Tozeur-By elections: Youssef Maiti elected to 4th District Council

Tozeur: The Independent Regional Electoral Authority (IRIE) in Tozeur held by-elections on Sunday to fill the vacancy in the composition of the fourth district (comprising Tozeur, Gafsa, Sidi Bouzid and Sfax), in order to choose a single representative from the governorate of Tozeur.

Five candidates out of the 6 members of the regional council of the governorate of Tozeur, namely Youssef Maiti, Karima Bouallegue, Hedi Belaid, Monia Madi and Mohamed Bouchagra, stood for this seat.

The elections were held in compliance with the procedures and regulations laid down by the council of the Independent High Authority of Elections (ISIE), said regional director of elections in Tozeur Faouzi Foudhaili.

Youssef Maiti won the seat with 3 votes, against one vote for the other candidates, and no votes for one candidate.

The final results of these by-elections will be announced on Monday May 13, by the ISIE Council.

The governorate of Tozeur will host the Fourth District Council for the first 6 months.

Source: Agenc
e Tunis Afrique Presse

Jendouba: Ali Ghazouani elected to 1st District Council

Jendouba: Candidate and President of the Regional Council of the Governorate of Jendouba Ali Ghazouani won the seat for the Council of the First District (which includes the governorates of Jendouba, Beja, Kef and Bizerte) in a ballot held on Sunday at the headquarters of the Independent Regional Authority for Elections (IRIE) in Jendouba.

Candidate Ali Ghazouani secured 4 votes, whilst the other candidates, namely Adel Radhouani, Yosri Ben Amor, Mohamed Ali Inoubli and Maher Sallemi, got just one vote.

Eight out of a total of 9 members representing the regional council of the governorate of Jendouba took part in this ballot to determine the name of the region’s representative on the council of the first district, with no cancelled ballot papers reported by the IRIE in Jendouba.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Three people killed and two seriously injured in road accident in Kasserine

Kasserine: Three people, two men and a woman, died on Sunday in a road accident on the road linking the town of Kasserine to Tlabet (Feriana delegation), said regional health director of Kasserine, Abdelghani Chaabani.

Two other people injured in the accident were taken to Badreddine Aloui regional hospital in Kasserine, Chaabani told TAP, adding that they are in critical condition.

According to preliminary reports, the accident occurred when a light car carrying 5 people skidded off the national road number 38.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Djerba: 4 people die after potentially drinking tainted alcohol

Medenine: Four people died on the island of Djerba on Saturday and Sunday after possibly drinking tainted alcohol, LasSad El Horr, spokesperson for the Médenine court of first instance, said Sunday, pending the forensic report.

In a statement to TAP, he added that three other people had been rescued and had undergone gastric lavage and that one person had been taken into custody for selling outdated, poisonous and inedible substances.

The incriminated products had been seized and would be tested to determine their nature, he added.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Sonia Dahmani’s arrest: UGTT expresses full solidarity with Tunisian lawyer profession

Tunis: The Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT) issued a statement Sunday, expressing its full solidarity with the Tunisian lawyer profession and its structures following the execution of an arrest warrant against Sonia Dahmani at the Lawyers’ House in Tunis on Saturday evening.

“Following the storming of the lawyers’ house by the civil security forces and the arrest of lawyer Sonia Dahmani on the pretext of carrying out orders from the public prosecutor’s office and the assault on a number of lawyers and journalists,” the UGTT national executive committee condemned in ‘the strongest possible terms this flagrant and unprecedented attack on the legal profession.”

The UGTT reaffirmed its support for the lawyers’ association and its structures in all the forms of struggle they intend to undertake, and stressed the need to ‘bring to justice those responsible for and perpetrators of this attack’.

The union called on all components of civil society to “condemn this attack on the Bar Association, which has been a
nd continues to be in the vanguard of the defence of rights and freedoms, the fight against authoritarianism, the redress of injustices and the defence of trade unionists in their ordeals”.

The UGTT pointed to rising attempts to “stifle public and private freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and international covenants and demands that this be remedied”, according to the press release.

Spokesperson for the Tunis Court of First Instance, Mohamed Zitouna, had told TAP the arrest warrant issued by the first investigating judge of the Tunis Court of First Instance against Sonia Dahmani was executed on Saturday evening.

Zitouna pointed out that the public prosecutor’s office had instructed the security officers to execute the warrant in order to ensure the proper application of the law and the effectiveness of the ongoing investigations, and confirmed that it had insisted on “compliance with all legal procedures”.

Zitouna stressed that the charges against Dahmani have nothing to do with the practice of law.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Boulgou: The populations of ‘the three Zs’ in favor of extending the Transition

The Living Forces of Zabré, Zaoga and Zonsé demand on Saturday May 11, 2024, the extension of the Transition and the total rebuilding of the Nation, through a meeting in support of Captain Ibrahim Traoré and his government.

Organized by the Forces vives of the commune of Zabré and under the leadership of the National Youth Council of Zabré, the meeting kept all its promises in terms of mobilization.

‘Yes for the total rebuilding of the Nation! No elections in war! The people’s choice has not changed; IB or nothing! Unwavering support for the FDS and VDP! »

Here, among other things, is what we could read on the signs held up by hundreds of young people during the meeting.

Coming from the 44 villages of the commune of Zabré as well as the communes of Zoaga and Zonsé, the demonstrators stormed the Place de la Nation from 8 am

According to the representative of the Organizing Committee, Séraphin Yabré, the main objective of this demonstration was to demonstrate the support of the populations of the communes
of the ‘three Zs’ (Zabré, Zoaga, Zonsé) for the Transition, to request the extension of the Transition led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré as well as the total rebuilding of the Nation.

‘In view of the indicators of progress in the areas of health, agriculture and especially in the fight against insecurity, we, the populations of the ‘three Zs’, affirm our unfailing support for Captain Ibrahim Traoré, head of the Transition and its government .

We have faith that the entire territory will soon be free of terrorism,’ he continued.

The representative of Naba Kougri, chief of Zabré canton, Arouna Gouba, said he brought a message from the chief.

This is to thank the organizers for the initiative. He adds that Captain Ibrahim Traoré is sent by God to save Burkina Faso and console widows and orphans.

Same trumpet sound for the representative of the customary chiefdom Naaba Saadigba, chief of the village of Gon.

The numerous authorities at the meeting also made themselves heard by their representatives, the prefects
, presidents of the special delegations of the ‘three Zs’.

Their spokesperson, the prefect, president of the special Zoaga delegation, Bernard Yaméogo, said he followed with great interest the various speeches worthy of interest delivered at the meeting.

They promised to deliver the message received from the youth coalition to whom it may concern.

The president of the Zabré Youth Council, Aziz Gouba, thanked the coalition of ‘three Z’ youth structures for the success of the event.

As a reminder, an on-site fundraiser to support the Transition made it possible to raise 145,000, 130,000 and 27,000 CFA francs respectively for Zabré, Zoaga and Zonsé.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Health:The First Health Development Plan for the Zorgho district validated

The High Commissioner of the province of Ganzourgou, Ms. Aminata Sorgho/Gouba chaired on April 26, 2024, a validation workshop of the very first Health Development Plan of the Health District (PDSD) of Zorgho. Held in the health district meeting room, the workshop brought together key stakeholders, including health professionals, presidents of special municipal delegations, directors and heads of provincial services and local partners.

According to the Chief Medical Officer of the health district (MCD) of Zorgho, Dr Delphin Kaboré, the PDSD is a master plan of the District Executive Team (ECD) which results from the synthesis of the priority health problems of all health workers, administrative, religious and customary authorities of the Technical and Financial Partners (PTF) and the community.

It aims to identify and resolve priority health issues in the district’s health air sector, with particular emphasis on service quality, governance, community participation and human resource management.

This ambiti
ous plan, spanning the period 2024-2028, is aligned with national health guidelines and its development benefits from financial support from UNICEF. With 73 health and social promotion centers (CSPS) and a district hospital (CMA), the Zorgho health district has a population of 557,651 inhabitants, of which 56.8% are less than 5 km from a health infrastructure.

The priorities defined, in line with the national strategic orientations for the period 2022-2025, include improving the quality of services, strengthening governance, hygiene and sanitation, as well as responding to emergency situations. health emergency.

As part of the implementation of the PDSD, a detailed operational planning was developed, including 77 activities with a general cost of 6 billion 864 million 845 thousand 753 FCFA. These activities include, among others, regular meetings, advocacy for new infrastructure and supplies of pharmaceuticals and blood products.

Together, participants reviewed the document, asked questions and proposed am
endments, demonstrating their commitment to improving health in the district. The document was then unanimously validated subject to taking into account the proposed amendments.

The High Commissioner expressed her gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions, and requested the involvement of all stakeholders for the successful implementation of the PDSD.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sport and culture at primary school: The CEB of Zorgho has closed its 2024 season

The president of the special delegation of the municipality of Zorgho, Valentin Badolo chaired on May 11, 2024, the closing ceremony of the sports and cultural season 2024 edition of the Basic Education District (CEB) of Zorgho. Held at the Zorgho sports stadium, in addition to the speeches, this ceremony was marked by the final football competition which pitted the team from Loundogo ‘A’ school against that of Sapaga ‘B’ school. with the key being the victory of Loundogo ‘A’ by 2 goals to 0 over his challenger.

Started on January 31, 2024, the sports and cultural season of the CEB of Zorgho was officially closed on May 11, 2024. According to the secretary general of the office of the Organization of sport, culture and leisure in primary schools ( OSCLEP) of the CEB of Zorgho, Rasmané Zoungrana, in football, more than 70 matches were played during this season. Unfortunately, on a cultural level, only 4 schools out of more than 70 schools registered.

The activities within the framework of this closure began
on May 10 in the grounds of the Kambambori ‘A’ school with competitions in athletics and culture, notably in modern ballet combined with a fair promoting local dishes and other products. . This first cultural day saw the coronation of the Kambambori ‘A’ school troop followed respectively by the Bouglem, Amitié ‘A’ and Sapaga ‘B’ school troops.

The grand closing ceremony of the season on May 11 was marked by speeches and the football final which pitted the Loundogo ‘A’ team against the Sapaga ‘B’ school team.

The remarkable presence of eminent personalities such as the High Commissioner of Ganzourgou, Ms. Aminata Sorgho/ Gouba, and the Provincial Director of Preschool, Primary and Non-Formal Education of Ganzourgou, Ms. Nobila Célestine Zagré/ Zoungrana, testified to the importance of this event for the community.

The parade of students, featuring the different management areas of the CEB, marked the start of the day’s festivities, followed by speeches full of emotion from the head of the Basic Education Di
strict, Raogo Jean Claude, from sponsor of the ceremony, Mr. Augustin Sakandé, retired teacher, also ‘Songkogl-naba’ of the village of Daguintoèga, as well as the President of the special delegation, Valentin Badolo.

Sakandé stressed the importance of culture and sport in the education of young students. He praised the work of teachers and called on parents to actively support their children in their school, cultural and sporting activities. He is committed to continuing to promote these activities within the municipality of Zorgho.

For his part, Valentin Badolo expressed his pride and admiration for the determination and commitment of the CEB of Zorgho in the organization of this event despite the challenges encountered. He paid tribute to the sponsor and co-sponsor, Mr. Lamoussa Ouédraogo, as well as to teachers and parents while emphasizing the importance of their contribution to the education and well-being of children.

The highlight of the day was the football match between the Loundogo ‘A’ school tea
m and the Sapaga ‘B’ school team. In front of an enthusiastic audience, by 2 goals to 0, the Loundogo ‘A’ team brilliantly won the match and became the football champion of the cultural and sports season of the CEB of Zorgho, 2024 edition. It then won the trophy, a set of jerseys, a ball and the sum of 35 thousand FCFA. The unfortunate finalist leaves with a set of jerseys, a ball and the sum of 25 thousand CFA francs. The teams from the Digré and Zinado schools, ranked 3rd and 4th respectively rewarded for their performances.

The appointment is set for the 2025 season with the wish for the participation of all schools for the happiness of the children.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

GITEX Africa Morocco 2024: the Digital Development Agency serving the promotion of innovation and new technologies

Ouagadougou: In the era of the digital revolution which has seen the advent of new information and communication technologies, several advances have shaped the world and profoundly changed our lifestyles and practices in many sectors of activity. This digital shift undoubtedly opens up new, promising horizons for a future dominated by digital tools and technological innovation in the service of humanity.

In the digital age, the world is changing rapidly and it is essential to stay informed and take part in this revolution. In this sense, the African continent is not on the sidelines of this spectacular evolution and sees itself obliged to follow the new trends recorded in the field of digital innovation and draw inspiration, even appropriate and adopt the best practices in the field and thus benefit from its many benefits.

In this wake, Africa conceals innumerable assets and potential favorable to its immersion in this rapidly expanding universe, positioning it as an emerging continental pole. This is how t
he organization of Gitex Africa Morocco in Marrakech affirms the ambition to find a place among the big players in this global arena of tough competition.

GITEX Africa Morocco 2024, scheduled for May 29 to 31 in Marrakech, is shaping up to be the flagship event for technology and innovation on the continent. Placed under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI May God Assist Him, this great international mass, organized under the aegis of the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administration Reform (MTNRA) in partnership with the Digital Development Agency (ADD) and Kaoun International , aims to be a real opportunity for digital progress and entrepreneurial development and which underlines Morocco’s continued commitment to making the African continent an attractive digital destination.

The Digital Development Agency (ADD), a key player in this organization, plays a crucial role in the realization and success of this major event. It should be recalled that a memorandum of understanding was conclud
ed between the Digital Development Agency and Dubai World Trade Center / KAOUN International on October 12, 2022 in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for the organization of the African version of GITEX Global which is exported for the first time outside Dubai after more than four decades of existence in the UAE.

Aware of its role as a catalyst for the digital development of our country, the ADD deploys considerable efforts to promote the use of digital and contributes with the different components of the public and private ecosystems to the establishment of a new digital culture at level of administration , business and society. Also, this Agency, as part of its missions, works to support innovative entrepreneurship, skills building and human development through a participatory and concerted approach with all stakeholders.

During the first edition of Gitex Africa Morocco, ADD took this opportunity to highlight the commitment of public institutions to accelerate the digitalization of public services and als
o highlighted the potential that our country has in terms of young people. innovative companies through exhibition and scientific animation spaces where experts and young Moroccan talents shared their expertise and know-how in new global professions linked to digital. This participation allowed these players broad visibility and openness to the international market and also fostered contact with investors and potential prescribers looking for business opportunities.

For this second edition, the enthusiasm and interest shown by the startup community is much more significant than that of the previous year since 200 Moroccan startups will be selected to participate in this global meeting as part of an operation called ‘Morocco 200’. The Morocco 200, an operation supported by the Ministry of Digital Transition and Digital Transition Reform in partnership with the Digital Development Agency which aims to select 200 Moroccan startups which will benefit from 95% coverage of their participation fee.

Furthermore, GI
TEX Africa Morocco benefits from the support of several institutional partners including ANRT, ONDA, ONCF, RAM, OCP and CGEM, which reflect the ambition to contribute to success and success. of the event and the influence of our country.

Morocco’s organization of the GITEX Africa Morocco international exhibition demonstrates in more than one way the essential role played by the Kingdom of Morocco in strengthening and developing partnerships with African countries in several areas of activity, in application of the High Guidelines of His Majesty King Mohammed VI May God Help Him which plead for diversifying and perpetuating south-south cooperation.

By putting new technologies and innovation at the heart of its projects, the ADD, under the aegis of the Ministry and in collaboration with other strategic partners, is setting up Gitex Africa Morocco as a challenge to be taken up by mobilizing all stakeholders. means to establish an inclusive digital vision for a responsible and sustainable digital transition.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina/Media: a new WebTV to raise awareness at 360 degrees

Ouagadougou: The media world welcomed a new web TV this Sunday called Conscience 360 (C360) which aims to raise the awareness of Burkinabè people on all levels of life.

‘Our web TV is called Consciousness 360 because we are in the dynamic of enlightening or awakening awareness on all levels of socio-economic, cultural, political and even spiritual life of the Burkinabè people and all the people of Africa’ , indicated the general director of Conscience 360, Bienvenue Hounkponou.

Mr. Hounkponou spoke on Sunday at the official launch of the Conscience 360 (C360) web television.

According to him, C360 is a channel whose mission is to participate in the consolidation and construction of the sovereignty of peoples, particularly that of Burkina Faso.

‘We would like this channel to be the result of all the existing channels in Burkina Faso,’ continued the general director of C360.

He indicated that to carry out their missions, they have given themselves the line to follow, to make available constructive and insp
iring information which will contribute to the advent of a new Burkinabè which can lead with valor and pride the deep aspirations of the people. .

‘C360 already offers programs on the networks such as Patriotes d’Afrique which highlight certain figures who have already contributed to the solidification and construction of African sovereignty and the program Cartes sur tables which deciphers political news », underlined Mr. Hounkponou.

According to him, Web TV also offers shows like Le regard sur l’avenir, and the show Une forêt qui grow.

‘We are aware of the challenges that await us and we believe that we will be able to overcome them with the motivation and determination that we have,’ maintained the general director.

For his part, the C360 staff representative, Chériff Coulibaly, is committed to continuing to provide information for a free, prosperous and sovereign Burkina Faso.

The new Web TV located at Patte d’oie begins with 12 image reporting journalists

Source: Burkina Information Agency

FM Represents HM King Mohammed VI at 25th Anniversary of Enthronement of Ashanti Kingdom King

Kumasi – Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, represented His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God glorify Him, on Sunday in Kumasi, Ghana, at the festivities marking the 25th anniversary of the enthronement of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, King of the Ashanti Kingdom.

In Kumasi, Bourita was received in audience by the Ashantehene, to whom he conveyed the congratulations of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations, as well as His wishes for good health and prosperity.

Bourita also took part in the Adaekese festivities, a colorful Ashanti festival celebrating the 25-year reign of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, in the presence of Ghana’s traditional kings and dignitaries from neighboring and friendly countries.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse