Duck Creek Technologies élève et Cognizant au rang de figures de proue de l’innovation à l’occasion de son Hatch-a-Thon dans le cadre de son événement Formation ’24

Parmi les 40 participants, les partenaires solutions, Glia et Milliman, ainsi que les intégrateurs de systèmes Cognizant, Coforge et Capgemini, tous finalistes, ont présenté leurs solutions innovantes visant à simplifier le secteur de l’assurance.

BOSTON, 24 mai 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers), révèle fièrement les lauréats de son « Hatch-a-Thon » annuel, sorte d’expérience collaborative inspirée des incubateurs d’entreprises, à l’occasion de sa conférence Formation ’24. Le partenaire en plateforme d’IA et l’intégrateur de systèmes Cognizant se sont distingués vainqueurs des nombreux participants en présentant leurs solutions révolutionnaires visant la simplification du secteur de l’assurance.

En ouvrant la participation à la troisième édition de son fameux Hatch-a-Thon et à son écosystème à des entités externes, Duck Creek Technologies a constaté une impressionnante variété de candidatures. L’événement a réuni ses équipes internes et la communauté des développeurs autour de la table pour faire éclore de nouvelles idées, simplifier encore davantage l’univers complexe de l’assurance et encourager l’innovation. Les partenaires de l’écosystème ont été invités à présenter des idées axées sur la préservation d’une touche d’humanité dans les métiers du secteur, la recherche de synergies au cœur des opérations d’assurance et l’intégration de technologies en vue d’améliorer l’expérience client.

Le Hatch-a-Thon a enregistré quelque 40 candidatures, un quota non anodin. Les membres du comité d’innovation de Duck Creek, Innovation Anywhere (ou l’innovation tous azimuts) les a toutes soigneusement analysées. L’évaluation s’est fondée sur des critères tels que l’innovation, l’impact des produits, l’impact commercial et l’exécution. Trois finalistes parmi les partenaires solutions,, Glia et Milliman, et trois autres parmi les intégrateurs de systèmes, Capgemini, Coforge et Cognizant, tous particulièrement méritants, ont été sélectionnés et ont eu le privilège de présenter leurs idées en public lors de l’événement Formation ’24. À cette occasion, les participants ont pu assister à la présentation des finalistes et voter en faveur de la solution la plus innovante.

Les grands gagnants du Hatch-a-Thon de l’événement Formation ’24 sont, dans la catégorie des partenaires solutions, et Cognizant, qui remporte la victoire dans la catégorie des intégrateurs de systèmes. L’équipe lauréate de la catégorie des partenaires solutions de cette édition,, a présenté Medical Treatment Compliance with Q&A, sa solution révolutionnaire axée sur l’observance des traitements médicaux via un système de questions-réponses. Ce concept aide les équipes médicales à améliorer le traitement des patients atteints de lésions tout en réduisant les frais à engager auprès des assureurs et en identifiant les plans des prestataires non conformes aux directives. Chez les lauréats de la catégorie des intégrateurs de systèmes, celle de Cognizant a présenté Nextgen Claim Assistant, sa remarquable invention permettant aux experts en sinistres de générer des réponses contextuelles à la lumière d’une expertise significative pour accélérer la prise de décision et le règlement rapide des sinistres.

Pour Luis Amadeo, vice-président directeur de la stratégie produit et de l’innovation chez Duck Creek Technologies, « La détermination sans faille de Duck Creek à encourager les progrès et à simplifier l’univers complexe du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD à l’échelle internationale se reflète dans son engagement envers l’innovation et la collaboration. En se reposant sur des événements tels que le Hatch-a-Thon et un solide écosystème de partenaires, Duck Creek est en mesure de piloter encore plus d’avancées pour ses clients. »

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui trace les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systèmes d’assurance modernes se reposent sur nos solutions et capitalisent sur le potentiel du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et pérennes. Authenticité, détermination et transparence, voilà les maîtres-mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l’assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, n’importe quand, où, et comment ils en ressentent le plus le besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du marché, sont commercialisées à l’unité ou sous forme de suite packagée, et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand. Rendez-vous sur pour en savoir plus. Suivez-nous sur les réseaux pour découvrir nos dernières informations : LinkedIn et X.

Contacts médias :
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9123581

Duck Creek Technologies Homenageia os Campeões da Inovação e Cognizant no Formation ’24 Hatch-a-Thon

Dos 40 participantes, os finalistas do parceiro de solução, Glia e Milliman e os finalistas do integrador de sistemas Cognizant, Coforge e Capgemini apresentaram suas soluções inovadoras com o objetivo de simplificar o setor de seguros

BOSTON, May 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hoje, a Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, anunciou os vencedores da sua anual Hatch-a-Thon no Formation ’24. Entre os inúmeros participantes, o parceiro de soluções e a integradora de sistemas Cognizant emergiram como campeões, apresentando suas soluções inovadoras dedicadas a simplificar o setor de seguros.

A Duck Creek Technologies contou com uma impressionante variedade de inscrições no seu terceiro ano, com participantes externos do ecossistema e participantes da conferência no Hatch-a-Thon. O evento reuniu suas equipes internas e a comunidade de desenvolvedores para criar novas ideias para simplificar ainda mais a complexidade e promover a inovação no setor de seguros. Ele incentivou os parceiros do ecossistema a apresentar ideias focadas na manutenção do toque humano no setor, explorando a sinergia nas operações de seguros e integrando tecnologias para uma melhor experiência do cliente.

A maratona Hatch-a-Thon recebeu 40 inscrições importantes, todas avaliadas de perto pelo comitê Innovation Anywhere da Duck Creek. As inscrições foram avaliadas com base em critérios como inovação, impacto no produto, impacto nos negócios e execução. Três excelentes finalistas de parceiros de soluções,, Glia e Milliman, e três finalistas de integradores de sistemas notáveis, Capgemini, Coforge e Cognizant, foram selecionados para mostrar suas ideias no palco do Formation ’24, onde os participantes tiveram a oportunidade de ver as apresentações dos finalistas e votar na solução mais inovadora.

Os campeões finais do Formation ’24 Hatch-a-Thon foram a na categoria de parceiro de solução e a Cognizant na categoria de integrador de sistemas. A equipe de parceiros de solução vencedora deste ano da apresentou sua solução inovadora, Conformidade de Tratamento Médico com Reivindicações de Perguntas e Respostas, que ajuda as equipes a aprimorar o tratamento de pacientes feridos e reduzir os custos das seguradoras ao sinalizar planos de provedores não conformes em relação às diretrizes, enquanto a equipe de integradores de sistemas vitoriosos da Cognizant apresentou sua impressionante criação, o Nextgen Claim Assistant, que capacita os avaliadores de sinistros a gerar respostas contextuais com insights significativos para acelerar decisões e rápida liquidação de sinistros.

“O compromisso inabalável da Duck Creek em impulsionar avanços e simplificar a complexidade no setor global de seguros de propriedade, acidentes e geral se reflete na sua dedicação em promover a inovação e a colaboração”, disse Luis Amadeo, Vice-Presidente Sênior de Estratégia e Inovação de Produtos da Duck Creek Technologies. “Por meio de eventos como o Hatch-a-Thon e nosso robusto ecossistema de parceiros, a Duck Creek pode incentivar novos avanços para nossos clientes.”

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e X.

Contato com a Mídia:
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9123581

EnviroFest Tunisia gets underway

Tunis: The opening ceremony of the 7th edition of Envirofest Tunisia took place Friday at the City of Culture, with attendance of environmental campaigners and environment film fans.

French Frédéric Tellier’s Goliath (120′, 2022), which addresses the issue of pesticides, was screened. Fiction and animation films as well as documentaries are on the agenda of this edition (May 24-29).

The festival provides a platform of debate on environment-related issues. Eight films representing France, Switzertland and Tunisia will be shown.

The eco-responsible village was also inaugurated. It is an opportunity for the general public to meet with civil society organisations, artists and green artisans.

Workshops to raise children’s awareness about environment challenges and receive initiation into sorting plastic for recycling are scheduled.

Envirofest Tunisia will land, after Tunis, in nine more cities from June to October. This includes La Marsa, Sousse, Djerba, Bizerte, Gabes, Sfax and Redayef; another city in the n
orthwest will be picked seubsequently.

Festival Director Hichem Ben Khamsa presented the nine films selected for this edition which, he told TAP, put forward possible solutions to mitigate the impact of environmental challenges.”

EnviroFest Tunisia is one among thirty environment-focused festivals across the world.

The festival agenda includes films from France, Switzerland and Tunisia.

Envirofest Tunisia is organised on the initiative of Tunisia Cinema Foundation, in partnership mainly with the National Centre of Cinema and Image (CNCI), the Institut Français de Tunisie, the Swiss embassy in Tunis and the EU Delegation in Tunisia as well as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) .

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Voluntary repatriation of irregular migrants from Sfax, to be speeded up as of next week (Tunisian Red Crescent)

Sfax: The process of voluntary repatriation of sub-Saharan migrants from the delegations of Jebeniana and El Amra (governorate of Sfax) will be speeded up as of next week, at a rate of 400 people a week, announced on Saturday Tunisian Red Crescent Regional Director Anas Lahkim.

This decision was made at the initiative of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with the Tunisian Red Crescent in Sfax, Lahkim told TAP.

Since October 2023, some 2,500 irregular migrants from sub-Saharan African countries in Sfax have agreed to this procedure, the same source said.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Fattouma Bourguiba Teaching Hospital boasts unprecedented surgery

Tunis: A medical team at the Fattouma Bourguiba Teaching Hospital in Monastir recently managed to remove a tumour using, for the first time in Tunisia, endoscopic endonasal surgery at the skull base in the neurosurgery ward.

This feat was achieved under the second Tunisian Neurosurgical Anatomy Course, with the participation of experts and specialists from Germany, Italy and Argentina.

The surgery lasted almost four hours and was a success, reads a Health Ministry press release. The patient will be discharged shortly.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

LI-LO Symposium to be held for 1st time in Tunisia, June 7-8

Tunis: The Lead In -Lead Out (LI-LO) Symposium will be held for the first time in Africa and Tunisia, on June 7-8.

Organised on the initiative of the Rabta University Hospital Cardiology ward, under the aegis of the Tunis Faculty of Medicine and the Health Ministry, this high-level international scientific event will bring together world experts in rhythmology, especially in cardiac stimulation and defibrillation, Professor of Cardiology and Interventional Rhythmology Professor at the Rabta University Hospital and President of the Organising Committee Sana Ouali told TAP.

The first edition of this event was held in Belgrade in 2023, she added.

“Tunisia was chosen to represent the African Continent and organise this cutting-edge international event in the field of cardiac stimulation and defibrillation,” she added.

Ouali said a major international scientific meeting devoted exclusively to cutting-edge rhythmology had never been organised in Africa. Eighteen world-renowned international experts from Europe
and the USA were invited to lead the symposium.

Six very high-level simulation workshops incorporating new cardiac stimulation and defibrillation technologies such as implantation of pacemakers without leads and automatic subcutaneous defibrillators, some of which have never been used in Africa, are on the agenda.

Experts from Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Tanzania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Togo, Cameroon, Benin, Senega and Guinea will partake in this symposium.

“We are very proud that Tunisia is the host country for this international symposium, which will help us shine in the rhythmology field in Africa and internationally, thereby building bridges for South-South collaboration and developing a national and international programme in the field,” she said.

“As such, the Rabta University Hospital can become an international reference and training centre for probe extraction in Africa,” she concluded.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia at Doha Dialogue affirms willingness to build effective partnerships in employment and training fields

Tunis: During its participation in the Doha Dialogue on Labour Mobility between GCC and African Countries, Tunisia underlined commitment to building effective partnerships in employment, vocational training and private entrepreneurship fields.

Organised on May 21-22 in Doha, Qatar, the event brings together 8 countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and 25 African Union member states, according to a Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training press release.

The Doha dialogue aims to enhance joint coordination and address current and future challenges facing countries of origin and destination, with regard to African labour mobility to the GCC, Jordan and Lebanon, according to the same

It also seeks to create a common and sustainable platform for dialogue and exchange of experiences with Asian countries to address challenges and develop mechanisms for the mutual recognition of skills, the recruitment and employment process, the role of technology and other common issues.

Moreover, the g
oal is to improve the working conditions of African migrants, which will be beneficial to the economies of the countries of origin and destination, and to encourage regulated employment channels for African labour in line with the needs of the Gulf labour market, while complying with the national labour policies of the Gulf countries, Jordan and Lebanon, the press release pointed out.

Speaking at the event, Secretary of State in charge of Communitarian Companies Riadh Chaoued outlined the main thrusts of Tunisia’s policy on migration management, including the development of legislative and regulatory texts, the boosting of international cooperation, the development of a data and information sharing system and the monitoring of labour market developments in the Gulf and Africa.

The Tunisian government is also endeavouring to set up a system for the mutual recognition of diplomas and skills between the GCC countries and African countries, and on integrating labour migration into the national policies of these
countries, to serve their economic and social development, Chaoued added.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Banwa: Electricity returns to Solenzo after 16 months of absence

Electricity returned to Solenzo on the evening of Saturday May 25, 2024, after 16 months of outage, noted the AIB.

Since February 17, 2023, the Sonabel interconnection line from Sanaba has been cut, following the fall of an electric pole at the entrance to the town.

Given the insecurity, it was difficult for the national electricity agents to carry out the repair.

On Saturday May 25, 2024, thanks to the combined action of the FDS and the VDP, the technicians brought things back to order.

Thus, electricity is back in the villages of Daboura, Dissankuy, and in the town of Solenzo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tunis 1 Regional Education Commissioner dismissed

Tunis: The Ministry of Education, Saturday, dismissed Regional Education Commissioner of Tunis 1, Hamad Fouad Ben Latif.

According to a statement of the ministry, the decision was made due violations made at the administrative and organizational levels following a series of unannounced visits made by Education Minister, Salwa Abbassi, to a number of establishments.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tuberculosis: Burkina wants to go from 44 cases to less than 10 cases per 100,000 inhabitants

Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso wants to reduce the number of tuberculosis cases, from 44 cases per 100,000 inhabitants to less than 10 cases per 100,000 inhabitants by 2030, AIB learned from the National Tuberculosis Control Program.

The number of people suffering from tuberculosis in 2022 in Burkina Faso was estimated at 8,613 people, or 44 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, said on May 22, 2024, the head of monitoring and evaluation of the National Tuberculosis Program (PNT). ), Dr Adama Diallo.

However, the program deplores the non-screening of many healthy careers who continue to contaminate other people.

For Dr Diallo, Burkina Faso plans to eradicate tuberculosis by 2030 with less than 10 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

The monitoring-evaluation manager spoke at a discussion workshop with around twenty journalists, including one from the AIB.

According to him, the disease is curable if detected early. For this, he invited patients with a cough lasting more than 14 days to be tested at health centers in order
to benefit from treatment.

Dr Adama Diallo also added that drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis patients are free and available in the 111 diagnosis and treatment centers, with a treatment duration of 6 to 12 months.

‘In addition to treatment, the tuberculosis patient suffering from HIV or the prisoner benefits from nutritional support amounting to 44,500 FCFA per quarter and a hygiene kit composed, among other things, of soap, kettles, mats and blankets,’ he said.

Dr. Diallo insisted that we must encourage populations to go to health facilities for early diagnosis of the disease and also adopt measures that will prevent contamination by sick people.

According to the specialist, pulmonary tuberculosis remains the most common form of this disease which manifests itself through coughing.

Dr Diallo also invited people to wear a mask, cough or sneeze into a tissue and sleep in a ventilated house in order to limit the spread of tuberculosis within the family.

‘We need journalists to relay this message to
the community level in order to effectively fight tuberculosis and be there in 2030 for its total elimination,’ he told the media.

The National Tuberculosis Control Program was created in 1995 with the aim of effectively combating this disease.

Its responsibilities include the mobilization of technical and financial resources, the dissemination of guidelines for combating tuberculosis, and support at the regional level for the implementation of activities to combat tuberculosis.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

National conference: The former unaffiliated Opposition will be present

Ouagadougou: The former Unaffiliated Opposition (ONA) has designated its five representatives, including Me Abdoulaye Soma and former minister Tahirou Barry, at the national meetings on Saturday and Sunday, who must rule on a possible extension of the Transition.

In addition to these two personalities, Hermann Yelkouni, Wiloho Coulibaly and Drissa Siri will be the representatives of the ONA at the national meetings.

The former Alliance of the Presidential Majority (AMP) declined the invitation, citing among other things the suspension of the activities of political parties still in progress and the short deadline given for the designation of its representatives.

She also says she fears for the safety of her representatives during the meetings.

As a reminder, the Transition led by Captain-President Ibrahim Traoré, which began in November 2022, ends in July 2024.

The national meetings of May 25 and 26, 2024 should decide on the follow-up to be given to this Transition.

But already, unconditional supporter
s of the Head of State are asking for its extension to allow the total security of the territory before the organization of the elections.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: The new charter proposes an extension of the Transition by 3 and a half years

Ouagadougou: The new Transition charter submitted to the national conference, proposes an extension of the Transition by 42 months (3 and a half years), at the end of which President Ibrahim Traoré will be eligible for the presidential elections, according to AIB sources.

The same modified text authorizes the organization of elections before the end of the Transition, if conditions permit, add AIB sources.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Conference: Participants asked to consider the best interests of Burkina

Ouagadougou: The government urged on Saturday, with participants having to decide within 48 hours on the continuation of the Transition, to prioritize the superior interests of the Nation and the deep and legitimate aspirations of the Burkinabè people.

The Minister in charge of Territorial Administration, representing the Head of State, officially opened on Saturday the work of the national meetings devoted to the follow-up to be given to the Transition led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

The fate of the Transition of Captain Ibrahim Traoré will be decided by the Living Forces of the Burkinabè nation gathered in a 48-hour conclave in the Ouaga 2000 conference room.

At the opening of the work, the Minister in charge of Territorial Administration, Emile Zerbo, invited the participants to make enriching contributions, while prioritizing the superior interest of the nation and the deep and legitimate aspirations of the people.

Furthermore, he called on the different components of the Nation to silence their differ
ences and to consider only the best interests of the nation.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Transition: The women of the Yatenga citizen watch support for 10 more years

Ouagadougou: The women of the Provincial Coordination of Citizen Watch Associations (CPAVC) of Yatenga through a lively press conference on Thursday, May 23 in 0uahigouya, reaffirmed their support for the transition and requested an extension of 10 years or more for Captain Ibrahim Traoré in order to guarantee total sovereignty and independence of Burkina Faso.

At the start of the press conference on May 23, 2024 in Ouahigouya, the members of the Provincial Coordination of Citizen Watch Associations (CPAVC) of Yatenga first sang together the national anthem in the national mooré language. A way for them to show their wish for a return of peace to the land of honest men.

According to the spokesperson for the CPAVC of Yatenga, Ramata Ouédraogo, in view of all the achievements of the transitional government with Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the women of the provincial coordination of the citizen monitoring associations of Yatenga are confident that the reconquest of the territory is underway and will be a reality i
n the near future.

‘The reorganization and adequate equipment of the army, the overhaul of public administration, and the economic recovery of the country are all worthy examples.

‘For all these achievements, we reaffirm our unwavering support for the transition, we say yes to the national meetings, yes to a new constitution. We are also in favor of extending the transition by 10 years for the total liberation of Burkina Faso. The fight that the FDS is currently leading in Burkina Faso is a fight for future generations. We give them all our support in this regard,’ continued Dame Ouédraogo.

The various projects and programs such as the ‘GO PAGA project’ which support FDS women in learning trades and the economic empowerment of women, are examples of success, Ramata Ouédraogo.

While welcoming the strong mobilization, the provincial coordination through the voice of their spokesperson invited all women in the province of Yatenga to remain united and mobilized around the transitional authorities until final

Source: Burkina Information Agency

National conference: the Living Forces of the Nation examine the follow-up to the Transition

Ouagadougou: The Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security, Emile ZERBO, representing the President of the Transition, Head of State, proceeded this Saturday morning to the opening of the National Conference on the continuation of the Transition.

Writing a new page in the history of Burkina Faso, sovereign, consolidating the foundations of peace, security, social cohesion and the rebuilding of the State, this is the task that awaits the daughters and sons who have come of the thirteen regions of our country. Thus, the active forces of the Nation will decide on the continuation of the current Transition, the deadline of which is set for June 30, 2024.

‘Your participation in these Conferences testifies to your commitment to the national cause and therefore the fight for a Burkina Faso of peace, solidarity, social cohesion and prosperity,’ declared the Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and of Security, Emile ZERBO.

Referring to the actions carried out by the
President of the Transition, Mr. ZERBO explained to the participants that the combined efforts to equip and strengthen the capacities of the army have produced very convincing effects which make the complete reconquest of our territory irreversible.

It is a question for the participants in these Conferences to assess the results of the Transition, to examine and adopt the draft Charter of the modified Transition. Proposals for the smooth running of Burkina are also expected from the active forces.

‘Through these present Conferences, we have a meeting with history. This is why we must silence our quarrels to pool the richness of our diversity in order to preserve the essential and write a new page in our history, that of a people who ensure their destiny and who give themselves directions. clear for building a strong and resilient nation. A nation capable of restoring peace and security on its own,’ Minister Zerbo also supported.

The president of the organizing committee of the National Conference, Colonel
Moussa DIALLO, recalled that the active forces will work during this meeting to deepen the achievements made, consolidate the social pact and the patriotic momentum initiated with a view to considering under better omens the prospects of our regained sovereignty.

Thus, he indicated that ‘The success of such a meeting requires from each of the participants discipline, moderation, courtesy and strict respect for the rules laid down. »

The president of the national organizing committee expressed the hope that ‘these meetings will be a moment of perfect communion between the daughters and sons of our country. And that together, in unity and solidarity, we meet the challenge of asserting our sovereignty.’

Source: Burkina Information Agency