Burkina: The head of Russian diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov, elevated to the rank of Commander of the Order of the Stallion

Ouagadougou: The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergei Lavrov, on a friendship and working visit to Burkina Faso, was elevated ‘exceptionally’ to the rank of Commander of the Order of l’Etalon, this Wednesday at the Presidential Palace of Faso

Following an audience with the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the Russian minister was promoted to Commander of the Order of the Stallion, the highest rank in the highest honorary distinction.

‘We had a very useful meeting with the President of Faso. The Head of State explained the measures taken by his government within the framework of the fight against terrorism and the restoration of state authority and territorial integrity,’ indicated the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs after his meeting with the Head of State.

According to him, development projects in the social and economic field were also at the center of discussions with Captain Traoré. Lavrof reaffirmed his country’s support for these various projects presented by the Head of State.
These projects are part of the agreements signed between presidents POUTINE and TRAORE at the Saint Petersburg summit in July 2023.

Cooperation in the mining sector, professional training, trade, agriculture and health were the subject of fruitful exchanges between the President of Faso and his host of the day. In the agricultural field, he announced his country’s contribution to the production of fertilizers and on the health level, the construction of a laboratory for the detection of infectious diseases.

‘We will also continue our cooperation and support in military and technical matters, and the delivery of weapons to increase the operational and combat capabilities of the army,’ added Sergei Lavrov.

The two parties confirmed their desire to strengthen their cooperation at the level of international organizations, particularly at the UN. It is with this in mind that Russia, according to Minister LAVROV, greatly appreciates the ‘objective and fair’ position of the Burkinabe president on the subject of t
he Ukrainian question.

‘For our part, we are ready to provide our support for the just cause of Africans who are trying to get rid of neocolonial influence,’ said the head of Russian diplomacy. He welcomed and expressed his country’s support for the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), created by Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.

The Russian diplomacy deployed by Lavrov made it possible to seal a strategic partnership between Burkina Faso and the Russian Federation, particularly in the fight against insecurity and against the dictatorship of the unipolar world but also in several key sectors of development.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kénédougou/CEP-BEPC 2024: The starting point given by the High Commissioner of the province

The High Commissioner of the province of Kénédougou, Saïdou Sakira, launched this Tuesday, June 4, 2024 in Diéri, the written tests of the CEP and BEPC, 2024 session. 7,821 candidates for the CEP and 4,811 at BEPC take part in these exams.

In Diéri, a locality located 12 km from Orodara, the High Commissioner of the Kénédougou province, Saïdou Sakira, at the head of the provincial delegation, went respectively to school “A” and to the high school for the launch of the CEP and BEPC , 2024 session, Tuesday June 4, 2024.

In the province of Kénédougou, a total of 7,821 candidates are going to conquer the CEP, session of 2024, distributed in 49 centers and 14 juries.

At the BEPC level, there are 4,811 registered, including 2,600 girls and 2,211 boys spread across 18 juries and 36 secondary centers.

According to the head of the Kénédougou province, his presence in Diéri was intended firstly to encourage the students in the name of the highest authorities of this country but also to understand the smooth runnin
g of the exams.

Addressing the candidates, Mr. Sakira informed them that the tests which will be administered to them are subjects that they had to study during the school year.

He invited them to remain calm and then wished them good luck.

After Diéri, the head of the Kénédougou province and his delegation headed to the André Dupont Children’s Center in Orodara, for the launch of the Professional Qualification Certificate (CQP) in tailoring which registered 52 candidates.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: The media regulatory body suspends two new Canal+ channels

Ouagadougou: The Superior Council of Communication (CSC) suspended in mid-May the two new Canal+ channels called ‘Mandeka’ and ‘Pulaagu’, the AIB has learned.

These channels have ‘a significant cultural and social impact’ in Burkina Faso and required the CSC to be aware of the issue before authorization for broadcast, according to our information.

It is for this reason that the CSC, based on the law and as a precautionary measure, ordered the suspension of the two new Canal+ channels until further notice.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Léraba/BEPC 2024: 2,208 candidates set out to conquer the parchment

The High Commissioner of the Léraba province, Mahamadi Congo, gave, on Tuesday June 4, 2024 in Sindou, the starting point for the First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC) exams, session 2024. The province registered 2,208 candidates , including 1,068 girls and 1,140 boys.

The examinations for the First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC), session 2024, were launched on Tuesday June 4, 2024 in Sindou, by the High Commissioner of the province of Léraba, Mahamadi Congo.

2,208 candidates in total, including 1,068 girls and 1,140 boys who responded out of 2,233 initially registered.

It should be noted that the number of candidates this year has seen a clear increase compared to last year which was 2008 candidates.

The High Commissioner encouraged the candidates before opening the envelope for the first test.

The provincial director of secondary education, Mamadou Koné, stressed that everything is going well with the effective presence of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS).

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gayéri: 159 candidates seeking their first diploma.

159 candidates from the Basic Education District (CEB) of Gayéri are seeking the primary education certificate (CEP) and the entrance exam to the 6th grade class.

Early in the morning of Tuesday June 4, 2024, students from the second year (CM2) classes of the Basic Education District (CEB) of Gayéri joined the Gayéri ‘A’ school to conquer their first school diploma.

Out of a total of 169 candidates registered initially, 159 actually took part in this end-of-cycle exam.

The opening of the envelope of the first test marking the official start of the session, was done by Boureima SAWADOGO, Provincial Director of Preschool, Primary and Non-Formal Education (DPEPPNF) of Komondjari.

He had at his side the president of the jury, the examiners, the presidents of the centers and the security agents.

Before opening the envelope, the provincial director and his collaborators visited all the composition rooms to encourage the candidates and wish them success.

Apart from the absences noted, the day’s activities wen
t well.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kompienga: A single center open in Pama for the BEPC tests

The representative of the president of the special delegation of the commune of Pama, Adjimdia Onadja, gave the start, this Tuesday, June 4, 2024, of the examinations for the First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC).

The starting point for the First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC) tests was given on Tuesday June 4, 2024 in Pama, by the representative of the president of the special delegation of the commune of Pama, Adjimdia Onadja.

Given the security context experienced by the province of Kompienga, a single center was opened for the composition of the BEPC tests.

The trip of around thirty candidates from the Pama provincial high school, located around thirty kilometers from Kompienga, was airlifted.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Candidates for the CEP and BEPC composed in Yagha

Candidates for school exams (CEP and BEPC), 2024 session in the Yagha province were able to write on June 4 respectively at the Sebba A school and at the Sebba provincial high school despite the context difficulty security situation, noted the AIB on site.

As everywhere in Burkina Faso and despite the context of insecurity, students from the Yagha province candidates for the CEP and BEPC responded to the call for the composition of the tests. These various examinations took place in the presence of the Provincial Director of Preschool, Primary and Non-Formal Education (DPEPPNF) of Yagha, the head of the Sebba military detachment, examiners and parents of students.

The first envelope containing the essay test was opened at 7:20 am in room no. 1 of center 01 in Sebba. The authorities present encouraged the candidates to work well. The examiners took the subjects and everyone returned to their monitoring room.

A total of 180 students including 108 boys and 72 girls are registered. There were absentees, 13 in
total, including 9 boys and 4 girls.

The authorities with Drew and during this time, in the school grounds, the DPEPPNF took the opportunity to salute the FDS/VDP, the parents of students for their work of security and support since the start of the school year. ‘The only worry we had was the movement of the Solhan B students. By the grace of God, security was ensured. At the same time, we ask that these students not stay too long after composition,’ he said.

After the interview with the provincial director, we went to the provincial high school where the BEPC exam was taking place. We were received by Doguibate Laré, principal of the Sebba provincial high school, and president of the jury.

It was in the presence of the Provincial Secondary Director, municipal authorities and parents of students that the first envelope containing the dictation was opened at 7:30 am A total of 45 students are registered, including 21 boys and 24 girls. Everyone responded to the call.

In both centers, some difficulties were
listed. It is the lack of electricity at first, the weakness of the wifi connection which is very essential for the rest of the activities and the only way to access the outside world.

It is also the return of Solhan students after the announcement of the results. For this return, a strategy was implemented by the highest authorities for its resolution.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kompienga: The CEP 2024 events officially launched

The vice-president of the special delegation of the commune of Pama, bapougba Onadja, launched on Tuesday June 4, 2024 in Pama, the examination tests for the Primary Study Certificate (CEP) and the 6th grade entrance exam . More than 150 candidates registered for the first diploma.

The Primary Study Certificate (CEP) examination tests and the 6th grade entrance exam were launched on Tuesday June 4, 2024 in Pama, by the vice-president of the special delegation of the commune of Pama, bapougba Onadja, accompanied by the provincial director in charge of Education, Brimpo Dadjoari.

The province under security blockade registered more than 150 candidates.

The town of Pama has only one composition center.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

32nd AMAN General Assembly Kicks off in Palermo, With MAP’s Participation

Palermo – The 32nd General Assembly of the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN) kicks off on Wednesday in Palermo, Italy, with the participation of managing directors and representatives of the alliance’s member news agencies, including MAP.

MAP is represented at this General Assembly by its Director General, Fouad Arif, accompanied by the agency’s new Director of Western Europe Head Office, Abdelghani Aouifia.

