Role of Modern Technologies and AI in Developing Journalistic Content for News Agencies: recommendations issued

Tunis: Participants in the international symposium organised Thursday in Tunis by Tunis Afrique Press (TAP) news agency on “Role of Modern Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in Developing Journalistic Content for News Agencies” issued a set of recommendations, mainly to boost cooperation in AI and improve journalistic content by using modern technolgies.

These recommendations include:

– Setting up a permanent committee within the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN) in a bid to scale up cooperation and coordination between member agencies on AI, build on different experiences and promote training opportunities for journalists.

– Creating a mechanism to raise awareness of the challenges in AI and turn them into opportunities for the agencies to benefit from this innovation in the news agency journalism and improve contents.

– Adopting regulations and a code of conduct in consultation with Mediterranean new agencies so as to ensure the proper use of AI and avoid missteps that may jeopardise
the credibility of news agency journalism.

– Launching a process for news agencies to make good use of AI applications a optimise its use to serve the credibility and transparency of journalistic content.

– Encouraging the cautious use of AI in Mediterranean news agencies while taking needed measures to avoid missteps that may affect the credibility of agency news.

Enacting legislation, international agreements and codes to govern the use of AI tools to protect the journalists’ private information and data.

– Ensuring that specialised education and training institutions in Mediterranean countries pay more attention to studying the use of AI technology in teaching and training curricula for journalism students and professionals.

– Guaranteeing safe use of AI in the development of journalistic content while highlighting prospects and risks of AI applications and the safe use of AI in protecting data and securing the flow of news so as to preserve the truth while reporting

– Involving news agencies in this
technological process as it has become a necessity for

the rapid coverage of events, while warning about the ethical and legal challenges that may result from the increasing use of this technology.

– Making the use of AI ethical.

The participants commended TAP’s initiative to address the use of AI in news agencies, and called for deeper interest in this issue and a thorough discussion of its various aspects in future sessions within the activities of AMAN as well as the editorial, ethical and financial implications of the use of AI in journalism.

This symposium was held at the headquarters of the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) in Tunis, as part of TAP presidency of the AMAN. It was chaired by TAP CEO Najeh Missaion with the participation of AMAN Secretary General George Penintaex (via zoom), Director-general of the Union of Information Agencies of the OIC Mohammed bin Abdul Rabbo Al-Yami, representatives of Arab and Mediterranean news agencies and experts in the AI field.

Source: Agence Tunis Afr
ique Presse

Number of tourists up by 2.6% in Mahdia

Mahdia: The number of tourists to the governorate of Mahdia between January 1 and May 20 stood at 3,368, up 2.6% compared with the same period last year.

This led to a 25.8% rise in overnight stays and a 22.6% increase in the length of stay, to 4.5 days, according to statistics provided by the Mahdia Regional Authority for Tourism.

Traditional markets showed an upward trend in the number of overnight stays, at 27% for the German market, 19% for the British market and 11% for the French market, while the number of overnight stays by Tunisian visitors reached 19%.

Despite the development of the overall indicators for the tourism sector in Mahdia, with an occupancy rate of less than 19% during the same period, it is still low.

The regional tourism authorities are expecting an occupancy rate of between 90 and 100% between the end of June and August 2024.

The number of arrivals from the Czech Republic and Poland is also expected to rise in September and October (20%), coinciding with the reopening of the Hote
l Fatimi, a tourist unit with a capacity of 291 rooms.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Education World Forum 2024: Tunisia to boost cooperation in scientific and academic fields

Tunis: The Education World Forum 2024, which was held from May 20 to 22, in London, represented an opportunity for Tunisia to boost cooperation and partnership in the scientific and academic fields.

During the event, Higher Education and Scientific Research Minister Moncef Boukthir and his Palestinian counterpart Amjad Barham agreed to sign a cooperation agreement in the academic field as soon as possible.

Boukthir underlined Tunisia’s commitment to boost cooperation with Palestine by opening Tunisian universities’ doors for Palestinian students and offer them scholarships.

The Forum made it possible to consolidate partnership between Tunisia and Great Britain in the sectors of higher education and scientific research, entrepreneurial leadership, the English language as well as student and teacher mobility.

An emphasis was also placed on the progress of the new cooperation programme developed between Higher Education and Scientific Research Minister Boukthir and Global Director for Education at the World
Bank Luis Benveniste. The new cooperation programme between Tunisia and the World Bank Group in the field of higher education and scientific research will focus on the areas of adaptation to climate change and the digital transformation of the higher education and scientific research system, while disseminating operational, quality, governance and international openness programmes.

In her meeting with the Higher Education and Scientific Research Minister, Microsoft Vice President Paige Johnson took interest in Tunisia’s centers of expertise in the fields of educational technology.

During the forum, Boukthir expressed Tunisia’s willingness to invest in education and teaching, develop partnership and consolidate its position as an international university destination.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Morocco Re-elected to International Narcotics Control Board Presidency

Morocco was re-elected, on Wednesday, to the presidency of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) by the members of this body, which is holding its 140th session on May 20-31 in Vienna.

Morocco’s re-election, in the person of Professor Jallal Toufiq, is further recognition of its substantial contribution to the international debate on the implementation of the international drug control conventions.

It is also a recognition of the Kingdom’s constant advocacy of the imperative of strengthening sub-regional, regional and international cooperation, as well as its recognized actions and sustained efforts as part of international efforts in the fight against this global scourge.

Ten of the members are elected from a list of people nominated by governments. The other three members are elected from a list of persons nominated by the World Health Organization (WHO) for their experience in medicine, pharmacology or pharmacy.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco at Spotlight in UNESCO’s Africa Week Opening

Morocco was at the spotlight during a ceremony held on Wednesday at UNESCO headquarters to mark the opening of the UN organization’s Africa Week, under the theme ‘Education for Innovation, Development and Culture in Africa’.

Prior to the solemn ceremony of this week, which took place in the presence of His Majesty the King’s ambassador to France, Samira Sitail, ministers and representatives of numerous African states and diplomats, the delegations represented at UNESCO and the event’s guests were given an enthusiastic welcome to the rhythms of the Daqqa marrakchia, and were able to visit the Moroccan stand, which illustrates the richness and diversity of Moroccan culture and the age-old skills of Moroccan craftsmen.

In his speech on this occasion, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, guest of honor at the event, welcomed the organization of UNESCO’s Africa Week to celebrate the continent’s diversity and richness, while at the same time focusing on the challenges it faces, pa
rticularly in the field of education.

‘Properly mobilized, through education and cultural fulfillment, Africa’s youth will enable our countries to benefit from the demographic dividend of the coming decades. They will be the springboard for our common and plural emergence: economic, cultural, social and societal emergence,’ he said.

The Minister pointed out that plural African culture unfortunately remains marginalized worldwide. ‘For while our writers, musicians and film-makers contribute to making the whole world dream, to making it vibrate to the rhythm of our inspirations and our imaginations, this is most often done outside the continent.’

In his speech, as Chairman of the Organizing Committee for this 2024 Africa Week, Ambassador Samir Addahre, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom to UNESCO, said that one of the continent’s major global priorities is education, the theme chosen for this edition of Africa Week.

He pointed out that the African continent is experiencing major technological innovatio
ns, which have earned it the reputation of being a laboratory of innovation, noting that ‘Africa’s vocation is not to remain a laboratory, but on the contrary to become a platform from which innovative solutions emerge that could be duplicated elsewhere.’

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa Chairs Opening of 27th Fez Festival of World Sacred Music

Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa chaired, on Friday evening in Fez, the opening ceremony of the 27th edition of the Fez Festival of World Sacred Music, held under the High Patronage of HM King Mohammed VI, under the theme: ‘The quest for the Spirit of Al-Andalus’.

On this occasion, HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa followed from the official gallery the opening concert of this edition, which runs till June 1st, featuring the Kingdom of Spain.

Held under the theme ‘Zyriab or the fifth string’, this colorful evening represents a journey to the sources of inspiration of Andalusian music, between heaven and earth, mountains and palaces, bringing together internationally renowned artists from all horizons who share the quest for sanctity.

