links between Moroccans and Europeans.

Speaking on the occasion, Miraoui underlined “the exemplary cooperation between Morocco and the EU in the field of higher education,’ noting that under the enlightened vision of His Majesty
King Mohammed VI, strengthening human capital is at the heart of Morocco’s national priorities and an essential lever for its international influence.

For her part, Cussac said that “the European Union supports Morocco’s efforts, as it has embarked on an ambitious national plan to make higher education more international and to develop research and innovation, by offering students, graduates, researchers and teachers mobility opportunities for their doctorates, as well as supporting the government’s ambitions in implementing the ESRI 2030 PACT.”

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Family Code: HM the King Calls for Ijtihad in Tune with Zeitgeist, Sharia (Academic)

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, has called on the Higher Council of Ulema to adopt an open and constructive Ijtihad in line with the zeitgeist and the spirit of the Sharia, when drafting the Fatwa relating to the proposals submitted in relation to the Family Code, said the professor at the Rabat-Agdal Faculty of Economic, Legal and Social Sciences, Mohamed Chemaou.

The Council is called upon to favor a clear-sighted Ijtihad approach that is both in phase with society developments and governed primarily by religious texts, through deductive reasoning of this subject’s precepts, he told MAP.

Chemaou noted that it is possible to draw on the methods of Ijtihad, exegesis and deduction on the basis of an approach in harmony with the needs of the current era, so as to resolve problems and amend provisions rendered obsolete by societal evolution and legislative development.

In this respect, he noted that HM King Mohammed VI had kindly submitted to the Higher Council of Ulema proposals of a
religious nature, brought to the High Appreciation of the Sovereign by the body in charge of revising the Family Code, so that this body could examine their conformity with the Sharia, the Holy Quran and the sources of Muslim law.

HM King Mohammed VI, President of the Higher Council of Ulema, had given His High Directives to the said Council to examine certain issues contained in the proposals of the body in charge of revising the Family Code, with reference to the principles and precepts of the holy religion of Islam and its tolerants purposes, and to submit a Fatwa on the subject to the High Appreciation of the Sovereign.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

General Union of Arab Journalists Renews “Full Support” for Morocco’s Territorial Integrity Against Separatist Scheming

The General Union of Arab Journalists has renewed its “full support for Morocco’s territorial integrity in the face of foreign-backed separatist scheming”.

In a press release issued following the meeting of its General Secretariat on June 29-30 in Baghdad, the Union reaffirmed “its constant stances on the subject of Arab countries’ national sovereignty and its rejection of all forms of division and separatism”.

The General Union of Arab Journalists has also set out to send urgent letters to international human rights organisations, urging them to assume full responsibility for their failure to defend the rights of Palestinian people and to call for an end to the aggression against Gaza.

The Union also expressed its deep concern at recent developments in certain Arab countries, notably Yemen, and reaffirmed its steadfast stance in favor of legitimacy in Sudan.

It also highlighted its support for the unity of Libya and the independence of this country’s national decisions.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Pres

16,300 People Benefit from Direct Housing Assistance Program By July 2

Some 16,300 people have benefited from the direct housing assistance program by July 2, Minister of National Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and Urban Policy, Fatima Ezzahra El Mansouri, said on Wednesday.

Speaking at the House of Representatives, the Minister underlined that the value of the homes acquired as part of this program that targets Moroccans who are not property owners and have never received housing assistance, has amounted to 6.3 billion dirhams.

44% of the program’s beneficiaries are women, while 39% are young people under the age of 35 and 22% are Moroccan Expatriates, who have acquired homes worth 1.6 billion dirhams, El Mansouri pointed out.

Noting that housing sector indicators have risen since the launch of the program, she said that the number of authorized projects increased by 16%, cement sales by 20%, housing loans by 1.5%, while loans to property developers rose by 3.8%, between May 2023 and May 2024.

With regard to the distribution of beneficiaries by region, she noted that the
cities of Fez, Berrechid, Kénitra and Casablanca occupied the top five places, adding that 41% of the beneficiaries acquired houses priced at or below 300,000 dirhams.

In addition, the government official said that some 81,683 applications for housing assistance have been registered up to July 02, of which 89% were eligible, pointing out that 39% of applications were submitted by women, while 20% were made by Moroccan expatriates and 37% were submitted by young people.

El Mansouri also recalled the various partnerships that have been developed to successfully implement the program, citing the signing of an agreement with the Deposit and Management Fund (CDG) to create a digital platform to ensure the management of the subsidy mechanism.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Health Minister inaugurates cloud computing center at Ministry IT Center

Health Minister, Ali Mrabet, inaugurated, Wednesday, at the ministry’s IT Center, the new cloud computing center for the health sector which will help store and archive health data in full safety.

The center will help enhance the processing of digital health data and information systems for vaccinations as well as the health information system, reads a statement of the Health Ministry.

The inauguration of the new data center was attended by Minister of Communication Technologies Nizar Ben Naji, Japanese Ambassador to Tunisia Takeshi Osuga, Representative of UNICEF in Tunisia Michel Le Pechoux and the Charge d’affaires of the German embassy in Tunisia Paul Leonard.

During the inauguration ceremony, Mrabet underscored that the cloud computing data center will help consolidate the digital infrastructure and speed up the completion of the health sector’s digitization.

He welcomed the cooperation established between the various structures of the ministries of health and communication technologies in the field
of digitization, the development of services provided to citizens and the consolidation of governance in the health sector.

The project is part of cooperation between the Ministry of Health, the German Development Bank (KfW) and the UNICEF.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Revision of labour code requires common evaluation of all provisions of code (UGTT)

The executive committee of the Tunisian General Labor Union (UGTT) stressed, Wednesday, that the revision of the labour code requires a common evaluation of all the provisions of the code and should not be limited to the question of contracts and precarious employment.

In a press release published Wednesday, the UGTT denounced the “unilateral” revision of the labor code by the government “denying the social contract signed between the government and the UGTT and UTICA on January 14, 2013.”

This declaration comes one day after a Cabinet meeting held at the Kasbah chaired by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani and in the presence of Social Affairs Minister Kamel Madouri and several ministers to examine a bill amending and supplementing some provisions of the labour code.

The executive committee of the UGTT declared that the unilateral revision of the labor code without involvement of the other parties concerned is «an exclusion and an incomprehensible and unjustified step backwards from the acquired traditions of s
ocial dialogue.»

It called for holding a social dialogue so as to end the marginalisation of thousands of subcontracted workers and substitute teachers as well as contract workers in the health, culture, higher education and employment sectors.

It also called for resuming the dialogue according to a participatory framework and reviewing as soon the basic statutes of the public service and public institutions, as well as the basic sectoral statutes in order to protect the rights of agents, employees and workers.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

‘Horizon Europe’ programme grants Tunisia pound 12 million funds to implement research and innovation projects

The “Horizon Europe” programme, funded by the European Union, granted Tunisia funds worth pound 12 million (around 40 million dinars) to launch research and innovation projects from 2021 to 2024, said, Wednesday, Programme Manager at the Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry Helmi Merdassi.

Taking the floor during an international conference dedicated to the funded programmes, Merdassi underlined that researchers benefited from this funding to carry out projects in priority sectors such as agriculture, renewable energy, health and capacity building.

«A conference will be held soon to inform young promoters about the advantages of funding the energy sector,» he pointed out.

The official added that Tunisia ranks 8th in the list of countries which have obtained funds under the «Horizon Europe» programme.

«Tunisia is the only African and Arab country which benefits from partner status associated with the Horizon Europe programme. It faces competition from several countries in Europe, like the Balk
ans and other countries outside Europe such as Japan and Canada,» he pointed out.

He underscored that the “Horizon Europe” programme gives priority to financing the sectors of agriculture, space sciences, energy and civil society activities as well as management of municipalities.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Manouba University celebrates NCEE accreditation as 1st entrepreneurial university in Africa and MENA region

“Manouba University has just been accredited by the UK’s National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education (NCEE), thereby becoming the first entrepreneurial university in Africa and the MENA region, classifying it as an innovative and creative university,” Manouba University President Jouhaina Gherib said on Wednesday.

Speaking at a ceremony organised at the Tunis City of Science to celebrate this distinction, she explained that this accreditation will help the university become a member of the Global Alliance of Entrepreneurial Universities and the International Network of Universities, which will encourage experience-sharing in the higher education field.

“This distinction will also enhance Manouba University’s credibility and reputation, thereby boosting its attractiveness to students, researchers and partners, and opening up opportunities for cooperation and participation in collaborative research projects and joint initiatives with member universities of the Global Alliance of Entrepreneurial Universi
ties and the International Network of Universities,” added Jouhaina Gherib.

This also means having easier access to external-funded programmes and activities as an accredited entrepreneurial university, as well as increasing their chances of securing free or reduced-cost places on various entrepreneurial leadership programmes and masterclasses.

A team of experts from the NCEE had visited Manouba University a few months ago to find out how its various departments operate and what teaching methods are used, member of the entrepreneurship team at Manouba University’s student entrepreneurship centre in charge of student training and support Soumaya Kouidhi told TAP.

For its part, Manouba University had sent a full and detailed report including 70 pieces of evidence showing that the university is worthy of this accreditation and that it meets all the necessary standards and conditions, she specified.

Founded in 2000, Manouba University is a university cluster comprising 14 academic institutions offering bachel
or’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in a variety of fields.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

ARP: “Ministry of Family to launch on usefulness of single work shift for women” (Moussa)

The Ministry of Family, Women, Children and Elderly Affairs will launch a debate on the usefulness of adopting the system of single work shift for women with the participation of all ministries, said Minister Amel Belhaj Moussa, stating that the reflection on this issue has reached an advanced stage.

She was speaking at a plenary session of the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP) on Wednesday, during which questions were put to several members of the government.

In response to a question by MP Tarak Erabii on the Ministry’s strategy to combat the rise of violence in society, the Minister said that this debate would be continued through conferences and workshops and would provide all the answers on the usefulness of adopting the single work shift for women and its impact on economic and social plans and the fight against violence.

She pointed out that the general debate on the single work shift for women and its adaptation to family responsibilities would be complemented by a report containing all th
e quantitative data, which would be submitted to all the parties involved in the various sectors.

With regard to the resurgence of violence, Moussa said that this phenomenon was linked to consumer culture and its impact on moral and social values.

She stressed that her Department was working to promote the preventive dimension in dealing with these phenomena.

She pointed out that her department had received a budget this year to launch a communication campaign to raise awareness of the importance of social values, and noted that the ministry was currently working to launch consultations on this issue.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Live Exercise to simulate concurrent terrorist attacks conducted (MOI)

Security units on Wednesday conducted a “Live Exercise” to simulate concurrent terrorist attacks in the Rades oil zone, the City of Culture and the Avenue Bourguiba in Tunis, spokesman for the Interior Ministry (MOI) Faker Bouzghaya said.

The exercise, which was attended by Interior Minister Khaled Nouri and Secretary of State for National Security Sofiene Bessadok, aims to assess the responsiveness of security units across the board, the same source told TAP.

The simulation aims to assess the level of strategic, tactical and operational coordination between all the stakeholders involved in managing a terrorist crisis.

The exercise was organised in collaboration with the national army and the Ministries of Cultural Affairs, of Health and of Industry.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse