13 tourists evacuated when bus stuck between Wadi al-Khashab and Wadi al-Araj in Qasr Ghilan area

Kebili: The Rescue units of the Local Administration for Civil Protection, in coordination with the National Army and the National Guard, Friday evening, evacuated 13 tourists of various nationalities riding a tourist bus which was stuck between Wadi al-Khashab and Wadi al-Araj in the Qasr Ghilan area in the North Delegation of Douz. The incident occurred due to the rise in the water levels of these two valleys as a result of significant rainfalls, Local Director of Civil Protection, Seifeddine Dakhlaoui told TAP local correspondent.

«All tourists are safe,» the same source said, adding that some of them were taken to the Qasr Ghilan area while others were transported to the city of Douz in coordination with their travel agencies.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Boulgou/Ramadan Prayer: The faithful urged to tolerance and forgiveness.

The Muslim faithful in the town of Bittou celebrated the Ramadan festival on Wednesday April 10, 2024 in several prayer sites in Bittou , where messages of tolerance and forgiveness were conveyed.

Like other localities in the Center- East region, the populations of the town of Bittou celebrated Ramadan , on Wednesday April 10, 2024 , in the various prayer sites in the town of Bittou .

From 7 am , Muslim faithful from the Sunni community of Bittou converged at the Bittou municipal stadium .

Iman Ali Ker e , in his sermon asked the faithful to be tolerant towards each other, to give to each other, to avoid corruption.

He also urged themto avoid being recruited by terrorist groups.

After the blessings of Iman , the faithful Muslim gathered at their homes to continue the celebration in peace and sobriety .

Any faithful who arrived to perform prayers were carefully searched by detection devices to prevent any possible situation.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Bazèga: Regional citizen monitoring calls on the populations of the Center-South to mobilize

The regional coordination office of associationsCitizen monitoring organizations from the Center-South were in front of the press this Thursday, April 11, 2024 in Kombissiri to give their reading of the national situation and call for general mobilization to support the Transition.

After its establishment on March 21, 2024, the regional coordination of citizen monitoring associations in the Center-South organized a press conference on Thursday April 11, 2024 in Kombissiri in the province of Bazèga . In front of the press, in the presence of members of the various citizen monitoring associations of Bazèga who were highly mobilized, the regional coordination of the Center-South gave its reading of the national situation.

At the head of this regional coordination, Dominique Dipama , recalled the events which led to the advent of MPSR 2 (Patriotic Movement for Safeguarding and Restoration) which took place on September 30, 2022 with Captain Ibrahim Traoré at his head. , President of the Transition.

For Mr. Di
pama , this press conference is being held in a context of fierce struggle of the Burkinabè people for the reconquest of the entire national territory, for true independence and for development.

According to him, the strong mobilization recorded since September 30, 2022, the massive registrations in the ranks of the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) to support the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) , the voluntary contributions for supporting the peace effort, are illustrative examples.

The mobilization around MPSR 2 is increasing and is due to the fact that it embodies hope and rediscovered dignity, indicated the regional coordinator.

‹‹The arrival of the MPSR 2 to power further established the expression of our sovereignty through the free and assumed choice of our partners, which favored, thanks to the efforts of the Burkinabè, the acquisition of arms and equipment in quality and quantity in favor of our army,’ he stressed.

At this meeting in Kombissiri , Dominique Dipama and his comrad
es invited the Burkinabè to continue to trust the Transition and to get rid of unnecessary poisonings and attacks. The regional coordination of the Center-South says it condemns and warns any person or political organization that attempts to take part in any destabilization enterprise . For him , awareness-raising activities in support of the Transition in the Center-South region are planned for the coming days with the organization of a mega regional meeting in mind. The meeting with the press in Kombissiri was an opportunity for the citizen monitoring associations of Bazèga to pay tribute to the FDS and VDP.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Defense: Guémilatou Tiemtoré invites secretaries to be at the cutting edge of technology

Ouagadougou: the candidate, Guémilatou Tiemtoré, invited public administration secretaries to be at ‘the cutting edge of digital technology’ to increase their performance and facilitate the execution of their tasks, in his thesis with a view to obtaining the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS).

Madame Guémilatou Tiemtoré defended her thesis on Friday with a view to obtaining the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) at ESCO-IGES under the theme ‘Executive Secretary in the era of digital transformation: case of Editions Sidwaya’.

‘I noticed with the advent of technology that everything is digital these days, hence the choice of this theme. And it is therefore important for a secretary to be at the cutting edge of technology,’ argued Guémilatou Tiemtoré.

Ms. Tiemtoré also believes that executive secretaries can play a crucial role in organizational success by effectively supporting management and contributing to operational efficiency.

She also admitted that her internship at Editions Sidwaya taught her per
severance, versatility and efficiency.

‘The internship we did at Editions Sidwaya gave us clear confirmation that theory and practice are not necessarily similar but rather complementary,’ she confided.

At the end of the presentation, the jury judged the document valid and awarded it a score of 16/20.

Ms. Tiemtoré, previously secretary in the Finance and Accounting Department at Éditions Sidwaya, intends to use her new skills for the benefit of the public press group in Burkina Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina/PAMEF: graduating class of 54 microfinance experts

Ouagadougou: 54 new microfinance experts trained by the Support Program for the Mobilization of Savings in the Francophonie (PAMEF) received, Friday, their parchments with the baptismal name ‘La Renaissance’.

According to the Technical Secretary for the Promotion of Financial Inclusion, Lin Hien, ‘the promotion of financial inclusion among our populations and small and medium-sized enterprises cannot be a reality if the structures do not have highly qualified human resources. and mastering the art of microfinance’.

He invited them to take advantage of the extensive knowledge that was made available to them during the training.

Lin Hien spoke on Friday, in Ouagadougou, during the graduation ceremony of the 15th class of the Support Program for the Mobilization of Savings in the Francophonie (PAMEF) with the baptismal name ‘La Renaissance’.

He indicated that the promotion of financial inclusion among our populations and small and medium-sized businesses cannot be a reality if the structures do not have high
ly qualified human resources who have mastered the art of microfinance.

‘This is why I truly appreciate the contents of the training modules offered by PAMEF, which are very good,’ continued Mr. Hien.

The Technical Secretary was delighted to be able to count on PAMEF to perpetuate the ambition of providing a more professional framework to the world of inclusive finance in our country.

Lin Hien recalled that microfinance continues to play the leading role in endogenous development through its proximity to the vulnerable population, as a catalyst for financial inclusion, poverty reduction, job creation and added value.

For him, it is one of the pillars of financial inclusion alongside the banking sector, the insurance sector, and the currency issuer sector.

The General Director of the Burkina Faso Credit Union Network (RCPB), also sponsor of the promotion, Azaratou Sondo/Nignan, noted that since 2000, her institution has opted for the professionalization of actors, particularly employees and administrators
. .

‘To this end, a policy focused on capacity building has been put in place through the organization of continuing training, qualifying with partners including the Professional Association of Decentralized Financial Systems,’ she mentioned.

She explained that the RCPB is a cooperative savings and credit movement spread throughout Burkina Faso and its mission is to contribute to improving the living conditions of populations excluded from the traditional financial system.

Ms. Sondo also presented her structure as being one of the most important structures in the landscape of decentralized financial systems in Burkina and also in the UEMOA area.

‘Today we are gathered to celebrate your success in acquiring expertise in microfinance management,’ said the Director General of RCPB.

She invited her mentees to apply the knowledge acquired to better ensure the offering of products and services adapted to customer needs.

The Rector of the African University for Cooperative Development (UADC), Barthélémy Biao,
congratulated the PAMEF management team for having mobilized 54 learners in a first class, after 10 years of lethargy.

‘I hope there was added value that will be useful to them in the various positions they will occupy,’ said Mr. Biao.

The class delegate, Marcel Do, expressed his recognition for the quality training and the diploma received, which for him are the symbol of personal accomplishment.

On behalf of the applicants, he asked the general director of the RCPB to promote and entrust major responsibilities to the RCPB students from the promotion.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Mouhoun: Regional Coordination reaffirms its support for the Transition

The National Coordination of Citizen Watch Associations (CNAVC), Boucle du Mouhoun section organized a press conference on Thursday April 11 , 2024 in Dédougou, in order to reaffirm their commitment to supporting the authorities of the transition .

It was with the national anthem sung in chorus followed by a minute of silence in memory of the fighting forces who fell with weapons in their hands that the press conference began on Thursday April 11, 2024 in Dédougou.

The press conference initiated by the National Coordination of Citizen Watch Associations (CNAVC), Boucle du Mouhoun section, aimed to reaffirm their commitment to supporting the multiple and multifaceted actions initiated by the Transition authorities for the liberation of the national territory and promote endogenous development through APEC.

The speakers congratulated President Ibrahim Traoré and his government for the clear vision of making Burkina Faso a sovereign country where it is first and foremost the interest of the country that coun

‘In the dynamic of ongoing political and economic reforms, the Coordination is committed to and encourages President Ibrahim Traoré and the government to continue the struggle for the liberation of the entire territory of our country ,’ said Diapoba Tiao .

He then clarified that the fight initiated by the Heads of State of the AES cannot be interrupted by any ECOWAS calendar which is not concerned with our security situation but rather with the organization of elections.

Likewise, Diapoba Tiao stressed that regional coordination encourages the Transition authorities to continue the offensive to reconquer the territory and completely overhaul the country’s governance system.

‘For us, there is no question of organizing elections until the country is free from the forces of evil. We hope and invite President Ibrahim Traoré to continue the work so well begun to free the country from the yoke of imperialism,’ he maintained.

While recognizing the work done by our fighting forces for the reconquest of the t
erritory, the regional coordination of the Boucle du Mouhoun of the CNAVC praised the resettlement of several villages in the region.

‘Our region is the breadbasket of Burkina. With the agropastoral and fishing offensive , we see that Burkinabè is able to feed Burkinabè. This is why we strongly support the APEC initiative and the construction of numerous factories for the processing of our products,’ he concluded.

For the Regional Coordinator of the Boucle du Mouhoun of the CNAVC, Salimatou Compaoré, concrete actions have been carried out through the multiplication of support movements, marches in support of the Transition, citizen monitoring organized in several cities of the country.

‘All its activities are organized thanks to the support of people of goodwill who find that the fight is real and that synergy of action is needed,’ continued Ms. Compaoré .

The CNAVC is the national umbrella which defends and carries the ideals of the Transition authorities.

It ensures citizen monitoring and defends the i
nterests of peace-loving Burkinabè in the face of the war which was imposed on the country by imperialism and its local lackeys.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina/Patriotic Commitment Day: A farmer hands over 1000 baobab plants to the government

Ouagadougou: The farmer, promoter of an orchard with 35,000 baobab plants planted, Salifou Ouédraogo, handed over 1,000 baobab plants to the government on Tuesday to ‘mark his patriotic commitment to a green Burkina Faso’.

‘I am happy with the institution of patriotic commitment days. I am especially happy with the reforestation decreed by the government on this occasion. Also, I handed over 1000 baobab plants to encourage the government in this effort,’ said environmental defender Salifou Ouédraogo.

He spoke Tuesday in Ouagadougou on the occasion of the closing of the days of patriotic commitment and citizen participation.

For Mr. Ouédraogo, the government’s invitation to plant trees will help contribute to a green Burkina, for food self-sufficiency, for future generations.

El hadj Salifou Ouédraogo is a farmer operating nearly 100 hectares of baobabs in Burkina. It totals 35,000 baobabs planted, the result of 56 years of effort and perseverance.

Salifou Ouédraogo is also the winner of the Kuuri d’or En
vironnement at the 7th edition of the International Agricultural and Livestock Show (SIAEL).

Source: Burkina Information Agency

“Rise in femicides shows inability of authorities to prevent them” Aswat Nissa organization

Tunis: The Tunisian Women’s Voices organization (Aswat Nissa) underlined that the rise in femicides in recent years shows the inability of relevant bodies and authorities to assess the threats women face and take necessary measures to protect them.

In a statement released on Friday, the organization said that 7 femicides were recorded from early January 2024 to April 12, stressing that this report is the result of the State’s continued indifference to the current situation despite the alarming results recorded in 2023 during which 25 femicides were reported, or an average of nearly two women killed every month.

According to Aswat Nissa, this phenomenon creates chaos in society and gives rise to a persistent feeling of insecurity among women for fear of being subjected to femicide.

The organization denounced «the State’s silence» which exacerbates the situation in the country in addition to its failure to take strict measures against the perpetrators as well as the lack of effective implementation of Law No
. 58 of 2017 related to combating violence against women.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President Saied calls for completing restoration of Menzah Olympic Stadium

Tunis: President of the Republic Kais Saied stressed during his meeting, Friday afternoon, at Carthage Palace, with Public Works and Housing and aacting Minister of Transport Sarra Zaafrani Zanzari, to hasten the completion of several infrastructure projects across the country.

He pointed out that «they were not carried out because of the legislative framework which is no longer appropriate or because some parties seek to disrupt or delay their implementation.»

On the other hand, the Head of State discussed with the minister the restoration project of Menzah Olympic Stadium, within the framework of a cooperation programme between Tunisia and China.

«Neglecting sports facilities for a long period is unacceptable,» he indicated, adding that «no maintenance has been carried out for over a decade as it is the case with the Municipal Swimming Pool of Belvedere and other facilities.»

The project of completing the road linking Majel Bel Abbes and Umm Al-Qassab was also discussed during the meeting.

The Presiden
t of the Republic reiterated the need to increase the number of public means of transportation for citizens so that they can move comfortably.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Burkina: the town of Djibo supplied

A supply convoy, including basic necessities, arrived on Thursday April 11, 2024 in Djibo to the happiness of the populations.

The population welcomed the FDS with cheers and slogans to magnify their bravery.

On March 26, 2024, the Forces vives de Djibo organized a march in support of the Transition and at the same time, requested a supply convoy.

This convoy comes to relieve the populations who have just left a month of Ramadan during which basic necessities were in short supply.

The Soum transporters’ union expressed its gratitude to the Transition authorities, the FDS and VDP who worked for supplies.

While waiting for the situation to normalize, the population is asking for convoys to take place every month.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gourma: The regional coordination of the patriotic citizen watch of the East denounces the manipulations against the Transition

The regional coordination of the patriotic citizen watch of the East organized a press conference to denounce the manipulations aimed at derailing the Transition on the path to territorial reconquest.

The secretary general of the citizen watch of Fada N’Gourma, Moumouni Yougbaré, underlined the achievements made in a period of time by the power of Captain Ibrahim Traoré for the happiness of the Burkinabè. Thus, in view of the commitment of these leaders to bring our country out of the abyss into which it has been plunged for several years because of bad governance, the regional coordination of the patriotic citizen watch of the East, through this conference of press, want to prove that those who are against the people are seriously mistaken.

Citizen watch has condemned with the utmost energy the reception and accommodation in a neighboring country of children from Burkina Faso, with a view to destabilizing the motherland. Media people want to know what citizen monitoring is doing at the local level to supp
ort the efforts of the President of Faso in his policies. To this concern of journalists, Mr. Yougbaré declared that the day before Fada N’Gourma was the first to have mobilized 500 thousand francs for the peace effort.

She also offered food and clothing worth one million to widows and orphans of the auxiliary security forces (VDP) from their own contributions in the run-up to the major holidays.

He added that they donated 40 blood bags for the injured fighters. ‘Wayyignans don’t just sit at roundabouts. We are present in various sectors to unmask the enemies of the people, said Mr. Yougbaré.

Regarding what citizen monitoring does when areas with strong security challenges issue cries of distress, Mr. Yougbaré specified that during these moments, they do not sleep and work discreetly to find adequate solutions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kossi: The patriotic watch movement of Faso advocates unity of action in support of the Transition

The office of the provincial section of the Patriotic Watch Movement of Faso, organized this Thursday, April 11, 2024 in Nouna, a press conference to provide support for the Transition through unity of action.

The first official outing of the patriotic watch movement of Faso, provincial section of Kossi, brought together media people on Thursday April 11, 2024 in Nouna.

The president of the Faso Patriotic Watch Movement (MVPF), Ibrahim Coulibaly, presented the provincial office made up of ten members and gave the conditions for individual and collective membership in the movement.

He placed public opinion on the apolitical nature of the movement which is a civil society organization and clarified that the movement is not a trade union organization.

Asked why the patriotic watch movement in Faso, he underlined that like other localities in Burkina, the Boucle du Mouhoun and particularly Kossi remained too wait-and-see with organizations supporting the transition.

‘To fill this void, the MVPF was created
to express the voice of the sons and daughters of the Boucle du Mouhoun region,’ he said.

For him, the transition under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim Traoré works tirelessly for the happiness of the populations through very significant achievements.

These include, among other things, the reduction of prices for health care, the construction of tomato factories and gold refineries, without forgetting the operationalization of fighting forces through the acquisition of equipment, the rehabilitation of Bobo airport and especially the creation of the alliance of Sahel states (AES). All this helps to guarantee our people their true independence.

Based on this observation, Ibrahim Coulibaly invited the daughters and sons of Kossi to unite to provide their full support for the transition.

The patriotic watch movement of Faso has made approaches and will do more with associations and umbrella organizations, as evidenced by citizen participation and the patriotic commitment initiated by the administrative auth
orities of Kossi as part of a public health day.

The Patriotic Coalition of Kossi (COPAKO), the Provincial Youth Council (CPJ), the Patriotic Watch Movement of Faso and the Association of Women Sweepers participated in this day.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Presentation of a project to facilitate access to justice for inmates in seven prisons

Ouagadougou: The Center for the Quality of Law and Justice (CQDC) has been implementing the ‘access to justice for people in detention’ project since February 2024, which aims to facilitate the access to justice for residents of seven prisons in Burkina Faso, the AIB learned on Friday.

‘The ‘Access to justice for people in detention’ project aims to facilitate access to justice for people in detention in seven remand and correction centers in Burkina Faso, namely Banfora, Fada N’Gourma, Ouahigouya, Ouagadougou, Koudougou, Bobo Dioulasso and Kaya ,’ explained project manager Abel Kafando on Friday during an appropriation workshop in Ouagadougou.

According to Mr. Kafando, this 23-month project which began in February 2024, takes place in a context of overcrowding in penitentiary establishments with an occupancy rate of 160.1% or 8,369 inmates for a capacity of total reception of 5,228 people.

‘The most worrying occupancy rates are observed in the remand and correction centers of Koudougou, Banfora, Ouagadoug
ou, Fada N’Gourma, Kaya, Dédougou and Bobo-Dioulasso which have a total of 4,335 prisoners, ie 51.7% of the prison population,’ said Mr. Kafando.

For him, this overpopulation does not promote ideal conditions for the protection of prisoners.

Project manager Abel Kafando underlines that the CQDJ will initially involve intervening directly with the litigants who are the detainees, by providing them with legal assistance and legal assistance through legal clinics run by prison lawyers trained in the subject.

‘Secondly, it is the intervention on the judicial actors which will consist of working with the actors to diagnose the difficulties so that the challenges which are common to all can be met,’ added Mr. Kafando.

The representative of the Minister in charge of Justice, Geoffroy Yogo, continued that in addition to overcrowding, there are precarious detention conditions combined with the lack of knowledge by detainees of their fundamental rights, thus constituting obstacles to the effective protection of the
se rights.

For Mr. Yogo, the involvement of judicial and penitentiary actors in the frameworks of reflection and exchange will make it possible to identify the bottlenecks in the legal and judicial care of prisoners and to identify possible solutions. .

He continued that these solutions will be structuring not only for the benefit of prisoners but also will contribute to improving the quality of services provided by actors in the penal and penitentiary chain.

In his presentation of the project, Mr. Kafando added that the project will also consist of the organization of a workshop which will focus on the promotion of alternative measures to detention.

‘These alternative measures constitute a major axis of the penal policy desired by the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré,’ said Mr. Yogo.

He also returned to the interview of February 2, 2023 with Captain Ibrahim Traoré in which he wanted the sentences of people in prisons, except dangerous criminals, to be transformed into community service.

to the Minister’s representative, this initiative responds to strategic axes 1 and 2 of the ‘Justice and Human Rights’ sectoral policy.

‘This policy requires that by 2027, access to justice as a fundamental right enshrined in national and international legal instruments will be a reality for all litigants.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors Sosthène Sidwaya Ouédraogo recalled that the CDQJ’s mission is to make the law an instrument of social change and has been intervening since 2015 in the prison environment.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kénédougou/Ramadan 2024: The Muslim community invited to focus their actions for a return to peace

The Muslim faithful of the commune of Orodara celebrated on Wednesday April 10, 2024, the festival of Eid El Fitr marking the end of the Muslim fast. The High Commissioner of the Kénédougou province, Saïdou Sakira, invited them to focus their prayers and actions for a return to peace and social cohesion in Burkina Faso.

It was after a rain that the Muslim community of Orodara prayed on the site of the Madrasa school on the occasion of the festival of Ramadan, Wednesday April 10, 2024.

The High Commissioner of the Kénédougou province, Saïdou Sakira, present alongside them, invited them to focus their prayers and their actions for a return to peace and social cohesion in Burkina Faso.

In the orchard city, the great prayer was officiated by the great Imam of Orodara, Sékou Sangaré.

Source: Burkina Information Agency