The show draws on Arabo-Andalusian music, inherited from the teachings of ancient philosophers, including Al Firdusi and Al Kindi, themselves inspired by the thought of Pythagoras and Plato.

The show brought together artists from Uzbekistan, Iran, Syria, India, Spain, Egypt,
Italy, Armenia, France and Morocco, who paid tribute to the poet, singer and musician of Kurdish origin, Abu Al-Hassan Ali Ibn Nafi, known as ‘Zyriab’ (bird or blackbird).

The scenography of this opening evening highlighted a line-up of renowned artists representing different traditions and cultures, including Rabie Katti, Sanaa Marahati, Smadj, Loup Barrow, Juan Carmona quartet and the Madalena ensemble.

Shukronakhon Kamal khodjaeva, Shokhsanam Turunpulatova, Ergashova Hushnozaoy and Mukhamed Janov Gulamjon were also among the artists featured.

Other great artists also took to the sumptuous stage of Bab Makina, including Maristella Martella, Nubie Al Hamy, Karim Naggar, Ramadan Fadi and Islam Hany.

At the end of the inaugural concert, HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa presented the ‘Young talent award-Fez Spirit’ to the graduates of the Fez music conservatory, held in partnership with the ‘Fez Spirit’ Foundation.

Afterwards, Her Royal Highness posed for a souvenir photo with the artists.

On her arrival at the
“Bab Makina” historic square, HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa reviewed a section of the Auxiliary Forces that made the honors, before being greeted by Minister of Tourism, Handicrafts and Social and Solidarity Economy, Fatima Zahra Ammor, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, Swiss ambassador to Morocco, Guillaume Scheurer, Italian ambassador to Morocco, Armando Barucco, and Minister Counselor, Charge d’affaires at the Spanish Embassy in Morocco, Borja Montesino.

Her Royal Highness was also greeted by Wali of the Fez-Meknes region, governor of the Fez prefecture, Essaid Zniber, president of the Council of the Fez-Meknes region, Abdelouahed El Ansari, president of the Fez communal Council, Abdeslam El Bekkali, president of the Al Mechouar-Fez Jdid Municipal Council, Issam Filali Hamoz, and president of the ‘Fez Spirit’ Foundation, Abderrafia Zouitene, as well as by the members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

HM the King Congratulates Tô on Election as President of Vietnam

His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a congratulatory message to Tô on the occasion of his election as President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

In this message, the Sovereign expresses to His warmest congratulations and His best wishes for full success in his high office.

‘I would also like to assure you of My determination to work with Your Excellency to further enrich the close Moroccan-Vietnamese friendship and take our promising bilateral cooperation to an even more solid and fruitful level,’ writes HM the King.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco, France Sign Partnership Agreement to Promote Gaming and CCIs

Morocco and France signed, on Friday in Rabat, a partnership agreement to promote the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI), particularly gaming.

The agreement, signed on the sidelines of Morocco Gaming Expo, the first edition of which kicked off this Friday in the capital, was inked by Secretary General of the Communication Department under the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, Abdelaziz El Bouzdaini, and French Ambassador to Morocco, Christophe Lecourtier, in the presence of Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid.

In a statement to the press, Bensaid stressed the importance of this partnership in strengthening bilateral cooperation in the video game sector, highlighting the need for training to establish a genuine gaming industry in Morocco.

‘This important partnership with the French embassy will also enable us to develop the gaming industry that we want to establish in the Kingdom today,’ he said.

The Minister added that this initiative aims to create incubat
ors capable of helping these startups grow further in order to integrate the global market and attract international investors, underlining the importance of these partnerships for Moroccan startups.

For his part, Lecourtier praised Morocco’s commitment to the gaming sector, saying that the agreement represented a timely opportunity for the two countries to pool their skills and resources in order to promote innovation and creativity.

The French ambassador also expressed the enthusiasm of the French companies already present at Morocco Gaming Expo, and their readiness to meet Moroccan partners and bring numerous projects to fruition.

He added that France supports this initiative, stressing the importance of training and entrepreneurship in creating added value.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

South-Central: Customs offers rolling stock to security and administrative services

The General Directorate of Customs handed over, on Thursday, in Manga, a batch of motorcycles as well as fuel and explosive materials to the South-Central governorate for decentralized security and administrative services.

The donation consists of precisely 14 motorcycles, 525 liters of diesel and 6,510 sticks of explosive materials that can be used in the defense strategy in the fight against terrorism, announced the director general of customs, divisional inspector Adama Ilboudo.

Mr. Ilboudo, who spoke at the equipment handover ceremony, explained that it was following a request addressed to his structure that the initiative for the donation was taken.

By making this donation as well, it was, according to him, an act aimed at strengthening the links between customs and its partners, in particular the other defense and security forces.

On the origin of the motorcycles handed over, divisional inspector Adama Ilboudo said that they come from machines seized by the customs administration and which were sub
ject to confiscation.

‘The law allows us, in certain circumstances, to be able to donate what we seize. And it is in view of the relevance of the request that we said to ourselves that it was good to go beyond the request which was formulated to support the region in its quest for peace,’ noted the director general of customs.

Concretely, indicated the governor of the Center-South, Yvette Nacoulma, the rolling machines will be distributed between the brigade of Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) with four motorcycles and the police, the gendarmerie, the environment as well as the Council regional center of the South and the governorate, due to two motorcycles per service.

‘For fuel, we will discuss in the cell to determine the distribution that will be made,’ underlined Ms. Nacoulma.

Welcoming an act of ‘great importance’, the governor of the Center-South maintained that the equipment received will help consolidate security gains within the region and allow the beneficiary administrative s
ervices to operate regularly.

The regional director of the national police of the Center-South, Senior Police Commissioner Minata Traoré, also expressed her recognition and gratitude to customs for its ‘highly civic and exemplary’ gesture.

‘The donation fills a deficit in the region and for that we will say thank you to the general directorate of customs,’ she said.

Continuing, she maintained that in addition to strengthening the operational capacities of the beneficiary services, customs comes through this gesture ‘to enhance the relationship of good collaboration between brothers in arms’.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gayéri/Education: 275 candidates seeking certification in national languages

Learners from level 2 non-formal education centers in the basic education district of Gayéri, in the province of Komondjari, took part, Monday, May 20, 2024, in the certification evaluation basic literacy skills.

Like those in other provinces of Burkina Faso, learners from level 2 non-formal education centers in Komondjari participated in the certification assessment of literacy skills with a number of 275 candidates out of 307 registered. .

The tests administered to the candidates consisted of text study, calculation (operations and problems) and reading, all in the learner’s local national language.

Mr. Boureima SAWADOGO, provincial director in charge of education in Komondjari, gave the start of the examination.

Mr. Sawadogo had by his side the head of the basic education district of Gayéri, the officials in charge of non-formal education of the CEB, the military authorities and the evaluation supervisors.

As a reminder, the certification assessment of literacy skills aims to promote the teaching of
our national languages by issuing a national certificate to candidates declared literate at the end of this end-of-year exam.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Ioba: The winners of the USSU-BF of Ioba present their trophies to the high commissioner

The winners of the USSU-BF of Ioba present their trophies to the high commissioner of the province of Ioba, Bernadette Adenyo née Sermé, on Tuesday May 21, 2024.

Sports students from high schools and colleges in the Ioba province participated well in the regional competitions of the school and university sports union of Burkina Faso (USSU-BF). The winners of the different disciplines and their supervisors came to present their trophies to the first administrative authority of the Ioba province.

They were received by the High Commissioner, Bernadette Adenyo / Sermé, in the presence of the Secretary General of the province, the provincial directors of post primary and secondary education (DPEPS) and that of sports and leisure in Ioba.

According to the provincial director of sports and leisure, Sylvestres Ouédraogo, 150 athletes in team and individual sports from Ioba took part in the south-west regional USSU-BF in Gaoua.

Ouédraogo is satisfied with the participation of these athletes and he finds the harve
st ‘good’.

Indeed, the two teams in women’s football in the U15 and U17 category are regional champions and win their trophy. These are the footballers from the CEG municipal of Dano (U15) and those from the CEG of Dahôrè (U17).

In U15 and U17 women’s handball, the girls from the private Catholic high school Germain Nadal in Dano were second regionally in the two respective categories. In volleyball, the Dano municipal high school is ranked second. In individual sport, Ioba won first place in the boys’ triple jump. In the race, first place went to Ioba in the 80m, 400m, 800m and 1000m girls and the 400m boys.

The athletes’ supervisors praised the determination and performance of the student representatives of Ioba. According to them, the conditions of stay in Gaoua were difficult.

The High Commissioner of Ioba province, Bernadette Adenyo née Sermé, said she was satisfied with the participation of student athletes in the 2024 edition of the regional USSU-BF. This year’s participation was possible through e
normous sacrifice, she said.

In view of the results obtained, she notes with joy that the province has the potential. She promised stakeholders to see with the regional organizing committee the possibilities of further improving accommodation and other conditions for future editions.

At the provincial level, meetings will be organized to better prepare for the next competitions, underlined Ms. Adenyo. She thanked the DPEPS of Ioba, Abdoulaye Sawadogo and the school managers for their support and their availability to support these sporting activities for the benefit of the students.

She congratulated the provincial director of sports and recreation and all physical education and sports teachers for their commitment and conviction in leading athletes to victories.

‘To you, the students, I am proud and happy with you. You have worthily represented the province of Ioba. I congratulate you and encourage you to do more in future editions,’ she concluded.

The winners with their trophies were presented by disci
pline to the first person in charge of the province and acclaimed by the assembly.

A photo of all the actors with the High Commissioner for posterity was the apotheosis of this ceremony.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Ganzourgou: The Naba Koulga municipal high school wins the first edition of the public speaking competition in Zorgho

The NGO CREDO in partnership with Children Believe (CB) organized on Wednesday May 22, 2024, a public speaking competition in the performance hall of the Zorgho youth and culture center. This event, the first of its kind in Zorgho, brought together students, teachers and agents of CREDO and partners for an evening rich in exchanges and learning. He experienced the victory of the Naba Koulga municipal high school in Zorgho.

‘Environmental protection, factor of social cohesion’, it is under this theme that the first edition of the public speaking competition took place in Zorgho. According to the program manager of the NGO CREDO, Kiswendsida Innocent Gansaoré, this theme was chosen to encourage young people to think about the importance of environmental protection while highlighting the crucial role of social cohesion.

According to him, the NGO CREDO and its partner CB intervene in five key areas in the province of Ganzourgou. These include education, health, child protection, child and adolescent participat
ion, as well as gender and equity. For him, this public speaking competition fits perfectly with their mission to promote education and the active participation of young people in essential subjects such as the environment and social cohesion.

Two establishments from Zorgho, the provincial high school and the Naba Koulga municipal high school, took part in this competition. The students debated brilliantly and put forward relevant arguments. They demonstrated a deep understanding of the issues related to environmental protection.

After heated discussions, the jury declared the Naba Koulga municipal high school the winner, relegating the provincial high school to second place.

Aïchatou Konaté, student in 1st A4 class at the Naba Koulga municipal high school, expressed his satisfaction: ‘We debated on a very relevant theme. Thanks to our teachers, we were able to enrich our ideas. This competition allowed us to share our points of view and improve our public speaking skills.

She took the opportunity to invi
te her classmates to learn public speaking, as it is a valuable skill for her.

For his part, Eddie Ouédraogo, 4th grade student at Lycée Provincial, shared his feelings: ‘We learned a lot from this competition, even if we did not win. It was an enriching experience that allowed us to gain knowledge and confidence.’

This first edition of the public speaking competition brought together passionate and committed young people. Kiswendsida Innocent Gansoré showed his satisfaction for the organization of this activity.

‘The students demonstrated remarkable skills. We are very happy with this first edition and warmly thank all the participants,’ he said.

The NGO CREDO and Children Believe can then be proud of this initiative which not only enriched the participants but also strengthened the links between the establishments and the communities of Zorgho, he concluded.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gayéri: March meeting in favor of the extension of the Transition

The provincial coordination of citizen monitoring associations (CPAVC) of Komondjari organized a march meeting in support of the effort to secure and extend the duration of the Transition.

As a prelude to the national meetings and following the call from the provincial coordination of citizen monitoring associations (CPAVC) of Komondjari, the populations of the town of Gayéri in Komondjari came out massively this Wednesday, May 22, 2024 to show their gratitude for the effort of the transitional government in its quest to secure the country, food self-sufficiency and humanitarian care for the populations.

According to the spokesperson for the coordination, Diakiro Lompo, the populations of Komondjari unfailingly support the extension of the duration of the Transition and oppose any presidential election without total security of cities and countryside.

They request the President of the Transition, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, for additional support in order to improve the living conditions of IDP
s in the province of Komondjari, to intensify the process of securing populations living in the countryside of the province, and authorize massive and special recruitment of volunteers for the defense of the homeland (VDP) with a view to covering the provincial and national territory.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Call to demonstrate in Ouahigouya: the governor of the Northern region warns

Ouagadougou: In a press release relayed on the Facebook page of the governorate of the Northern region, Governor Issouf Ouédraogo warns the perpetrators of an alleged demonstration on May 24 or 30, 2024 in Ouahigouya, inviting them to support the Transition and demand the release of Cheick Aboubacar Traoré of Sissamba.

This call to demonstrate is broadcast on social networks, indicates the governor’s press release. To this end, the regional authority recalls ‘that no demonstration has been authorized by the competent services in this matter’ and therefore any demonstration during this period is ‘illegal and prohibited.

He invites people to distance themselves from it. “All security measures will be taken against any illegal demonstration and the perpetrators will be punished according to the amount of their crime in accordance with the texts in force” states the press release.

Cheick Aboubacar Traoré is a marabout who worked to resettle displaced populations in their villages, after rites.

He was arrested
following the resettlement of populations who suffered a deadly attack by armed terrorist groups in Zomkala, a village in the Séguénéga department.

As a reminder, on January 29, 2024, a so-called demonstration in support of the Transition degenerated into acts of vandalism and ransacking of the premises of the national radio and television in Ouahigouya.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kids Debate: Notre Dame de l’Espérance high school wins the Kids Debate competition

Ouagadougou: The Notre Dame de l’Espérance high school team won the final of the Kids Debate competition against that of the Saint Viateur School Group, on Saturday May 18, 2024 at Cenasa. The two teams competed on the theme: ‘In a security situation, children’s rights are not a priority in a war situation’.

The members of the jury for the final of Kids Debate, Apollinaire Ouédraogo known as Ombre Blanche, Seni Roxane, and Roland Batoua, designated the team from Lycée Notre Dame de l’Espérance winner of the 3rd edition of Kids Debate with an average of 35 .33/50 compared to 34.66/50 for the Groupe Scolaire Saint Viateur team.

During the confrontation, the lucky winners Claver Sinaré and Dibala Adriel defended the affirmative: ‘In a security situation, the rights of children are not a priority in a war situation’.

For Claver Sinaré, named best speaker of the final, this victory makes them want to redouble their efforts because there is still a long way to go.

For her part, Christiane Ouali from the opposin
g team was named best speaker of the entire competition.

‘I signed up just for fun and I didn’t expect to be at Cenasa today for the final, much less to be the best speaker in the competition,’ she said.

His teammate Salouka Jamil recognized that there were better than them.

‘We lost, but we have to keep what we gained today and we will come back and do better next time,’ he added.

Both teams were also rewarded with several prizes.

Apollinaire Ouédraogo, known as Ombre Blanche, also announced that the best speaker of the entire competition and the best speaker of the final will be sponsored to join the 1000 young representatives of the French-speaking world.

As for Roland Batoua, he offered the Saint Viateur team intensive training to work on breathing and diction.

On the sidelines of Kids Debate, the 4th edition of the Real Dance competition was held during which three dance troupes delivered performances on the theme: ‘In a security situation, children’s rights are not a priority in a situation of wa
r “.

At the end of the confrontations, the Gomtouigo troop emerged victorious ahead of the Les Pros troops and the IST troop, second and third respectively.

Source: Burkina Information Agency