The meeting will be marked by a conference on the theme ‘Energy and tourism for sustainable growth in the Mediterranean’, which will provide an opportunity for participants to highlight the contribution of AMAN member press agencies in promoting this issue.

The 32nd General Assembly’s agenda also includes organizational matters, including the presentation of the outgoing AMAN president’s report, the adoption of the financial report and the election of the alliance’s new board of directors.

Founded in 1991, AMAN is a professional NGO bringing together news agencies from the Mediterranean
basin, plus observer members including the Atlantic Federation of African Press Agencies (FAAPA).

AMAN aims to strengthen information exchange, dialogue and cooperation between Mediterranean press agencies.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Nahouri/Sport and culture in primary school: Youka school crowned champion

The basic education district (CEB) of Ziou, located about sixty km east of Pô, closed its sporting and cultural activities on Saturday June 1, 2024, with the final in football which saw the coronation of the Youka school against that of Guelwongo A, by 4 shots on goal against 3.

Placed on the theme ‘Culture of peace and living together at school in a context of security crisis’, the cultural and sporting activities of the Basic Education District (CEB) of Ziou, started in January 2024, have experienced their epilogue on Saturday June 1 , 2024, with the grand finale football.

The closing ceremony was chaired by the president of the special delegation of the commune of Ziou, Salam Marané, and sponsored by the economic operator, Dongo Sia, son of the locality.

The 27 primary schools in the district took part in these various activities.

According to the Head of the basic education district (CCEB) of Ziou, Augustin Kaghembega, the children competed for 5 months in a spirit of fraternity and fair play around
activities such as football, athletics, traditional dance, modern ballet, parade in traditional outfits , playback and recital.

He indicated that during the competition, students and education stakeholders were made aware of the theme of this edition.

It was by 4 shots on goal against 3 that the Youka school won this edition’s trophy, after a goalless score of 0 goals everywhere at the end of regulation time.

In addition to the trophy, she receives an envelope of 25,000 CFA francs, a set of jerseys and a ball.

The Guelwongo A school pockets 20,000 CFA francs, a set of jerseys and a ball.

The schools ranked 3rd and 4th were also rewarded.

Schools ranked best in athletics, traditional dance, modern ballet, playback, and recital received prizes.

Before kick-off, a minute of silence was observed in memory of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) who fell in defense of the homeland followed by a parade of all the schools in the district.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Captain Ibrahim Traoré meets Russian Deputy Defense Minister, Colonel General Evkourov

Ouagadougou: The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE, met yesterday Tuesday, the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Iounous-Bek Bamatguireïevitch Evkourov, on related subjects with the fight against terrorism and security.

‘Military cooperation and the fight against terrorism were at the center of exchanges between the Head of State and his host,’ said the communications service of the Faso presidency.

The stay of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in Burkina Faso is part of the friendship and working visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, accompanied by a strong delegation in our country.

Promoted to Deputy Minister of Defense in 2019, Evkurov is an officer known for his courage and heroism, notably in the Kosovo War in 2000. He survived a bomb attack in 2009.

Before his arrival in Burkina, he was received by the Nigerien authorities around cooperation in the fields of defense, the fight against cybe
rcrime, and even mines and energy.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

War communications strategy explained to journalists in Houndé

The Hauts-Bassins Regional Directorate of Communication and Media organized on Thursday, May 30, 2024, a training workshop for journalists from the Tuy province, in Houndé under the theme: ‘Contribution journalists from the Hauts-Bassins region for a return of peace to Burkina Faso.’

The Ministry of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism has adopted a war communications strategy.

In order to seek their sustained support in the implementation of this strategy, the Hauts-Bassins regional communications and media directorate organized, on Thursday May 30, 2024 in Houndé, a training workshop for the benefit of journalists in the province. du Tuy.

According to the regional director of communication and media for Hauts-Bassins, Marguerite Blegna, the objective of this meeting is to present the war communications strategy to media people and to explain to them what the government expects of them in this period of war.

On this occasion, participants benefited from communications on the ‘summary of the war comm
unications strategy developed by the ministry in charge of communication’ and ‘the fight against violent extremism in Burkina Faso: role and responsibility of communication professionals. information and communication in the promotion of peace and social cohesion’.

The regional director in charge of communications for Hauts-Bassins suggested that the war communications strategy has three strategic axes: the consolidation of the resilience of populations, the reconquest of territory, and the consolidation of peace and cohesion. social and national reconciliation.

According to her, the media have a very big role to play in the reconquest of national territory.

In implementing the war communications strategy, Ms. Blegna invited journalists to process information in such a way as to reassure populations, to pass messages of peace and social cohesion, to encourage the Defense Forces and security (FDS) who are on the ground and to improve the image of Burkina Faso nationally and internationally.

Source: Burkin
a Information Agency

Boulgou: 507 candidates for the BEPC session 2024 in the commune of Bittou

The opening of the 2024 school exams and competitions took place in Bittou on Tuesday June 4, 2024 at the departmental high school.

In the commune of Bittou, there are 507 candidates for the first cycle study certificate (BEPC), including internally displaced students.

It was the president of the special delegation from Bittou, Mohamed Lamine DIABATE, accompanied by a strong delegation who gave the start of the BEPC on Tuesday.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Management of the humanitarian crisis: associations from the Center-North in close ranks

Local associations in the Center-North organized, on Saturday June 1, 2024 in Kaya, a regional forum on their effective participation in the management of the humanitarian crisis.

‘Peace and development efforts: what contributions are made by local associations’, it is under this theme that the first edition of the regional forum of the Center-North Associations Initiative was held on Saturday June 1, 2024 in Kaya. .

With 150 participants, this conclave allowed these associations to examine their effective involvement in the management of the humanitarian crisis and the promotion of peace in the region.

This first meeting of local associations allowed participants to focus on themes such as: ‘Leadership and associative governance for peace and social cohesion: resilience to save integrity’, ‘Humanitarian situation in the Central region -North’ and ‘Local humanitarian leadership’.

These themes were respectively developed by the general coordinator of the NGO Réseau Afrique Jeunesse, Daniel Da Hien, the so
cial affairs administrator, Gaëtan Gourou, and Ousséni Kouraogo of the NGO ATAD.

The president of the ceremony, the High Commissioner of Sanmatenga, Idrissa Gamsonré, welcomed this initiative by local associations.

‘You questioned your leadership in a context of humanitarian crisis and you drew on the experience of each other with a view to your effective participation in the management of the humanitarian crisis and the promotion of peace essential to development’, he rejoiced.

At the end of the discussions, most of the participants expressed their satisfaction. ‘I learned a lot from this meeting. I am happy and I would like to congratulate the initiators,’ said participant Waogba Ouédraogo, also president of the Association for Resilience and Social Integration of Insecure Children in Burkina Faso (ARISEI/BF).

According to the organizing committee, this forum was also punctuated by an institutional exhibition with around fifty exhibitors and B2B meetings.

‘This sharing of experience aims to get to know
each other and to be discovered by other actors in local development,’ explained the coordinator of the Association Voisins Solidaires du Centre-Nord, Augustin Irwaya Ouédraogo.

For the president of the Initiative des associations du Centre-Nord, Roséline Dermé, the holding of these various activities proves that the objectives of the forum have been achieved.

‘We hope that at the end of these discussions, each of the associations will now play its part both in development and in the promotion of peace,’ she added

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kossi/Communal consultation framework: Food security on the agenda

The 2nd ordinary session of the year 2024 of the Communal Consultation Framework was held this Tuesday, June 4, 2024 in Nouna, for discussions on the issue of population resilience in relation to food security.

Food security has always been a concern of the State and its partners and prevails in Kossi in this period of insecurity.

Many families are under the weight of this disastrous situation which is jeopardizing the survival of populations in general and of women and children in particular.

It is to discuss the issue that the statutory members of the Communal Consultation Framework met this Tuesday, June 4, 2024 in Nouna.

This meeting, with the support of the ‘Res Com’ project, is intended to be a framework for direct exchange with the municipal consultation unit in the hope of finding suitable solutions to the issue of food security in Nouna.

According to data from the Provincial Directorate in charge of Humanitarian Action of Kossi, as of April 30, 2024, the commune of Nouna recorded 39,579 interna
lly displaced persons (IDPs) including 6,099 men, 9,921 women and 23,559 children, distributed in 5,654 households.

Two communications related to food security and good governance were presented respectively by the provincial director in charge of Agriculture of Kossi, Hamadou Tamboura and the secretary general of the town hall of Nouna, Arouna Zerbo.

After the definitional framing of the terms and with regard to the socio-security context, Hamadou Tamboura developed population resilience strategies with concrete examples.

These examples include, among other things, securing and promoting access to land and agricultural inputs, developing market gardening areas and lowlands to support community production and support for parents’ organizations. of students for the development of vegetable gardens.

Arouna Zerbo relied heavily on codes of good governance, a guarantee of grassroots development that involves all social layers and civil society organizations.

The participants formulated recommendations and su
ggestions for real endogenous development in terms of food and nutritional security.

The 2nd vice-president of the special delegation of the commune of Nouna, Ernest Simboro, expressed his gratitude to the NGO ‘Res Com’ for the successful organization of this session.

Source: Burkina Information Agency