KFSH&RC Pushes Boundaries with a Year of Achievements Across Three Centres of Excellence

KFSH&RC Pushes Boundaries with a Year of Achievements Across Three Centres of Excellence

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, May 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) has experienced a year of achievements across its three Centres of Excellence—Oncology, Genomics, and Transplantation.

KFSH&RC’s Oncology Centre of Excellence continues to lead the fight against the disease in the Kingdom. This year alone, the centre has treated 25% of all cancer cases in Saudi Arabia, achieving a 50% overall recovery rate and up to 90% recovery in leukemia cases. With almost five decades of service, the centre’s commitment to providing advanced cancer treatments is evident in its adoption of technologies such as CAR T-cell therapy and liquid biopsy, which provide less invasive alternatives to traditional methods, along with extensive bone marrow transplants, and revolutionary techniques like Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC).

KFSH&RC Pushes Boundaries with a Year of Achievements Across Three Centres of Excellence

Notably, KFSH&RC has achieved a milestone by completing over 100 CAR T-cell therapy procedures, a novel treatment that genetically modifies a patient’s immune cells to fight cancer. This achievement puts it on par with renowned institutions that are also advancing CAR-T cell therapy for various blood cancers and exploring expanded applications through clinical trials and new treatment protocols. Furthermore, the centre’s focus on pediatric oncology boasts a 97% five-year survival rate for renal tumors and a 92% survival rate for acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children.

With rapid advancements in genomic medicine, KFSH&RC is adopting next-generation sequencing technologies into patient care in its Genomic Centre, revolutionizing local and regional approaches to disease management. KFSH&RC’s discovery of the bacterial strain Stenotrophomonas Riyadhensis, facilitated by whole-genome sequencing (WGS) technology, has contributed to our understanding of bacterial antibiotic resistance mechanisms. With 15,698 patient visits and over 5,658 whole genomes completed in 2023, the centre ensures that prevention, diagnosis, and treatment are precise and personalized.

KFSH&RC’s Organ Transplant Centre of Excellence (OTCoE) continues to be the primary contributor to organ transplantation activities in the Kingdom, accounting for 65% of all transplants performed nationally. In 2023, OTCoE performed 1,092 solid organ transplants, including the world’s first fully robotic liver transplant— where doctors employed robotic technology to conduct surgery on both patient and donor — an achievement that places the centre at the forefront of global transplantation practices.

As KFSH&RC continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in medical science, its efforts not only inspire but also significantly impact the global healthcare community, reaffirming its role as a leader in medical innovation and specialized healthcare.

About King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC):

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) stands as a leading healthcare institution in the Middle East, envisioned to be the optimal choice for every patient seeking specialized healthcare. The hospital boasts a rich history in the treatment of cancers, cardiovascular diseases, organ transplantation, neurosciences, and genetics.

In 2024, “Brand Finance” ranked King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre as the top academic medical centre in the Middle East and Africa, and among the top 20 globally for the second consecutive year. Additionally, in 2024, it was recognized as one of the leading global healthcare providers by Newsweek magazine.

As part of Saudi Vision 2030, a royal decree was issued on December 21, 2021, to transform the hospital into an independent, non-profit, government-owned entity, paving the way for a comprehensive transformation program aimed at achieving global leadership in healthcare through excellence and innovation.


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Essam Al-Zahrani, Acting Media Affairs Head, 0555254429

Mr. Abdullah Al-Aown, Media Coordination Officer, 0556294232

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Curia e Carterra Fazem Parceria em Simpósio para o Avanço da Pesquisa Biotecnológica do Noroeste do Pacífico

ALBANY, N.Y. e SALT LAKE CITY, May 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Curia, uma organização líder em contratos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação, e a Carterra Inc., líder mundial em descoberta de medicamentos de moléculas pequenas e anticorpos de alto rendimento sem rótulos, anunciaram hoje sua parceria para a realização de um simpósio de produtos biológicos de alto rendimento previsto para 31 de maio no Residence Inn do Marriott em Seattle, Washington.

O objetivo da colaboração é promover o crescente foco em biotecnologia na região Noroeste do Pacífico dos EUA e Canadá. O simpósio reunirá todos os níveis de liderança científica das comunidades de biotecnologia e farmacêutica.

“Estamos muito entusiasmados com a parceria com a Carterra para organizar este simpósio de descoberta de anticorpos, reunindo a comunidade de biotecnologia do Noroeste do Pacífico e compartilhando os mais recentes avanços na descoberta de anticorpos”, disse Steve Lavezoli, Vice-Presidente de Produtos Biológicos da Curia. “Também estamos prontos para compartilhar nossos fluxos de trabalho de descoberta ideal de anticorpos de alta qualidade e acelerados para a primeira descoberta, desenvolvimento e fabricação clínica de anticorpos humanos. Os anticorpos descobertos e/ou projetados com a tecnologia de plataforma da Curia são para a área de clínica e temos mais de 230 campanhas bem-sucedidas de descoberta de anticorpos realizadas para a comunidade de biotecnologia.”

A velocidade, a experiência científica e a eficiência podem superar as altas taxas de atrito da descoberta precoce de anticorpos e alcançar a primeira distribuição no mercado de novas terapêuticas. O simpósio destacará a plataforma tecnológica e os serviços integrados da Curia com foco no desenvolvimento de sistemas aprimorados de camundongos para geração de anticorpos e triagem de células B únicas de alto rendimento. A combinação de sequenciamento de próxima geração (NGS) e produção recombinante rápida de quantidades de miligrama para grama de anticorpo monoclonal purificado (mAb) acelera significativamente a identificação de condutores candidatos ao desenvolvimento.

Desde 2017, a Carterra tem vendido seu potente biossensor de alto rendimento LSA® para analisar e caracterizar anticorpos com Ressonância Plasmônica de Superfície (SPR). Com o lançamento da sua plataforma LSAXT no ano passado, a Carterra passou a oferecer produtos que podem realizar análises de moléculas pequenas, bem como a descoberta de anticorpos. A plataforma LSA foi destaque em vários artigos revisados por pares em Science, Nature e Cell, detalhando o caminho de várias terapêuticas que estão entrando em ensaios clínicos. No simpósio, vários cientistas líderes em biofarmacêutica compartilharão suas ideias sobre suas áreas específicas de descoberta de medicamentos e destacarão o impacto transformador da integração da tecnologia HT-SPR, IA/ML e outras novas tecnologias.

“Estamos entusiasmados com a nossa parceria com a Curia no nosso simpósio. Os simpósios Carterra são eventos científicos que organizamos todos os anos nos EUA e na Europa”, disse Chris M. Silva, Vice-Presidente de Marketing e Produtos da Carterra. “Esses simpósios nos ajudam a compartilhar os mais recentes avanços tecnológicos e dados importantes gerados a partir dos fluxos de trabalho de cientistas que usam as plataformas sem rótulos da Carterra. A nossa entrada no noroeste do Pacífico é uma oportunidade para aumentar o entendimento mais profundo da tecnologia para produtos farmacêuticos e biotecnológicos nesta região.”

Clique aqui para confirmar presença no evento. É necessário inscrição pois temos vagas limitadas.

Sobre a Curia:
A Curia é uma Organização de Desenvolvimento e Fabricação de Contratos (CDMO) com mais de 30 anos de experiência, uma rede integrada de 27 locais globais e mais de 3.500 funcionários em parceria com clientes biofarmacêuticos para levar ao mercado terapias que mudam a vida. Nossas ofertas de produtos biológicos e pequenas moléculas abrangem a descoberta através da comercialização, com capacidades regulatórias e analíticas integradas. Nossos especialistas científicos e de processos, e instalações de última geração oferecem a melhor experiência em fabricação de medicamentos e produtos farmacêuticos. Da curiosidade à cura, proporcionamos todas as etapas para a melhoria da vida dos pacientes. Visite-nos em curiaglobal.com.

Sobre a Carterra, Inc.:
A Carterra, Inc. é uma empresa privada. Sua tecnologia HT-SPR fornece aos clientes de descoberta de medicamentos de moléculas grandes e pequenas, o rendimento e a funcionalidade de triagem e caracterização que são dimensionados com aplicativos de nível ômico, condensando meses de trabalho em dias. Nossas soluções viabilizaram múltiplas terapias e pesquisas inovadoras e ajudaram pesquisadores acadêmicos e translacionais e empresas biofarmacêuticas em oncologia, imunologia, neurociência e muito mais.  A Carterra está sediada em Salt Lake City, Utah, e tem Centros de Experiência do Cliente em São Francisco, Salt Lake City, Boston, Manchester, Inglaterra e Munique, Alemanha. Os produtos Carterra estão disponíveis na Ásia-Pacífico e na Oceania através do nosso distribuidor exclusivo, Revvity. Para mais informação, visite www.carterra-bio.com ou conecte-se conosco no LinkedIn ou X (Twitter).

Contato da Curia:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

Contato para Mídia da Carterra:
Cheri Salazar
(408) 594-9400

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/020a0a28-86f0-4f6c-96f2-0eaa01c82784

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9115418

Curia et Carterra coorganisent un symposium sur les produits biologiques pour encourager la recherche en biotechnologie dans le nord-ouest du Pacifique

ALBANY, New York et SALT LAKE CITY, 10 mai 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, une organisation de premier plan du domaine de la recherche, du développement et de la fabrication sous contrat, et Carterra Inc., leader mondial de la découverte d’anticorps et de médicaments à petites molécules sans étiquette à haut débit, annoncent ce jour un partenariat ciblé sur l’organisation d’un symposium sur les produits biologiques à haut débit, prévu le 31 mai au Residence Inn at Marriott de Seattle, dans l’État de Washington.

L’objectif de cette collaboration vise la promotion de l’intérêt croissant suscité par la biotechnologie dans la zone nord-ouest du Pacifique des États-Unis et du Canada. Le symposium réunira des professionnels de tous niveaux de direction scientifique de la biotechnologie et de la pharmaceutique.

« Nous sommes ravis de nous associer à Carterra pour organiser ce symposium axé sur la découverte d’anticorps, qui réunira l’ensemble de la communauté biotechnologique du nord-ouest du Pacifique et permettra de partager les dernières avancées en matière de découverte d’anticorps », observe Steve Lavezoli, vice-président des produits biologiques chez Curia. Et de poursuivre : « Nous sommes également impatients d’échanger sur nos meilleurs flux de travail, de haute qualité et accélérés pour la découverte, le développement et la fabrication clinique d’anticorps en vue d’une première administration chez l’être humain. Les anticorps découverts et/ou conçus à l’aide de la plateforme technologique de Curia sont utilisés en clinique et nous avons mené avec succès plus de 230 campagnes de découverte d’anticorps au bénéfice de la communauté biotechnologique. »

La rapidité, l’expertise scientifique et l’efficacité permettent de surmonter les forts taux de rotation de la découverte précoce d’anticorps et d’assurer la mise en marché de nouveaux produits thérapeutiques. Le symposium mettra en lumière la plateforme technologique et les services intégrés de Curia, en exerçant un focus sur le développement de modèles murins améliorés pour la génération d’anticorps et le criblage de cellules B uniques à haut débit. La combinaison du séquençage de nouvelle génération (SNG) et de la production recombinante rapide de quantités d’anticorps monoclonaux (AcM) purifiés (de milligramme en gramme) accélère considérablement l’identification des approches de développement de produits candidats.

Depuis 2017, Carterra commercialise son puissant biocapteur à haut débit LSA®, conçu pour l’analyse et la caractérisation des anticorps à l’aide de la résonance plasmonique de surface (ou SPR pour Surface Plasmon Resonance). Depuis le lancement de sa plateforme LSAXT l’année dernière, Carterra propose des produits en mesure d’effectuer l’analyse de petites molécules et permettre la découverte d’anticorps. La plateforme LSA a fait l’objet de plusieurs articles évalués par des pairs dans Science, Nature et Cell, détaillant le parcours de plusieurs produits thérapeutiques faisant leur entrée dans les essais cliniques. Lors du symposium, plusieurs scientifiques renommés du secteur biopharmaceutique partageront les éclairages propres à leurs domaines spécifiques de découverte de médicaments et mettront en évidence l’effet novateur de l’intégration de la technologie HT-SPR, de l’intelligence artificielle et de l’apprentissage automatique et d’autres nouvelles technologies.

« Nous sommes enchantés de nous associer à Curia pour organiser ce symposium. Les symposiums de Carterra sont des événements scientifiques que nous organisons chaque année aux États-Unis et en Europe », précise Chris M. Silva, vice-président du marketing et des produits chez Carterra, avant d’ajouter : « Ils nous permettent de partager les dernières avancées technologiques et les données significatives générées par les flux de travail des scientifiques utilisant les plateformes sans étiquette de Carterra. Nous rendre dans le nord-ouest du Pacifique nous permettra d’induire une meilleure compréhension de la technologie applicable aux domaines pharmaceutique et biotechnologique dans cette région. »

Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire à l’événement. L’inscription est obligatoire car le nombre de places est limité.

À propos de Curia :
Curia est une organisation de développement et de fabrication sous contrat (ou CDMO pour Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization) avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience à son actif, qui exploite un réseau intégré de 27 sites à travers le monde et emploie plus de 3 500 collaborateurs travaillant en partenariat avec des clients biopharmaceutiques pour commercialiser des traitements ayant un véritable impact sur la vie des personnes. Nos offres de produits biologiques et de petites molécules vont de la découverte à la commercialisation, et intègrent des capacités réglementaires et analytiques intégrées. Nos scientifiques, nos experts en processus et nos installations de pointe apportent une expérience de premier ordre dans la fabrication de substances et de produits pharmaceutiques. De la curiosité au traitement, nous réalisons toutes les étapes pour améliorer la vie des patients. Consultez notre site à l’adresse suivante : www.curiaglobal.com.

À propos de Carterra, Inc. :
Carterra, Inc. est une société privée. Sa technologie HT-SPR délivre aux clients du secteur de la découverte de médicaments à petites et grandes molécules un débit de criblage et de caractérisation et des fonctionnalités qui s’adaptent aux applications de niveau omique, ramenant ainsi des mois de travail à quelques jours à peine. Nos solutions ont permis la mise au point de nombreux traitements et de recherches révolutionnaires. Elles ont appuyé les chercheurs universitaires et translationnels ainsi que les sociétés biopharmaceutiques spécialisés dans les domaines de l’oncologie, de l’immunologie, des neurosciences, entre autres. Carterra est domiciliée à Salt Lake City, dans l’Utah, et exploite des centres d’expérience client situés à San Francisco, Salt Lake City et Boston, ainsi qu’à Manchester, en Angleterre, et à Munich, en Allemagne. Les produits Carterra sont disponibles en Asie-Pacifique et en Océanie par l’intermédiaire de notre distributeur exclusif, Revvity. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site www.carterra-bio.com ou retrouvez-nous sur LinkedIn ou X (Twitter).

Coordonnées Curia :
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

Interlocutrice auprès des médias :
Cheri Salazar
(408) 594-9400

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/020a0a28-86f0-4f6c-96f2-0eaa01c82784

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9115418

Namentenga: 50,174 children aged 0 to 59 months will be vaccinated against polio

50,174 children aged 0 to 59 months, including 45,827 malnourished aged 6 to 59 months, will be vaccinated against poliomyelitis from May 10 to 14, 2024 in Boulsa, capital of the province of Namentenga, in the region of the Center-North, during a vaccination campaign.

The polio vaccination campaign begins from May 10 to 14, 2024 in Boulsa, in the Center-North region.

It concerns 50,174 children aged 0 to 59 months, including 45,827 malnourished aged 6 to 59 months.

According to Dr Josué Ouédraogo, the principle of vaccination is door to door.

According to the head of the CSPS Saint François D’Assise in Boulsa, Sister Véronique Doulé, ‘it is a fixed center and we receive everyone who comes to us’.

With their vaccination team, they take care of administering the polio dose, recording and marking the vaccinated children with indelible ink on the fingers.

The communes of Boala, Dargo, Boulsa and Zéguédéguin make up the Boulsa health district.

Namentenga, given its difficult security and humanitarian conte
xt, benefits from one more day compared to other localities for this national campaign.

Started on May 10, the vaccination campaign will end on May 14, 2024.

Passoré: The technical secretariat of the Single Social Register raises awareness on the process of identifying vulnerable households

The secretary general of the province (SGP) of Passoré, Noélie Béréhoumdougou/Kabore chaired on Tuesday May 7, 2024 in Yako, the work of an information and awareness workshop on the identification process poor and vulnerable households in the urban commune of Yako.

The technical secretariat of the Single Social Register (ST-RSU), in collaboration with the provincial directorate in charge of Passoré Humanitarian Action, plans to identify poor and vulnerable households in the urban commune of Yako, with a view to strengthening its national system of social protection .

With this in mind, the ST-RSU organized on Tuesday April 7, 2024 in Yako, an information and awareness workshop for the benefit of administrative, military and paramilitary authorities, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), resource persons urban communes and customary and religious leaders of said urban commune.

The meeting was a framework for mobilizing stakeholders involved in the implementation of the program and targeting poor and vulnerab
le households in the municipality.

To this end, three communications were delivered to participants. The first communication which was delivered by the Director of the Single Social Register (DRSU), Lucien Ilboudo focused on the institutional system of the Single Social Register (RSU) .

The participants were also informed about the concept of the RSU which constitutes an information system composed of a database of poor and vulnerable households in a country serving as a tool for identifying target populations.

The DRSU also indicated that the Single Social Register aims, among other things, to produce a unique identification code for each poor and vulnerable person, to constitute databases and to make social protection programs more effective and efficient. of the fight against poverty in the 11 urban municipalities concerned by this phase with the aim of covering the national territory.

The second communication focused on targeting methodology. In his presentation, François Guibila equipped the particip
ants on the community approach, in rural areas and especially that of enumeration in urban areas, through surveys of the households concerned.

As for the third delivered by Emmanuel Zongo which describes the communication plan and the management of complaints .

In his presentation, it was about strengthening internal and external communication, awareness-raising, training of stakeholders as well as the dissemination of messages on the targeting operation.

The discussions were very much appreciated by the participants . Like Adama Sawadogo who stressed that the meeting will allow him to really touch the realities of households, through the questionnaires of the interviewers.

The secretary general of the Passoré province Noélie Béréhoumdougou/Kabore thanked the technical and financial partners for their support for the success of the activity.

‘I urge participants to remain hopeful for the return of peace and for every household to be an ambassador of the RSU,’ she maintained.

Ms. Béréhoumdougou invited t
he participants to relay the information to the communities they represented and to collaborate with the investigating agents deployed for the cause.

Cross-border transhumance: A multi-actor innovation platform set up in the Hauts-Bassins

The Association for the Promotion of Livestock in the Sahel and Savanna (APESS) is organizing a workshop in Bobo-Dioulasso from May 7 to 10, 2024. This workshop served as a framework to lay the foundations of a multi-actor innovation platform for natural resource management and conflict prevention (PI-GRN) in the Hauts-Bassins.

The Hauts-Bassins region now has a multi-actor innovation platform for natural resource management and conflict prevention (PI-GRN). The establishment of this structure took place in Bobo-Dioulasso during a workshop organized by the Association for the Promotion of Livestock in the Sahel and Savanna (APESS) from May 7 to 10, 2024. This implementation place comes after those of PI-GRN of Korhogo in Ivory Coast, Sikasso, Bougouni and Koutiala in Mali, and the Cascades region in Burkina Faso.

The opening ceremony of the workshop was chaired by the High Commissioner of the Tuy province, Issiaka Segda, who represented the governor of Hauts-Bassins. The 4 days of work, according to him, s
hould allow, among other things, to validate the basic data collected, to set up the IP-GRN of Hauts-Bassins, and to develop an action plan for the new IP -GRN.

He began by emphasizing that despite their importance in the economy and their significant contribution to the dynamics of regional integration, mobile livestock systems are currently faced with increasing factors of vulnerability. ‘Cross-border transhumance is associated with issues such as the carrying of weapons of war, the rape of women, theft of cattle and the resurgence of banditry ,’ he said.

A situation which, according to Issiaka Segda, contributes to creating a feeling of distrust between transhumants and farmers but also between different communities. For the representative of the governor, the establishment of a regional dialogue, respect and implementation of legislative and regulatory texts, are an alternative for the eradication of violent conflicts linked to the use of natural resources in the areas of cross-border transhumance.

RNs, Issiaka Segda continued, are not just places for discussion, they also create opportunities for stakeholders to test solutions to common problems. For the president of APESS, Ahmadou Dicko, also Emir of Baraboulé, the objective is to achieve a general assembly between all the actors of the PI-GRN.

‘We have problems between farmers and breeders combined with insecurity’ ,’ admitted the first head of APESS. It should be noted that this dynamic is supported by partners such as the Peaceful Cross-Border Pastoral Mobility and Social Stability in the Sahel (MOPSS) program and the Regional Project to Support Pastoralism in the Sahel (PRAPS).

Nahouri/Sport and culture at primary school: Badongo school wins the trophy

The Basic Education District (CEB) of Pô, closed its sporting and cultural activities , 2024 edition, on May 8 with the grand football final. It was the Badongo school which won the final by 4 shots on goal against 3, against that of Pô Commando.

Placed under the theme ‘Sport, culture and mobilization of youth for the defense of the homeland’, the cultural and sporting activities of the Basic Education District of Pô, which began in November 2023, had their epilogue on Saturday 8 May 2024 with the final in football, athletics and cultural activities.

57 primary schools in the district took part in these different activities.

According to the Head of the basic education district of Pô, Marcel Yogo, the children competed for five months in a spirit of brotherhood and fair play around activities among others, such as football, athletics, traditional dance and modern ballet.

He indicated that during the competition, students and education stakeholders were made aware of the theme of publishing and respect fo
r state symbols, especially the flag which is the identity of all Burkinabè.

The final pitted the schools of Pô Commando and Badongo against each other.

It was by 4 shots on goal against 3 that the Badongo school won this edition’s trophy.

In addition to the trophy, the victorious school receives an envelope of 35,000 CFA francs, a set of jerseys and a ball.

The Pô-Commando school pockets 25,000 CFA francs, a set of jerseys and a ball. The schools ranked 3rd and 4th were also rewarded.

Those ranked best in athletics, traditional dance, modern ballet, parade in traditional outfits, playback, sketch, drawing and recital received prizes according to genre.

Schools that obtained better results in the CEP exam, 2023 session, were also rewarded.

A minute of silence was observed in memory of the Defense and Security Forces, who fell in defense of the homeland, followed by a parade of all the schools in the district.

In the morning, educational supervisors, teachers and students communicated with the FDS and
VDP around a popular cross country.

These activities were chaired by the president of the special delegation of the commune of Pô, Ilassa Dianda and co-sponsored by the honorable deputy Bouba Yaguibou and the CEO of Guidjara hotel, Faïshal Adi.

Cascades: The winners present their prizes to the Governor

The winners of the Cascades region at the 21st edition of the national culture week presented their prizes to the Governor of the Cascades region, Florent Badabouè BAZIE.

The winning artists and troupes from the Cascades region presented their prizes to the region’s chief executive officer.

According to the Regional Director of Culture, Arts and Tourism, Boukary Malgoubri, the region won awards in several categories.

For Mr. Malgoubri in the culinary art category, it was Catherine Soulama who obtained two special prizes, including a special prize from the fund for cultural and tourist development and a special prize from an economic operator from the great west.

According to him, the region gleaned two prizes in the art and entertainment category, which went to Ibrahim Traoré alias Babandjida who occupies third place for the star of traditional song and the young ballet pool category with the farafina troupe, which also occupies the third place and wins a prize.

The Regional Director of Culture, Arts an
d Tourism, on behalf of the winners, expressed his gratitude to the governor and the administrative authorities of the region for the support they received during the preparations and rehearsals for the 21st edition of the SNC.

The Governor of the Cascades region, Florent Badabouè Bazié, congratulated all the ambassadors for having honored the region by obtaining these awards. He urged all artists and troupes to continue the work and do better to garner more medals for future editions of the SNC.

The first manager of the Cascades region expressed his availability to accompany and support the artists and troupes of the region.

As a reminder, the Cascades region was represented at National Culture Week by 7 artistic ensembles, 2 culinary art specialties and 7 wrestlers.

Kundé 2024 recruitment of VDPs make the headlines of the day

Ouagadougou: The winner of the 2024 edition of the kundé, and the recruitment of new ones (VDP), are making headlines this Friday

‘Amzy, the national Gandaogo, in gold’ is the headline of the state daily Sidwaya.

The newspaper reports that ‘The ceremony was a true celebration of Burkinabè music, with performances by Burkinabè and international artists.

The newspaper of all Burkinabés reports that this year, it was the artist Amzy who won the Golden Kundé, thus succeeding the artist Smarty.

Seizing Amzy’s words, colleague the Observer Paalga reports that the latter affirmed that ‘receiving this golden Kundé is not early’, ‘I have been waiting for years. We’ll meet in two years for the 2nd coronation ‘

The dean of the daily newspapers added to his remarks by saying that ‘just like at Amzy, joy and satisfaction were there at the Kundé general commissioner’

Under another register, Sidwaya displays ‘an authorized recruitment of 2000 police non-commissioned officers’

Reporting the minutes of the council of m
inisters, the state daily indicates that the ministry of security has authorized the recruitment of 2000 reinforcements for the benefit of the National Police, through professional and direct competition, session 2024.

For Sidwaya, the delegate minister in charge of security, Mahamadou Sana, suggested that ‘Police recruitment since 2023 follows a five-year plan 2023-2027’.

And Mahamadou Sana added that the Council authorized the recruitment of 20 police commissioners and 50 police officers, under professional competitions.

On the same subject, the dean of private dailies underlines revealed that “with regard to direct competitions, quotas will be granted to Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP), to Deputy Security Volunteers (VADS ) and to the spouses of the defense and security forces (FDS) who fell on the battlefield.

Ganzourgou: Vaccination campaigns against poliomyelitis and schistosomiasis at the heart of advocacy in Zorgho

In a concerted effort to improve the health of the populations of Ganzourgou province, the Chief Medical Officer of the Zorgho health district, Dr. Delphin Kaboré, led a crucial advocacy on May 8, 2024 in Zorgho. This event brought together administrative authorities, opinion leaders and key players in the region.

The main objective of this meeting was to inform and mobilize participants around two important vaccination and screening campaigns.

The first, a campaign to combat poliomyelitis coupled with malnutrition screening, is planned for the 1st visit from May 10 to 13 and the 2nd visit from June 7 to 10. The second campaign aims to combat schistosomiasis or bilharzia scheduled from May 14 to 19, 2024.

Under the chairmanship of Ms. Aminata Sorgho/Gouba, High Commissioner of the Ganzourgou province, the workshop was a setting for rich exchanges and crucial information. Dr Kaboré highlighted the vital importance of these campaigns and provided details on the targeted diseases, campaign objectives and tar
get populations.

The participants, aware of the urgency of the situation, unanimously expressed their support and their commitment to actively supporting the district in raising awareness among the populations. Recognizing the importance of everyone’s role in the success of these initiatives, they are committed to widely disseminating information and encouraging the participation of their respective communities.

In her closing remarks, Ms. Sorgho/Gouba expressed her gratitude to all stakeholders for their exemplary mobilization. She said the need for collective action to guarantee the success of these campaigns and to sustainably improve the health of the populations of the province.

Burkina: Scientists reflect on occupational health and safety linked to climate change

Ouagadougou: Scientists discussed on Friday the impact of climate change on health and safety at work, during the first Scientific Day of the Burkinabè Society of Occupational Medicine (SOBUMET) “for prevention of occupational risks.

According to the representative of the Minister in charge of Health, the Secretary General, Dr Issa Ouédraogo, this day will address a crucial issue which is that of the impact of climate change on health and safety at work.

‘We are all witnesses, if not even victims, affected because we have recently seen heat waves which have a significant impact on the performance of workers, on the health of workers. You can faint at work, or even lose your immunity and be exposed to several diseases,’ he said.

Ouédraogo spoke on Friday in Ouagadougou, during the 1st scientific day of the Burkinabè Society of Occupational Medicine (SOBUMET) under the central theme: ‘Climate change and safety and health at work’.

He recalled that Burkina Faso has experienced floods and droughts in recent y
ears which are the consequences of climate change.

‘I would like here, beyond what the State has undertaken as actions to further protect the environment, to invite each of us to be much more responsible towards the environment and to carry out actions for its protection,’ added the Secretary General.

For the president of the Organizing Committee, Dr Narcisse Oubda, SOBUMET organized this scientific day on current themes such as the impact of climate change on health and safety at work.

‘We are going to reflect on the sub-theme of safety and health at work in high-risk sectors and these sectors have already been defined at the International Labor Organization which are, among others, the agricultural sector, extractive industry, manufacturing and health services and also in the informal sector,’ said Dr Oubda.

According to him, the scientific day will allow the various stakeholders and the academic world to reflect in order to make concrete proposals which will be transmitted to the authorities at the nat
ional and pan-African level.

The president of the Organizing Committee also specified that the solutions will be distributed to employers and workers so that they can be implemented.

In terms of advice, Dr Narcisse Oubda asked the various workers to protect themselves against the sun’s rays with all local means by dressing lightly to allow the skin to breathe and also to hydrate by drinking. enough water.

‘Burkina Faso is facing significant challenges linked to climate change and directly attacks the health and well-being of workers and therefore the competitiveness of our businesses,’ added the representative of sponsor Idrissa Nassa, Dr Désiré Nacoulma.

It is appropriate for scientists, through SOBUMET, to look into the issue to propose concrete solutions to this problem for the well-being of workers and employers.

‘The statistics on the impact of climate change on workers are worrying,’ lamented Dr Désiré Nacoulma.

The representative of the sponsor recalled that the nature and number of professional
risks incurred by workers on a daily basis provide a barometer of the health situation in companies.

In his opinion, this situation affects productivity and good collaboration between employers and workers while preventing the development of businesses.

‘The Burkinabè employers, through its 74 member groups and associations and its 5,000 companies, are sensitive to these issues affecting workers in the formal and informal sectors and remain actively engaged in the search for solutions,’ indicated the representative of the sponsor.

This year, the whole world celebrated occupational risk prevention day on the theme: Impact of climate change on health and safety at work.

On the sidelines of this world day, the commemoration of prevention day in Africa will take place within the framework of the 28th Days for the Prevention of Occupational Risks (JAPRP), which intends to address specific issues linked to our socio-economic realities. economic.

Burkina Faso intends to contribute, like other African countries,
to the implementation of concerted action to prevent and mitigate occupational risks, on the occasion of African Prevention Month in April and 28th Occupational Risk Prevention Days (JAPRP).

The very 1st Technical Secretary of the Land Coordination Authority sets up for more transparency of state acts

Ouagadougou: The Secretary General of the Presidency of Faso, Dr Zakaria Soré installed, Friday morning, the Technical Secretary of the National Land Coordination Authority (ANCF), Sibiri Hebié.

Appointed by the Council of Ministers on April 11, Mr. Hébié is the very first person responsible for the new structure created by decree on March 14, 2024, with the main mission of coordinating the management of the state, land and cadastral chain of our country. .

Organized around an Orientation and Monitoring Council, and a technical secretariat, the ANCF is the translation of the desire of the authorities of our country to work for more transparency in the management of state documents and for the clearance of land liabilities.

The priority of the new technical secretary is to boost the land digitalization processes underway at the level of sectoral ministries. ‘It will be a matter of coordinating them in order to find a single platform dedicated not only to the authorities but also to the public (…) My hobby h
orse is to strengthen digitalization, dematerialize all state and land procedures,’ explained the technical secretary of the ANCF.

To do this, the ANCF intends to challenge the various structures in charge of land on their real missions, and in a concerted manner, work to clean up land management in Burkina Faso. The purpose of this land security process will be the establishment of a land chip.

‘The land chip will have the effect of reducing land conflicts, effectively combating the phenomenon of land grabbing, ensuring the full effectiveness of real property rights and optimizing the mobilization of sovereign revenues for the benefit of government budgets. “State and local authorities”, underlined Mr. Sibiri Hébie.

The Secretary General of the Presidency of Faso, Dr Zakaria Soré invited the technical secretary of the ANCF, as a pioneer at the head of this new structure, to chart the path for effective land management in our country. He has already reassured Mr. Hébie of the support of all the staff of th
e Presidency of Faso in the conduct of his mission.

A structure attached to the Presidency of Faso, the ANCF assumes, among other missions, those of the fight against the irregular change of destination of plots, the fight against corruption and money laundering in the land and state sector, the updating provision of graphic and literal information on the dedicated platform

Burkina / Media: The new DGACM promises to work efficiently

Ouagadougou: The new Deputy Director General of Communication and Media (DGACM), Alban Kini, affirmed Friday, during his official installation that he is not coming to invent the wheel but to make his contribution » to effectively meet the challenges facing its management.

‘We are not here to invent the wheel. The furrows are already traced by our predecessors. We come to make our contribution,’ declared the new Deputy Director General of Communication and Media (DGACM), Alban Kini.

Mr. Kini expressed his gratitude to the authorities for the trust placed in his modest person and reassured them to deal effectively with the files entrusted to him.

The former director of the Burkina Faso Information Agency spoke on Friday in Ouagadougou, during his official installation by the secretary general of the ministry in charge of Communication, Fidèle Tamini.

Convinced that there is no solitary victory, he requested the support of all his colleagues to meet the challenges.

As a reminder, Alban Kini, advisor in inf
ormation and communication sciences and techniques, was appointed by the Council of Ministers on April 25, 2024 as DGACM.

He succeeds Yirmalè Fréderic Somé in this position, promoted to general director of communications and media.

Royal Navy Intercepts 133 Would-be Irregular Migrants Southwest of Tan-Tan

A Royal Navy unit intercepted, on Friday 85 km southwest of Tan-Tan, an inflatable boat carrying 52 would-be irregular migrants, including 29 Sub-Saharans, 17 Moroccans and 06 Asians.

On the same day, members of the Royal Armed Forces in charge of coastal surveillance aborted two attempts at irregular migration south-west of Tan-Tan, involving 77 sub-Saharans, 02 Asians and 02 Moroccans, according to a press release from the General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces.

All 133 candidates, who had intended to reach the Canary Islands, were given first aid treatment before being handed over to the Royal Gendarmerie for the usual administrative procedures, the same source added.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Senegal’s Consul General in Dakhla Formally Denies Reports of Senegalese Migrants Stranded in Moroccan Desert

The Consul General of Senegal in Dakhla, Babou Sène, has formally denied the information circulating on social networks and taken up by certain media according to which Senegalese would-be migrants are stranded in the Moroccan desert.

‘This is unfounded information that I formally deny,’ Sène told MAP on Friday, stressing that ‘the Senegalese authorities are aware that there is a lot of manipulation on social networks’.

The Senegalese would-be migrants, who are usually rescued by the Royal Navy, ‘are always accommodated in reception centers in Dakhla and not in tents in the desert’, he stressed.

The Senegalese Consulate General in Dakhla is informed by the Moroccan authorities as soon as a pirogue is rescued by the Royal Navy, and immediately dispatches a team to the site to observe the living conditions of irregular would-be migrants, he noted.

‘Senegalese are very well received in Morocco,’ said the Senegalese Consul General in Dakhla.

The diplomat praised, in this regard, the efforts made by the Moro
ccan authorities to welcome in “good conditions” migrants from sub-Saharan African countries in general and Senegal in particular, noting that last year alone, over 300 Senegalese were hospitalized in Dakhla for a period ranging from 3 days to two months at the expense of the Moroccan authorities.

Sène also commended the reception and living conditions of Senegalese nationals in Morocco, noting that thousands of his fellow citizens live in the Kingdom in excellent conditions, with residence permits and decent jobs.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse