Tunisian culture, literature and music shine in China through visit of President of Republic

Tunis: The State visit of the President of the Republic, Kais Saied, accompanied by his wife, to China was an opportunity to strengthen relations between the two countries at several levels, particularly in the cultural field.

This first state visit to China made by President Saïed focused on the richness of the Tunisian culture and the intellectual, literary and artistic icons of the country.

The Tunisian culture was highly present throughout the president’s visit, both in terms of literature and thought, so were authentic Tunisian music, art and Arabic calligraphy.

The official meetings and gatherings held in Beijing were crowned by the signing of a series of cooperation agreements and memoranda of understanding in various fields. The Head of State, and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, chaired the signing ceremony of these agreements.

In the cultural sector, three agreements in the audiovisual sector were signed: a cooperation agreement between the National Radio Establishment and the National Radio
of China (CNR), a cooperation agreement between the Tunisian Television Establishment and the China Media Group as well as a cooperation agreement between the Tunis Afrique Press Agency (TAP) and the Xinhua News Agency.

Collection of Tunisian books presidential donation to the Great Library of “Huawei”

In the province of “Dongguan”, the Head of State, his wife and the members of the delegation accompanying him visited, on Saturday, the Great Library of the company “Huawei”. A presentation on the different pavilions, including the one dedicated to Tunisia, was given to them by the curator of the Library named after the global mobile phone giant.

President Saïed learned about the different components of this architectural jewel whose roof is decorated with inscriptions bearing the names of many cities and capitals including that of Carthage, in recognition of this thousand-year-old city and its historical and cultural status.

The President of the Republic offered this library a large collection of Tunisian
reference works including works by the great scholar Abderrahman Ibn Khaldoun al-Hadrami (1332-1406). “The Muqaddima” or the “Prolegomena to Universal History”, an introduction in three volumes, is one of the most important works of this philosopher, historian, economist and sociologist considered to be the precursor of sociology. The donation also includes contemporary works by eminent thinkers who have left their marks on the national literary and cultural heritage, such as historians Ahmed Ibn Abi DhiSf, 1804-1874, (IthSf Ahl al zamSn bi akhbSr mulûk Tûnis wa Ahd al AmSn (Present to the men of our time, chronicle of the kings of Tunis and the Fundamental Pact) and Hassan Hosni Abdelwaheb, 1884-1968 (“Kitab al omr”, Book of Life, 1947).

The collection also brings together the complete works of the writer, thinker and politician Mahmoud MessaSdi (1911-2004), author of books in Arabic such as “The Dam” published in 1955, “Thus Spoke Abou Houraïra” (1973), “The Birth of Oblivion” (1974). The works of MessaSdi
are translated into many languages and some of his works are studied in school curricula.

“Tunis métropole arabe méditerranéenne”, a collective reference work on the history of Tunisia, was also part of the presidential donation to the Chinese library. Published in 2019 on the occasion of the celebration of “Tunis is the Capital of Islamic Culture”, this encyclopedia focuses on the history, architecture, literature and arts in the capital known for its Medina, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979.

Tunisian-Chinese cultural events organized on the occasion of the state visit

On this occasion, the president spoke of the convergence of civilizations and the intercultural mix between Tunisia and China, as evidenced by the depth of diplomatic relations between the two countries, whose 60th anniversary (1964-2024) is being celebrated this year. Tunisian-Chinese diplomatic relations were established in 1964 on the occasion of the historic visit to Tunisia by Prime Minister “Xu Anlai” (9-10 January 1964) laying
the foundations for a lasting partnership and cooperation.

This event was at the heart of cultural events organized on June 2 by the Tunisian Embassy in Beijing, on the occasion of the State visit made by the President of the Republic to China. Cultural diplomacy was at the center of a cultural day organized by the Embassy in partnership with the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the office of the National Office of Tourism and Handicrafts (French: ONTT) in China, in the presence of a number of media representatives, cultural actors and influencers as well as members of the Tunisian diaspora living in China, particularly students.

The day was marked by the organization of an artistic exhibition and a workshop dedicated to Arabic and Chinese calligraphy under the supervision of well-known calligrapher Omar Jomni with the participation of a number of eminent Chinese calligraphers. History researcher Jomni is one of the most eminent calligraphers and author of numerous exhibitions in various countries across th
e world.

The exhibition was an opportunity to shed light on the heritage of the Arabic calligraphy and Tunisian masterpieces as well as to highlight the strong ties between the Tunisian and Chinese cultures.

The rapprochement between the two countries was also reflected by the host country’s choice to pay tribute to the Tunisian culture, through the instrumental song “Sous le jasmin la nuit” of famous late singer Hédi Jouini performed by Chinese Army Orchestra during the official welcome ceremony for the President of the Republic and his wife.

This song from Tunisia’s national musical heritage, widely covered, sings of jasmine, the emblematic flower of Tunisia with several species, some of which are native to Asia.

President of the Republic Kais Saied paid a state visit to China from May 28 to June 1 at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping. At the end of a series of talks and consultations, the two leaders jointly declared ‘that they are promoting their countries’ relations to the level of a s
trategic partnership.’

In their joint statement, the two leaders reiterated the key role of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF) mechanism in consolidating collective cooperation between China and Arab countries, reaffirming the willingness to establish “active cooperation” on the path to implementing the outcomes of the first China-Arab Summit.

The two sides expressed common will to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda, with emphasis on economic development based on solidarity and social justice.

The state visit of President Saied to China reaffirms the will of the two countries to foster bilateral relations established since the times of Habib Bourguiba, builder of modern Tunisia and president of the first Republic from 1957 to 1987 and Mao Zedong, founder of the People’s Republic of China who ruled the country from 1949 to 1976.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Experts debate AI’s impact on creativity and intellectual property at seminar in Bardo

Tunis: Cultural and artistic creativity is closely linked to human consciousness,” emphasised participants in a seminar titled “Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property,” held on June 4-5 at the ‘Centre des Arts, de la Culture et des Lettres Ksar Saïd’ in Bardo.

Participants argued that content created with artificial intelligence (AI) does not rise to the level of true creativity, despite its aesthetic appeal. They acknowledged that the use of AI in the artistic domain “paves the way for intellectual property violations”.

This seminar was initiated by the Tunisian Organisation of Copyright and Related Rights (OTDAV), as part of the third edition of the Tunisian Literary and Artistic Property Days.

OTDAV Director General Ramzi Kasraoui stated that the objective of this meeting is to exchange opinions and experiences on AI to establish a regulatory framework governing its use.

He highlighted that AI “exploits protected creative works by introducing some modifications before making them available t
o the public.”

This practice raises legal issues concerning the origin of the works and intellectual property, he added.

Scientific coordinator of the seminar and Secretary-General of the Tunisian Union of Visual Artists (UAPT) Wissam Gharsallah noted that AI has enabled the adoption of new techniques in artistic creation. Creators increasingly rely on algorithms to generate AI-based content in fields such as visual arts, cinema, music, and more, he explained.

However, he admitted to concerns about “copyright and the means to protect the original work from any illegal use of AI, especially since current legislation was not designed to protect human creations from the potential dangers of AI use, which also raises an ethical issue.”

During the seminar, OTDAV signed partnership and cooperation agreements in the field of intellectual property with the National School of Advanced Sciences and Technologies of Borj Cedria (ENSTAB), the Higher School of Economic and Commercial Sciences of Tunis, and the Tunisian
Union of Visual Artists.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Weather cloudy, rain expected in northwest

Tunis: The weather Tuesday is partly cloudy in most regions, growing cloudy in the afternoon in the northwest and west central areas with local showers and hailstorms.

The wind is blowing quite strong to locally strong near eastern coasts and in the south with local sandtorms, light to moderate elsewhere.

The sea is a bot choppy in the north, choppy to locally very choppy in eastern coasts .

Highs range between 24°C and 29°C in the north, western heights and the south east and 30°C and 35°C elesewhere, hutting 40°C in the far south.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Communitarian companies: Head of State focuses attention on stumbling blocks

Tunis: Stumbling blocks in creating communitarian companies in spite of citizens putting forward project proposals, particularly in agriculture, was the pivotal issue at a meeting which President Kaïs Saïed had Monday with Minister of State Property and Land Affairs Mohamed Rekik and Secretary of State in charge of Communitarian Companies Riadh Chaoued.

Indicators show communitarian companies, a total of 64 (50 local and 14 regional), delivered on their objectives, the Presidency further said in a press release.

The Head of State instructed to remove obstacles facing citizens and said “there is no way youth keep on being excluded while state agricultural lands are rented at low prices to underserving people.”

President Saïed said each official needs to enforce the law and ease procedures for citizens willing to set up communitarian companies.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Saïed: amendment of cheque legislation needs to be premised on balance between actors

Tunis: The amendment of the articles of the Commercial Code on cheque transactions must be premised on a balance between all actors, namely the issuer, the payee and the financial institution, President Kaïs Saïed said as he met Monday in Carthage with Minister of Justice Leila Jaffel.

The amendment must break with the current legislative system, he added, which resulted in many “victims,” the Presidency said Tuesday in a press release.

The amendment needs to complete, clarify and remove any ambiguity regarding the bill amending Article 411 of the Commercial Code.

The national responsibility, the Head of State said, requires the enactment of new legislation to deliver justice to those oppressed and do away with an unfair and imbalanced legislation.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Korea-Africa Summit: Hachani calls for joint action to secure sustainable solutions

Tunis: Premier Ahmed Hachani called for joint action to secure sustainable solutions as part of cooperation between Korea and African countries for “the sake of peace and prosperity in Africa and the world.” This was as he addressed Tuesday attendees of the first Korea-Africa Summit in Seoul (June 4-5).

Hachani placed emphasis on the international situation and its impact on development cooperation and partnership with African countries.

The revision of the current international financial system has become a necessity to introduce more equity and identify solutions for African countries, particularly the overindebted among them.

Tunisia is “unconditionally supportive of the Palestinian people and their right to establish their independent state with Al-Quds for capital,” the Prime Minister further said.

The 2024 Korea-Africa Summit is held in Ilsan, Seoul, on the theme: «The Future We Make Together: Shared Growth, Sustainability, and Solidarity,» with attendance of African heads of state, representatives
of international organisations as well as African and Korean entrepreneurs.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Durum and soft wheat harvest prospects at centre of President’s meeting with minister [Upd 1]

Tunis: President Kais Saied met Monday in Carthage with Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries Abdelmonem Belati and Secretary of State in charge of Water Resources Ridha Gabouj.

Better durum and soft wheat harvest prospects took centre stage along with the fill rate of dams and the furtherance rate of building new dams, the Presidency said in a press release.

The President said it is imperative to ensure the maintenance of dams, some of

which are totally or partially sedimented which significantly impacted their water storage capacity.

The current state of affairs is “the result of decades-long lack of maintenance, in addition to scarce water resources and climate change – for which Tunisia bears no responsibility but is nonetheless one of its victims.”

The talk also focused on water desalination projects, including those which reached completion, such as the Zarat and Sfax projects, and the plants in Mahdia et Zarzis.

The issue of agricultural development groupings and irrigation water
management as well as the need to establish a new legal system to secure a better management were discussed.

In another connection, the President said there is need for the National Fodder Board to start working on ending the monopoly endured by farmers and stock breeders for years now which heavily affected milk production and caused the decline in total numbers of cattle and sheep and price rises.

Agriculture in the Tunisian desert also took centre stage. The Head of State laid emphasis on the need to step up efforts to make of it a green area, especially as the projects carries out in Rjim MaStoug and Mohdeth (Kébili) “are an eloquent demonstration of desert areas turning into lands producing not only dates and olive oil but also all kinds of fruits and vegetables.”

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Despite Tunisia’s honourable ranking at regional level, still needs to be done to promote scientific research, says Boukthir

Tunis: Despite Tunisia’s ranking in scientific research is honourable at the regional and Arab levels, “there is still a long way to go to make the most of scientific research in the industrial field,” Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Moncef Boukthir said on Tuesday.

Speaking at the 5th National Innovation Competition Award Ceremony, in which over 220 projects were shortlisted, Boukthir pointed to the need for greater synergy, sectoral cooperation and better correlation so as to promote an economy based on added value and knowledge.

Tunisia’s scientific research sector employs over 20,000 researchers, in addition to thousands of living abroad, and some 39 research centres, she added.

Taking the floor, Industry, Mines and Energy Minister Fatma Chiboub said that “the innovation competition rewards a generation that innovates, evolves and seeks to distinguish itself internationally.”

Innovation is more than just a concept; it is the driving force behind economic growth, promotes competiti
veness, improves quality of life, helps create sustainable jobs and stimulates innovative and responsible entrepreneurship, she indicated.

Initiated in 2014 by the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation (APII), the National Innovation Competition aims to support innovation and technological development and scientific research by introducing, promoting and establishing innovative projects in the ecological and digital transition fields.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunis to host Industrial Co-development Forum, June 6-7

Tunis: The Industrial Co-development Forum will be held for the third time in Tunisia on June 6-7 with the aim to “share experiences and take stock of the situation of Tunisia’s industrial sector,” said France’s Embassy in Tunis on Tuesday.

Numerous French, European and international companies are employing thousands of people in the Tunisian industry under co-development strategies between Africa and Europe.

“This event will focus on the challenges of decarbonisation, digital transition, financing and upgrading the skills of the human capital, with ten French companies offering innovative and proven solutions to meet the needs of manufacturers in Tunisia.”

This forum, to be held at the initiative of the Business France office at the French embassy and French Fab, targets all Tunisian and foreign industrial companies operating in Tunisia. The forum will include presentations and business meetings.

Industrial investment, the development of Industry 4.0, decarbonisation solutions and human capital issues be
tween the two shores of the Mediterranean will be discussed at this forum..

B2B meetings between French experts and manufacturers are also on the agenda.

An exhibition area, CCITF Village, will also be organised by the Tunisian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (French: CCITF). This area will showcase the expertise of CCITF members in the industrial field.

This event is being organised in partnership with LLOYD Assurances, ACTIA Engineering Services, ASTEELFLASH, CMR Tunisia and several companies which will participate in a bid as to stregnthen entrepreneurial and industrial links between the two continents.

The 2024 Industrial Co-development Forum is organised by Business France, in partnership with TAA, ATIP, ELENTICA, GITAS, FTTH, Novation City, FIPA, CCITF and APII.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Gafsa : Grain harvest estimated at 150,000 quintals (CRDA)

Gafsa: The 2023-2024 grain production in Gafsa governorate is etimated at 150,000 quintals, up by nearly 60,000 quintals compared to last season.

The harvest kicked off Monday in Gafsa with 25 combine harvesters being put to work in a bid to increase this number as the harvest progresses, head of the plant production department at the Regional Agricultural Development Authority (French: CRDA) Abdelsattar Ghabtan told TAP.

The Gafsa Grain Office, which has a harvesting capacity of 100,000 quintals, has opened its warehouses for the storage of grain production as it has increased significantly this year, he added.

The most productive areas for wheat in Gafsa are located in the Sidi Aish, North Gafsa, South Gafsa, Sened, Zanouch, El Ksar, Belkhir, Sidi Boubacar, Metlaoui and Redeyef delegation, he indicated, pointing out that the area sown with durum wheat in the region covers 3,400 hectares, irrigated with a production rate of around 45 quintals/ha.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Approved agricultural investment down 32.8% in April 2024 (APIA)

Tunis: The value of approved investments in the agricultural sector fell 32.8% to TND 100.4 million by late April 2024, generating 804 permanent jobs compared with 946 by late April 2023, reads the Agricultural Situation Report published Tuesday by the Agricultural Investment Promotion Agency (French: APIA)

Likewise, the number of agricultural investments dropped 6.8% to 830. Compared to the same period in 2018-2022, private agricultural investments dipped 36.5% in number and 47.8% in value.

APIA figures also show 86% of approved investments are channeled to agricultural projects, 24.7% to fishing projects and 19.2% to primary processing projects.

Approved investments for young people rose to TND 13.6 million in April 2024 against TND 10.9 million in April 2023.

Approved investment operations with foreign participation amounted to TND 1 million in April 2024 up from TND 300,000 in April 2023.

A total of TND 32.2 million in subsidies was allocated for approved investments, that is 32% of the investment

Subsidies for the acquisition of agricultural equipment rose to TND 14.4 million (45% of all subsidies). Regional development investments fell to TND 3.6 million in April 2024, compared with TND 4.5 million in the first four months of 2023.

The Benefit Allocation Committees have approved 11 land loans worth TND 1.6 million. These loans are expected to include 84 hectares of land into the economic cycle.

As for investment intentions, APIA said that 2,571 investment operations worth TND 445.9 million (-9.1%) had been reported by late April 2024.

Investment intentions in the servie sector edged up from TND 58.2 million to TND 86.2 million, while the number of investments reported online rose to 1,688 worth TND 309.4 million.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Grain crop in 2023/2024 season below average

Tunis: The grain harvest for the 2023/2024 season will be below average compared with the normal average, said Head of the Directorate-General for Agricultural Production Mohamed Ali Ben Romdhane.

Speaking at a conference held Tuesday at the headquarters of the Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries Ministry, the official added that the grain harvest for the current season, the data of which will be announced shortly, will be better than the 2022-2023 season which stood at 5.3 million quintals due to the drought.

The area sown stood at around 972,000 ha, or 81% of the planned area (due to the late autumn rainy season), while the area under irrigated grain reached 87,000 ha (or 103% of the programmed area), he added, highlighting the significant increase in irrigated crops in the Kairouan, Sidi Bouzid and Gafsa governorates.

All preventive measures had been taken to protect farms and machinery from fire, in addition to cleaning up roadsides.

As for preparations for the grain crop and collection season,
the official pointed out that 166 out of a total of 179 collection centres had been approved and 22 out of a total of 26 laboratories had been tasked with grading the grain.

Grain crops is expected to reach 7.8 million quintals, according to the Agriculture Department’s figures.

The Agriculture Ministry aims to provide grain seeds for the 2023-2024 harvest and crop season to the tune of 500,000 quintals, including 300,000 quintals of selected seeds and 200,000 quintals of controlled barley seeds stock under the reserve stock scheme.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia’s annual bluefin tuna quota is estimated at 3,000 tonnes

Tunis: Tunisia’s annual bluefin tuna quota is estimated at 3,000 tonnes, Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries Yassine Skandrani said on Tuesday.

Tunisia exported nearly 3,897 tonnes of bluefin tuna in 2023, worth TND 167.3 million with an average of TND 43 per kilogram for export.

In this respect, he highlighted the quality of bluefin tuna intended for export, noting that Tunisia comes second after Spain and Malta in terms of mastering the technique of fattening high-quality bluefin tuna in the open sea, which gives it a high commercial value.

The individual bluefin tuna fishing quotas for 2024 are estimated at 58,520 tonnes, he indicated, adding that there are 54 fishing units involved in the bluefin tuna season.

For this season, the value of the specific aid for biological rest dedicated to equipment manufacturers and fishermen is around TND 16.5 million.

The official further pointed to the lack of an arrangement for the distribution of individual quotas between fishing
units in the event of a reduction or increase in the national quota (7.39%).

He also recalled that the 2024 Finance Law (Article 17) stipulates that the biological rest fund in the fisheries sector is to be funded by resources from the national annual share of bluefin tuna fishing, with a 40% reduction in the profits of fishing units with tuna fishing licences.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

“Enterprise Europe Network Tunisia” for internationalisation of SMEs launched

Tunis: Representatives of nine Tunisian small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) support structures from the private and public sectors on Tuesday officially launched the “Enterprise Europe Network Tunisia” to take advantage of the “Enterprise Europe Network,” which operates in 39 countries.

These include the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation (APII), the network coordinator, the Tunisia Export Promotion Centre (CEPEX), Smart Tunisian Technoparks (S2T), the Tunisian Union of Industry, Trade, and Handicrafts (UTICA), the Confederation of Citizen Enterprises of Tunisia (CONECT), the Tunis Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIT), the National Agency for Energy Management (ANME), the International Centre for Environmental Technologies of Tunis (CITET), and the Technical Centre for Mechanical and Electrical Industries.

Speaking at the EEN Tunisia launch conference on Tuesday, Fatma Thabet, Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy, stressed that the EEN is a rich source of business information and c
onnections, as well as a source of regional and European synergies.

She explained that the revival of the network in Tunisia and the involvement of Tunisian companies in its activities will significantly strengthen economic resilience by diversifying revenue sources and reducing dependence on specific sectors or markets.

Thabet said that by establishing collaborations with different actors and exploring new areas of activity, businesses can better prepare themselves for emerging challenges and opportunities.

She stressed the need for Tunisian companies to embark on innovative projects, strengthen their relations with international partners and position themselves in new markets in order to increase their competitiveness and find new development niches.

For his part, APII CEO Amor Bouzouada told TAP that the network will provide tailor-made support to Tunisian SMEs.

It will streamline technology transfer and help companies identify and respond to calls for joint research and development projects with thei
r foreign counterparts.

It will also link companies with key market players to promote Tunisian products internationally and open up new market opportunities.

Bouzouada stressed that the network targets all sectors and innovative products that meet international standards and sustainable development objectives.

He added that all partner organisations in the network will support and guide companies to keep pace with global trends in environmental protection, energy management and corporate social responsibility.

UTICA representative Adel Manaa noted that the EEN will support Tunisian companies in their quest for innovation and market expansion in Europe. It will serve as a gateway to numerous strategic and operational opportunities for SMEs.

He explained that the network can meet the needs of companies seeking to innovate, grow and succeed internationally through a comprehensive range of support services and networking.

Manaa added that through this extensive network, companies can access a dynamic and d
iverse innovation ecosystem, allowing them to express and develop their research, development and innovation initiatives and projects.

Anna Sibilla, Project Advisor at European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency (EISMEA), recalled that the network, launched in 2008, includes 500 organisations, 39 countries and 3000 advisors.

The network enables the creation of business and technology exchange partnerships, facilitates the search for partners for research and innovation projects, and conducts and shares market intelligence analysis.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunindex closes Tuesday in negative territory (-0.12%)

Tunis: The stock market closed on a negative note on Tuesday. The benchmark index fell by 0.12% to 9,450.5 points on a reduced volume of TND 2.5 million, according to the analysis of stock market broker Tunisie Valeurs.

Ennakl shares were the biggest gainers of the session. The car retailer’s shares rose 2.5% to TND 10.890 on a limited flow of TND 9,000.

SPDIT-SICAF shares were among the session’s top gainers. The share of the investment company backed by the SFBT group rose by 1.3% to TND 11.500. During the session, SPDIT generated a modest volume of TND 24,000.

SOMOCER was the worst performer on the Tunindex. The ceramic tile specialist’s share price fell by 5.7% to TND 0.500, with a low volume of TND 12,000 traded during the session.

Carthage Cement shares also performed poorly during the session, penalised by profit taking. Shares in the state-owned cement company fell by 2.7% to TND 1.840 on a flow of TND 67,000.

BIAT was the star performer of the session. Shares of the banking sector leader rose 0.
8% to TND 96.800, dominating trading. The stock provided the market with TND 337,000 of capital (14% of the trading volume).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse